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Because I dont want to pluck something and then have it grow in more embaressingly dark so that I will be condemned to pluckint that hair foreverr!!

2007-01-21 06:16:34 · 4 answers · asked by Kat 3 in Beauty & Style Hair

4 answers

No, not at all. It may just seem it to you because you have become accustomed to it not being there ;)

But, dont pluck your eyebrows too thin all the time either, or you might be stuck like that - eyebrow hair is very sensitive to injury. Repeated plucking can permanently damage the hair root, which will prevent the hair from ever growing back (Sources: www.keratin.com and Archives of Facial and Plastic Surgery, July-September 1999, pages 223-224). So just pluck the strays.

2007-01-21 06:25:38 · answer #1 · answered by Learning Conformity 5 · 0 0

no matter what it will grow back and you'll have to keep plucking it probably wont be darker..

2007-01-21 06:20:12 · answer #2 · answered by Amelia 6 · 0 1

plucking is essentially the same as waxing
it won't come back darker
but it won't disppear forever either

2007-01-21 06:20:09 · answer #3 · answered by Pia 2 · 1 1

no. it is a rumor that has lasted decades, totally n' completely UNTRUE.

2007-01-21 06:20:11 · answer #4 · answered by FrancetichSketch 3 · 0 1

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