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2007-01-21 06:16:01 · 7 answers · asked by Misanick 1 in Pets Dogs

7 answers

Good question. When someone puts their fingers in your hair doesn't it make you want to shake your head and check. Kind of like putting it all back in place or just giving in to the tickle.

On the outside chance of something drastic you could check their ears for mite dirt and skin for signs of problems.

2007-01-21 06:23:15 · answer #1 · answered by collinbarnette 2 · 0 0

WHERE did you 'pet them'? If you were petting their heads, and touched their ears, they are probably 'shaking their heads' to get their ears back into the 'proper position' for them. HOW did you pet them? Was your touch really 'soft and gentle' or were you rubbing them 'really hard and rough?' They could be just 'rearranging their hair. Or, they could be just shaking their heads to 'feel it all over again' in memory. If the dog 'comes back' for you to pet it again without you calling it, or if it butts it's head under your hand to 'ask' for you to pet it, you're doing really well ... but if it has to be 'held still' for you to pet it, then you need to try being gentler in your touch and quieter in your manner, because even the tone and level of your voice can 'impact' a dog, which has really sensitive ears as well as a sensitive nose.

2007-01-21 06:24:04 · answer #2 · answered by Kris L 7 · 1 0

I think it's probably because you're messing up the alignment of their fur to some extent. Think about it, if someone musses your hair, you would either shake your head or use your hands to get it back to how it's supposed to be, otherwise it feels weird. Dogs are just doing the same thing.

2007-01-21 06:19:34 · answer #3 · answered by Susan 3 · 3 0

Maybe you disturbed the fleas there where you were petting him
and the fleas went running away from your hand which made his head tickle. Or itch.
He probably needs something for fleas.
OR maybe he is trying to tell you that his
ears are hurting - check his ears.

2007-01-21 06:21:42 · answer #4 · answered by ♥ Jasmine ♥ 4 · 1 0

they can get tickles or an Itch in their ear.My dogs usually shakes and then paws at its ear. Susan is exactly right

2007-01-21 06:19:42 · answer #5 · answered by me 3 · 0 0

Not all dogs do, but maybe fleas? A veterinarian may know why.

2007-01-21 06:20:47 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

because there head feel cold,

2007-01-21 06:19:07 · answer #7 · answered by i,m here if you need to talk. 6 · 0 0

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