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I have relaxed hair so I can't use any chemicals on it, and I know a rinse is an option, but I was wondering if there's anything that I might already have at home that would work? Maybe red Kool-Aid? lol

2007-01-21 10:33:41 · 7 answers · asked by Ms. Minx 2 in Beauty & Style Hair

7 answers

Go to an herbal medicine store (they are so much fun!) and usually they sell vegetable or henna dye. IF YOU USE either of these--let your stylist know, because they can screw your hair up if they don't know you have used them.

2007-01-21 10:39:42 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

An engineer's answer:

Spin your body clockwise 21 times a day. Work up to it gradually, starting at about 3 turns/day. You can do it twice a day if you want to. If you're too old, weak, or too disabled to stand up and do this, wind up a swing CCW, climb aboard, and hang on for the ride. Clockwise only. (Otherwise it might mess with the DNA twist in an unfavorable manner, perhaps unzipping it when it shouldn't, or possibly creating some kind of a cellular REtox instead of DEtox.)

Get and read the book:
by Peter Kelder (Doubleday). Let it be your daily guide.

The "breathing exercises" contained therein will enhance whatever your natural hair color is. Sometime I may white a book or post a website, on what I know about how these things work. Meanwhile...

Try it yourself, and pay close attention to your BREATHING; especially during "breathing exercises" 2 through 5. This is important.

A friend said he'd reversed the breathing on #4 or #5, I think it was, because it seemed to "flow" easier or "more naturally." I told him, “THAT's because you aren't pushing spinal fluid!” You can vary these Yoga exercises to suit your individual strength and ability to some degree, but YOU’VE GOT TO BREATHE RIGHT. That's the most important part, and it is why I call them “breathing exercises.”

If your neck gets tired, you can do them with your head tilted/twisted left or right to give your neck muscles a break. But if you do numbers 2 through 5 at all, be sure and get the breathing RIGHT.

#1, clockwise spinning of the body, if done enough, will take care of your hair.

O.K, to get an idea how this works, spin a hard-boiled egg, and a raw egg, on a hard surface to compare how well they spin. Visualize the raw egg as being like what is happening inside of every cell in your body when YOU are spinning. The raw egg, not being perfectly spherical, will barely spin because of the irregular shape (like a body cell). Spinning body cells creates a slight deformation of the shape of the cell (including the cell walls), which amounts to a form of "cellular exercise."

As cellular wastes are pressed against the cell wall due to the centrifugal force, the toxins and cellular wastes will migrate outward and be picked up by the capillary beds for elimination from the body through the bloodstream.

Good nutrition may be important to replenish the cells after the rotary detox.

P.S. If you have leg or muscle cramps, ingesting a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar (in some water) will usually relax the cramped muscle within minutes. This may have some value if you are worried about cramping up during the breathing exercises.

2007-01-21 13:15:01 · answer #2 · answered by Dale S 1 · 1 0

The others are correct - good henna will dye even over dark hair, but be more noticeable as a red glow in daylight than under indoor lights, for instance. My hair is naturally a dishwater mousy brown, and I've got the length saturated so it's a deep burgundy color - but in daylight it GLOWS. The more often you henna your length, the darker it will get overall, to a point. You really can't go to dark dark brown or black, but the color will cool down from reds into burgundy and this cherry-cola sort of color - almost a cool purply-red, after a long time of using it. You don't HAVE to go that far, but that's as far as you can get without adding other stuff.

2016-03-29 08:04:13 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Henna is a decent one. You can also use Beet Root powder as well.
And definately let your stylist know.
The problem with Henna and Beet Root is that you have to leave them on for a long time. Or rinse every day for a week to get results.
Now this is an old one.
My mother rinsed her hair with beer. (I guess it's the hops) to make her hair redder. She claimed the only thing wrong with it, is that on rainy days you smell like a brewery.

2007-01-21 11:10:15 · answer #4 · answered by firewater_tears 3 · 0 0

I have to agree with Carolina girl. Henna is a wonderful all natural substance that will give your hair a radiant burgundy glow and it lasts for a good while. Most health food stores carry it and it is fairly easy to mix and apply. Be sure to wear gloves just like with any other dye.

2007-01-21 10:44:34 · answer #5 · answered by O Wise One 3 · 0 0

actually red koolaid will work for your hair depending on the level brown you have. If your hair is a light brown, you will definitely see the color, if its med-dark brown chances are you will see the color only in the sun.

2007-01-21 11:15:50 · answer #6 · answered by N-TYC-N 3 · 0 0

try tea or google tea to make sure

2007-01-21 10:37:23 · answer #7 · answered by Patches6 5 · 0 0

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