The best way that I have found to get rid of a wart is with Dr. Scholl's Clear Away Wart Remover discs. Those Freeze Away products and liquid products just don't do the trick. If you use the discs every single day for the amount of time it says to use them, the wart will eventually start to fall off. The salicylic acid on them is what does the killing. BE PATIENT. It will.
You can't just "scrape it off" because the wart has roots. I know, it sounds gross, but it's true. The wart is developed well under the skin line and you have to kill the root.
What causes warts: Warts are a type of infection caused by viruses in the human papillomavirus (HPV) family.
2007-01-21 10:32:01
answer #1
answered by Lizzie T 2
Bacteria causes warts. I think that it's a bacteria from fungus.
The safest and quickest way to get rid of a wart would probably be to have a doctor burn (freeze) it off.
I've always used products like Compound W or Duofilm, but they can be slow and sometimes painful because you have to burn out the root of the wart or it will keep coming back. It's also pretty difficult, if not impossible, not to get some on the surrounding skin.
I've used over the counter wart freezing products but wasn't impressed. It was expensive and didn't work for me.
2007-01-21 10:40:11
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
A wart is generally a small, rough tumor, typically on hands and feet, that resembles a cauliflower. Warts are common, and are caused by a viral infection, specifically by the human papillomavirus (HPV). They typically disappear after a few months but can last for years and can recur. A few papillomaviruses are known to cause cancer. Certain types of warts, depending on location and cause, can be contagious from region to region, but are not transferable between species.
There is a ''freeze'' type wart remover sold in the health care department of supermarkets, which is how doctors typically remove them.
2007-01-21 10:32:51
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
There are a lot of ways to get rid of warts, just go to your local CVS or Walgreens and you can buy a wart-remover. There are several choices, liquids that you apply daily for a couple of weeks, or something called Freeze-Off I think, where you actually freeze the wart off.....this requires a one time application only. Choose whatever you feel is best for you. As to what causes warts, they're caused by HPV, or Human Papillomavirus. They are a harmless, noncanerous skin growth. For more info on them, go here....
2007-01-21 10:36:37
answer #4
answered by Jojo 3
OMG, i H8 warts. so annoying... well, the fastest, most effective way is freezing it off (which hurts REAL bad for a little while), "painting" it off, in which they paint a chemical on your finger, and whithin an hour, it blisters up, and pulls the warty skin off with the blister (which hurts less, but over a long period of time, and may have to be done twice) or duct tape. I might suggest wrapping it with duct tape daily, and changing it after showering. I know many people who have gotten rid of warts that way. Or, there's this cream that helps for smaller warts, or warts on sensitive spots, called Aldara. That's worked for other ppl, but i always forgot to put it on (lol). Hope that i helped!
2007-01-21 10:32:10
answer #5
answered by gene_is_guilty42 2
Warts are cause by a virus that you will always have (don't worry, most people have them!) There are many good OTC remedies out there. I used Dr.Scholls along time ago and it worked fine! And I haven't had a wart ever since.
2007-01-21 10:30:07
answer #6
answered by Tiki™ 4
Sinus Troubles are most often than not the cause of bad breath. The second very common reason is an upset stomach. Since there is not much you can do about your sinus, other than getting proper treatment for the same that is, what you can do is Increase your daily intake of water to at least 8-10 glasses a day. Secondly chew a sugar free gum after meals. For people with dental problems, dentists suggest brushing your teeth after every major meal (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner). you are doing god with the Flossing and Using Mouthwash, they are good habits keep it up.
2016-03-14 21:44:01
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
If you want to do it yourself you can use the Dr.Scholl's wart remover, it takes a few days but it does work. We used it on my daughter's finger. It stings a little once it starts dying, but it is cheaper than going to the Dr. but not as fast as having it frozen of.
2007-01-21 10:31:37
answer #8
answered by twysty 5
Go to the doctor and get him to burn or freeze it off. OTC treatments are pretty much worthless. Well OK they might work eventually but in the end you'll end up in the doctor's office asking him to freeze it off anyway. Duct tape works by irritating the h*** out of the skin til it just falls off -- again time consuming and, well IRRITATING! lol.
They are caused by one of the HPV viruses and are contagious.
2007-01-21 10:30:47
answer #9
answered by laurie888 3
get the freeze solution from the drugstore. If its too deep underskin, soak and cut some skin off top - using clippers, razor. or buy salatic acid put some on. sometimes multiple treatments are required. Be careful on finger or toes due to limited blood circulation (frostbite worries if on too long).
2007-01-21 10:38:28
answer #10
answered by Anonymous