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my hair used to be really thick, but ive noticed its not as thick.. i wish it were thicker, especially at the roots. im nowhere NEAR being bald, all my friends say my hair is thicker then theirs, but im portuguese and im used to having extremely thick hair. can anyone help?

2007-01-21 10:18:06 · 6 answers · asked by j12 6 in Beauty & Style Hair

6 answers

I wish I could give you some of mine! It's extremely thick... I guess you could say abnormally thick for someone with a complete caucasion background.

As to answer your question, you should take vitamins specialized for hair. It will also make it grow longer faster.

2007-01-21 10:22:32 · answer #1 · answered by Liz♥ 4 · 0 0

Try using mark anothony shampoo its called mark anothony for thick hair its orange it works great they also make 1 that is blue and that helps your hair grow and what ever you do do not use main and tail i know a few people that used and it not only did it thicken the hair on there heads but everywhere else as well

2007-01-21 18:24:49 · answer #2 · answered by Sawyers girl 5 · 0 0

You might try TIGI Strong Mousse. It really gives my hair a lot of body. Also, have you tried Klorane Dry Shampoo? Instead of washing your hair every day, try using that on the second day. It's a hair powder spray that is very light and clings to slightly oily hair, making it look very thick and manageable. Good luck and happy hair!

2007-01-21 18:26:41 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Try Mane`n Tail!

It was orignially made for horses, but branched off for public use because so many people saw the advantages of this strong product. So many people SWEAR this makes their hair thicker.

You can find it at your local grocery store or pharmacy (i.e. Walgreens, CVS, etc.).

And to the girl below who says that it thickens hair everywhere else, unless you actually use it in other places, then of course it won't do that. It just thickens the hair on your head. WHERE YOU USE IT. Vitamins are what you have to watch out for when thickening undesirable places.

2007-01-21 18:20:36 · answer #4 · answered by Lizzie T 2 · 0 0

The best is a product called FX Texture Dirt. You can get it at walgreens. You'll love it!

2007-01-21 21:11:51 · answer #5 · answered by HairPro 3 · 0 0

talk to a doctor just to be sure....

Use thickening shampoo, don't brush it when its wet (only comb).

2007-01-21 18:21:07 · answer #6 · answered by quarters 2 · 0 0

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