And for that, I respect him
2007-01-21 23:55:22
answer #1
answered by Ghost Wolf 6
Yes. Satan will do anything to keep people from learning the truth. 2 Cor. 4:4 says: "among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through." At John 8:44, Jesus called Satan, the "father of the lie."
2007-01-22 01:41:12
answer #2
answered by LineDancer 7
Satan is behind religion. God made life so powerful, so incredibly complex, it has the ability to evolve from single-celled organisms into a multitude of diverse species, each perfectly adapted to its environment. Plant life, animal life, symbiotic bacteria... all life, all so wondrous and beautiful they captivate the most brilliant minds on the planet.
Satan tries to discredit this wonder by saying God just plopped down a few prefabricated lifeforms, no more than can be seen on the planet today. Then, Satan then tries to take credit for every other lifeform that ever existed, claiming he created them as some kind of "trick" to test people's faith.
Evolution is Divine. Creationists are deluded by Satan.
2007-01-22 00:02:38
answer #3
answered by Lee Harvey Wallbanger 4
I'm pretty sure Satan is behind Burger King too. I mean right now, I saw Him this morning doing Satanic stuff to the Big Whoppers!!!!
2007-01-21 23:58:26
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I am a teacher and I have a weekly meeting with Satan specifically to discuss the theory of evolution. We gat together over coffee and a doughnut (he's quite partial to those filled with cream you know). We talk about all those falsified findings and how he messed up the carbon dating findings. We have a good laugh about how he confused everyone about dinosaurs andb how they really died out in Noah flood because they wouldn't fit on the ark
2007-01-22 00:02:26
answer #5
answered by Nemesis 7
I would answer this by asking,do you suppose that satan is/was behind nuclear development and the proliferation of these evil weapons,could he in fact have inspired scientists who have no belief in God for example?
2007-01-21 23:58:07
answer #6
answered by Sentinel 7
yes.vcause through this evolution theory,the satan wants to put in the mind of the people that if evry thing is result of evolution then from where god evolve?
2007-01-22 00:04:15
answer #7
answered by nawab allam 3
Why would Satan conspire to make people believe a theory that denied his own existence?
2007-01-21 23:57:41
answer #8
answered by Chris G 3
I don't see that Satan messes up all scientiffic data. But anything that goes against the teaching of the Bible is from Satan.
2007-01-21 23:58:30
answer #9
answered by RB 7
Satan's only agenda is to tempt people to do wrong. Satan would have no power without God's permission as no one is superior to God.
2007-01-21 23:56:57
answer #10
answered by Debra D 7
No. Satan doesn't exist. Neither does God.
All of those results are natural. However, religious people have their agenda for rationalizing it away and clinging to their superstition.
2007-01-21 23:55:48
answer #11
answered by nondescript 7