The bible says he is a jealous god. He does not give us true choice. Freedom of will is something we all have, like freedom of education and freedom of religion.
To threaten someone, as so many religions do, is not a choice but a threat.
Many early churches used the same sort of tactic used in their bible: believe our way or we will take over your country and kill all non-believers. They even did it in America; look at the Native Americans and the Witch Hunts. Even the Chinese who first came here were killed and persecuted because they weren't Christian. But, then again, there has been fighting between Christian sects all along too. Look at the history of Irish Catholics and Irish Protestants.
If a religion can not get along within their own sects how can they profess to teach love and tolerance...they don't and neither does their god.
Educate yourself! The one true phrase in the bible I agree with is: "The Truth will set you Free!" Guess what, it does. You learn to be responsible only for yourself without the guilt and shackles of religion. You learn that Christians aren't the only ones who have a handle on morality and kindness. You learn what is real and what is myth. And you can decide for yourself what to believe without the restraints of threats.
2007-01-22 03:56:14
answer #1
answered by Nepetarias 6
When mankind was created, the world was perfect. A paradise. God and man communed together. Then we messed everything up. We did the same thing that Satan did - we thought we knew better than God.
We were granted a great gift - freedom, the ability to choose. But instead of choosing the things that were good for us, we chose to rebel. Now as a good parent, God made it very clear that the rules that govern us are for our own good and if we choose to ignore them, there will be consequences.
The consequence of our disobedience to God is spiritual death - we can no longer live in a relationship with Him. But God loves us so much, He also provided a way to come back into relationship with Him - through Christ Jesus.
Are the consequences of disbelief and turning our backs on God great - yes they are. We as humans deal out consequences for ill behavior - and some of them are very drastic. Incarceration and separation from our loved ones - or even death. If there were no clear choice, then we would not be able to have a very clear decision to make.
No it is up to you. God is not a bully, but He is God - He is the supreme Judge. He is the King. It is His rules that we must follow. But He does love you and gives you choices - choose as you will.
2007-01-22 04:08:34
answer #2
answered by padwinlearner 5
Choice means acting when there is nothing pulling us toward the article or repelling us from it,and our actions are solely dependent on our own initiative.In ordinary matters our decisions are either made on the basis of our instincts,our feelings, or our rational decisions.It is called logic.But God is God,He does not conform to what we understand as logical,or confine Himself to such. Of, course He created a major part of the world logical,conforming to an order& pattern that man can understand.In order to emphasize that it is His world, God made one element of the world, Man, like He is, above logic,able to choose and do whatever he desires.
Man can on his own initiate do anything he desires,no one can prevent him from doing good or evil. It is with Spiritual matters,where man has a choice. Man was given the choice to manifest God's essence within the world through his choice.Or not.
When one chooses to act even though he is not motivated emotionally or intellectually, what will his motivation be? It is obvious, if there is no motivation from the outside, the motivation will be coming from the inside,from the depths of the person's being. Who he really is and what he really wants will be expressed. Please reconsider your choice in another Light
2007-01-22 05:29:53
answer #3
answered by Faith walker 4
May not be exactly the answer you're looking for, yet consider Adam and Eve and know first that He is a God of love.
1 John 4:8; Ps. 37:28; Duet. 32:4 You'll find it was not God's will for Adam to sin; he warned Adam against it.
God did allow Adam, as he does us, the freedom to choose what he would do. Perfection did not rule out the exercise of free will to disobey. Adam chose to rebel against God, despite the warning that death would result. See Gen 1:28; 2:16, 17 purpose
2007-01-22 03:54:09
answer #4
answered by chasesophiak 1
Clearly, your analogy is flawed as often humans choose paths which lead to self destruction.
But think of it more this way....every parent set limits for his or her children, mostly so they don't get hurt. The child will often (always) do exactly what the parent tells him not to do. It is much the same with the human relationship with God. God tells us what we should do and what we shouldn't do and also tells us the rewards and punishments for our decisions. The choices we make are clear. Why blame God for your bad choices?
2007-01-22 04:08:33
answer #5
answered by mzJakes 7
God gives us a choice on a daily basis. He gives us the option of a blessing or a curse. He will not threaten us or demand anything from us. He wants us to willingly choose a blessing. God wants us to love Him and revere Him.
If you didn't listen to your dad as a child you got some sort of discipline from him. Right? It is no different with God. He will never lead down a wrong path or force you into obedience. It is your decision. After all, we have free will.
Just as your parents want only the best for you, they will not force you to listen. They explain the benefits of listening and the drawbacks of disobedience.
How do you want to live your life? Do you want blessings that you cannot contain? Or do you want a life that is filled with doubt, worry and confusion?
It IS really a choice.
2007-01-22 03:56:10
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It's not a "choice" in that sense. It's a rule or sanction. A rule is a standard of behavior imposed on people with the consequences of punishment. When most of us follow the speed limit, it's because we don't want a speeding ticket--not because we necessarily agree we should only do 65 on a clear straight, highway on a sunny day. When we follow rules in the bible, it's because we want something out of the behavior. Not many people would believe in god if it was said, "believe in me or not, either way, you're going to heaven since i love you."
2007-01-22 03:52:12
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
God of the scripture, does say that He is responsible for everything.
In the Quran, God says He will shut down the hearts of those who do wrong, so they may never enter heaven.
You have a choice yes. But that choice is like a circle surrounded by a bigger circle of 'choicelessness'. i.e Gods power overriding yours.
If you have a healthy sense of mind, youd know very well that you control your body, and your choices.
But at one point, His choices come around and downplay yours.
God in the Quran however, says He does that to wrongdoers, people who have already proven countless of times that they prefer to be evil than good.
God then closes their hearts completely, so they may never know what its like to be good. And thus rot in hell forever.
Those who dont believe in a God. Do so because they dont like the idea of omnipotence overriding their actions. i.e. atheism is a kind of protest..not just a form of disbelief.
2007-01-22 03:50:08
answer #8
answered by Antares 6
Chef Bob has it exactly right. If you say God is so demanding and forces everything than you have no understanding of the horrific offense you have done to Him. You are already taking God's name in vain and you can't compare God to what a human being would do. He has all knowedge and knows what is best.
You may wonder why people suffer. Because either they or their ancestors have rejected God and now they are suffering the consequences. In the 10 Commandments it says that God will hold account the sins of the fathers to the sons, to the third and fourth generation.
God doesn't say- believe in me or I'll send you to hell. No, we are already heading that way the minute you were born. No, God is saying - Here is a free gift of salvation. All you have to do is ask for it. You don't have to straighten yourself out first. It's a free gift. You can choose to receive it or not.
If you want to continue believing lies about God, about how mean He is, these lies are what Satan tells people about God in order to keep them from turning to God so they can go to Heaven. Satan hates God and wants everyone to join Him in Hell. That is His goal. God's goal is to give you eternal life in Heaven. It's your choice.
Instead of listening to anyone's opinion about God you need to go to the source, God Himself. Read the Bible. Every word is true. God gave us the Bible in order that we could find out about Him. Stop asking opinion questions. Go to God and ask Him to reveal Himself to you. He will when you read His word -- the Bible
2007-01-22 04:10:16
answer #9
answered by fishleechlake 2
You have a good point. How can God give you free will to choose and then be unhappy with your choice? Clearly, if one believes that God will send you to Hell for not believing in him, there really wasn't a choice.
This is just one of the many inconsistencies with many religions, and the reason is that man, not God, came up with these ideas.
2007-01-22 03:50:16
answer #10
answered by D 3