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I'm interested in learning Hindi/Urdu, Arabic, Japanese, Spanish, French, and Latin.
Since my primary interests include (world) travel, writing, art, nature, history, philosophy, culture. . . (humanities). . etc. . . what would you recommend I try learning first?
I've signed up for a french class this semester and the instructor is very fun and enthusiastic. However, I'm just not sure this is at the top of my list. I'd love to learn an eastern language, but since my college doesn't teach any at the moment, should I try french this semester, and spanish next?
Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks.

2007-01-21 12:10:23 · 25 answers · asked by Sheri 2 in Society & Culture Languages

25 answers

I think if you want rich AND different culture, Hindi, Urdu, Arabic, or Japanese would be the best.
French is good for African travel, though, which is exotic.

For different philosophies, I'd learn Hindi, Urdu, Arabic, or Japanese

Unique writing: Japanese, Arabic, Hindi, Urdu

It's difficult to answer this because people of India, the Middle East, Japan, Spain, Latin America, Africa, and Europe ALL have their own unique art, history, philosophies/religions, writings, and cultures...

I personally like to learn languages from cultures that are completely different from my own. If you are American or European, then I think you should learn Hindi, Urdu, Arabic, or Japanese.

If you want easier languages, then I guess French, Spanish, or Latin would be better...

(Oh, and don't believe that crap about LATIN being the basis for modern languages. That's SO Eurocentric!

2007-01-21 12:17:28 · answer #1 · answered by Yuka 4 · 1 0

From your interests, I think French would be a good first choice -- it's not too hard for an English speaker rule-wise (Spanish is even easier so that would be a good alternate for first language) -- and it's understood in several parts of the world (Carribean, Africa, Europe, Mideast, Pacific and parts of Southeast Asia).

All languages are useful and I am a strong believer that a language (and its related culture, history, literature) must grab you. I studied French and Spanish in high school and then was an exchange student and learned Danish and German. In college I took Spanish but was semi-bored, decided to try Russian and loved it. Obsessed is a better word. But I needed to be obsessed to memorise the rules, the conjugations, etc. and put the time in to learn it well.

Since it's your first language, I'd suggest you not switch to a new one after just one semester since you won't be very far -- I'd wait until after two years unless you're in a really intense programme. You're also less likely to confuse the two.

I've since studied several others and lived in countries where I've picked up survival basics (European, Asian, and African). I think Arabic would be a good choice if you wanted an 'eastern' one since it's spoken widely. Also the Arabic script will help you learn Farsi, and Urdu.

Hindi isn't too hard (at least to speak/comprehend; I never learnt to read and write) but it's only useful in parts of India (and not at all related to some of the Indian languages). I don't know anything about Japanese so can't give any advice on that. Indonesian is relatively easy to pick up.

2007-01-21 13:56:36 · answer #2 · answered by elf2002 6 · 0 0

I've done varying amounts of Arabic, Japanese, Spanish, French and a semester at uni of Latin.

I would say if you are new to learning languages to pick either Spanish or French. They are the easiest for English speakers, particularly with the common alphabet. Choose the one they speak in the countries you'd most like to visit. That helps you to keep up motivation and to have a chance to practise "for real" eventually.

Forget Latin!

Then once you get a hang of French or Spanish, try Arabic. You'll be more ready for the somewhat difficult grammar by then. Arabic is good because you can use it in many countries, unlike Japanese especially.

Have fun!

2007-01-23 03:46:59 · answer #3 · answered by Tantrum 2 · 0 0

Assuming you are American or Canadian, Spanish and French are good choices because they bear similarities to English and use the same alphabet. There are many French speakers in Canada and many Spanish speakers in the States, meaning there will be people to talk to. The other languages will be much harder to start with as you will be using a whole new alphabet.

As you learn a second language your brain will develop neural pathways that will later make a third language easier. I recommend Spanish or French, then something more exotic for a third.

Russian, Chinese, and Farsi are also becoming more Important. Nobody actually "speaks" Latin anymore.
But what do I know. I have studied German, French, and Spanish, but I don't speak any of them. Good luck, whatever you choose.

2007-01-21 12:47:34 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am also interested in languages but I think you are making the right choice with french and then spanish. Even tho you like languages you should probablly start with the ones that are more international just so you can get arround better. Latin is the base but its a dead language and is not very developed.With Spanish comes Latin anyway. I guess whatever suits your learning style and ability The other 3 will take much much longer. :) Good Luck

2007-01-21 12:16:07 · answer #5 · answered by Isidora K 1 · 0 1

Spanish is by far the easiest to learn. Arabic is hard but beautiful, French is easy, Latin would be easy , Urdu is pretty, Japanese is VERY hard.

2007-01-29 08:37:56 · answer #6 · answered by a_phantoms_rose 7 · 0 0

Wow kool I think languages are awesome too. But I would suggest learning French or Spanish first. French, I think might be one of the esaiest, but I can't be sure. So far for me it's been great- nothing too difficult. Spanish is probably one of the most important, but I like french better. It would be great to learn them both. so i think you should learn french this semester, and yes, take spanish the next. that's a great idea.

Culture wise, i think that Spanish is more interesting, but as far as I know France has a lot more to see, as far as history, nature and art.
You should probably learn language as far as popularity- in my book, its english, spanish, french, etc. from there its whatever u want
Your plan sounds great. Good luck!

2007-01-21 12:18:37 · answer #7 · answered by skateKad47 3 · 0 1

Id do French since it has a lot of literature art etc. and you have access to it. french is also spoken in a lot of palces outside of France, like Africa and Canada.

But if you want to learn another language, Id go with whatever your heart tells you, It worked out for me. My first language was Greek and I still have no Idea why i learned it but it helped me with both spanish and Arabic. Just make sure you get a good source to work with and practice often thats the key.

If youre still having a hard time deciding, go to how-to-learn-any-language.com they have a basic review of most of the langauges on your list and what they are like.

I also found a site where you can get a free tutorial of just about any language you would ever want to learn. its word2word.com

2007-01-21 12:15:45 · answer #8 · answered by YouCannotKnowUnlessUAsk 6 · 0 1

Yeah try the major languages first (Spanish, French, Latin). Preferably Latin first since most languages are practically derived from Latin!

2007-01-21 13:59:54 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well I know arabic and english and i am learning spanish, but it really depends on how you feel. I would reccomend spanish, because you use it in many places in the world and it is the 2nd rated language most spoken. it would be useful in any job/career you choose after college. So spanish is what I would pick. But just to tell u arabic is hard to write, but easy to speak. hope this helps, and good luck with what you choose! :-)

2007-01-21 12:17:53 · answer #10 · answered by Cris 3 · 0 0

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