Cutting is a terrible way to deal with stress. You need to tell some adult that you trust, even if you don't tell your parents. Tell your family Dr or school counselor, but get some help now before this becomes a long established problem. please.
Also, quit doing harmful things just because your "friend" does it. You are 15. By the time you are an adult you won't even remember the names of most people you went to school with, but you will still have the scars from any bad choices you make.
2007-01-21 11:49:36
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I knew someone whom was in the same boat as you and I saw it as a sense of relief from her emotional problems. I don't condone it, but I myself prefer overdosing than cutting though this is not a solution, either.
I've been in and out of the psch. system since I was in my 20's. Now that I'm 47 it hasn't always been a bed of roses it's been far less on my mind although I know it could happen again.
If you need to talk I'm here for as I started a group just for teens so that maybe, just maybe I can shed some light on your problems.
2007-01-21 19:54:03
answer #2
answered by One Hand One Heart 2
tell your parents that you feel really stressed out and depressed and you don't know how to handle things. After writing that I know that is what I would want my children to do. My daughter did do that and we got her some help.But in remembering things when I was a kid if I told my parents I would of been harrassed by them. They would not of gotten me any help. If I had talked to someone my parents would of been at risk of being punished themselves and me and my sisters would have probably been put in foster care. My situation was hopefully a lot different than yours. There was a lot of physical abuse in our house when I was a kid. You probably live in a very loving home where they would really work to help you. Someone as messed up as your friend may be trying to cut herself so she can't feel the emotional pain she feels. Do something quick about getting help. It is kind of like smoking or doing drugs--the more you do bad things the worse it gets and the harder it is to correct. I think I may of used this space to vent. So forgive me---but get help.
2007-01-21 20:48:03
answer #3
answered by smiley 3
She's not a very good friend! Cutting yourself may seem to temporarily relieve your negative feelings, but it does absolutely NO good. I used to cut myself around that age, and would just feel even more pain and infections and humiliation.
First I would tell someone you trust like a school guidance counselor or teacher. They will have the resources to get you help and won't freak out. Then you will have to tell your parents, but it will be easier to after being taught how.
2007-01-21 19:47:31
answer #4
answered by Yalena 3
Cutting is a way that many teens relieve stress. It is not an appropriate way though. Think about this: would a true friend advise you to cut yourself? If you truly are unable to talk with your parents about this, talk to a trusted adult. Some possible suggestions: school counselor, a favorite teacher, school nurse, someone from church. Please talk to someone. As a person working with teens this is not an unusual situation. There is help for you to deal with problems in a much more positive way. Please seek that help. Take Care.
2007-01-21 19:49:49
answer #5
answered by pilgrim 1
oh chicken,
i was 2 years older than what you are when i first tried to kill myself and 5 years on i have only just come through the worst time of my life (to date anyway) for 3 1/2 years i pretended that nothing was wrong. the best thing i did was go to my doctor and ask for help.
nothing good can come out of cutting. at the time it might feel like the pain and all the worries are being let out but at the end of the day they are still going to be there.
your parents are going to be freaked out no matter how you try to tell them because they will feel like they let you down because you felt like you couldn't go to them.
i went through months of therapy and 18 months of being on antidepressants and i honestly believe that the best thing i did was ask for help.
life is always going to throw stress and things that you can't control your way but it comes down to how you choose to deal with it.
another thing that you can do (as well as telling your parents, and going to see your doctor) is have a book that you write down you worries and thoughts. don't ever read what you have written. just write and then close it until the next time you feel worried and anxious. also try to do things that help you relax. i find being at the beach for a few hours on my own helps.
i wish you all the luck with this.
2007-01-21 19:54:14
answer #6
answered by Jodie S 1
If you have someone in your life that you trust completely, tell them. It helps to have the support of another person who is invested in you getting better. This is a difficult problem to recover from on your own, so if possible, you should see a psychiatrist or psychologist. In my case, I was diagnosed with symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder; but more simply, I was just unable to handle the intensity and amount of emotions I was experiencing, so I would cut to replace the emotional pain with physical pain. I was given a mood-stabilizer, which was the only thing that helped me with this particular problem. If you have Borderline, you may also need medication to help recover. Check this out for symptoms:
You are cutting because of deep-rooted pain and your inability to deal with it in a healthy way. Try to do some 'soul-searching' to find where the pain is coming from - this will help you identify the reasons why you want to hurt yourself, and aid you in the recovery process. These are things that you will share with a doctor or counselor, who will help you through this.
You will recover from this. You just need to allow yourself to think that you're worth the work of getting healthy. Your body is precious and beautiful and so are you - treat yourself as you would treat someone you love and protect it and cherish it. This may sound silly or overly simplistic, but it helped me in my recovery.
You'll be in my prayers and thoughts - remember you're not alone in your pain.
2007-01-21 19:50:12
answer #7
answered by tiggywinkle 3
Look, everyone has stress. Cutting yourself is not the way to deal with it. Go to your parents and talk to them. Believe it or not they can help. They love you I'm sure. Tell them how you feel and don't worry about them freaking out. There just your parents.
2007-01-21 19:54:28
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
talk to someone you can trust- guidance counselor at school or a teacher if you are afraid to talk to your parents but sooner or later you have to tell them you have a problem.
you know that cutting is not normal and you have some depression/ stress problems that need to be addressed with a therapist.
it's ok if your life is not perfect. it's ok to cry and get help by talking about it but NOT by hurting yourself.
do the right thing NOW!
2007-01-21 19:51:48
answer #9
answered by Wild Honey 4
"cutting" is a very serious issue and more people do it than you would expect. It begins usually when the person doesn't know how to healthily express their emotions etc. or was encouraged to suppress their emotions. Please seek help for this as it can lead down a road far less comfortable than the place where you are now. If you can't speak to your parents then talk to a counsellor or mental health nurse (perhaps go with your mate) cause not dealing with this will lead to very unhealthy adult relationships and a very unhealthy and unhappy you. Please.
2007-01-21 19:50:42
answer #10
answered by kelstar 5