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I am just wondering why everyone is so focused on Mexican immigration, and really no other. We have all sorts of illegal immigration going on. Everyone needs to take a look at your heritage, how many of you are Native America? This nation was built on immigration. I would like to know how many people have researched the process of immigration from Mexico, and what would you do for your family if you were in the same situation? Why do they make it so hard for Mexicans to immigrate to the U.S. Alot of this is due to 9-11, but how many Mexican terrorist do you know? I am a proud American...not Native American! I am of German and Irish descent who came here apparently illegally!

2007-01-21 03:19:34 · 23 answers · asked by Tim 2 in Politics & Government Immigration

23 answers

I am.
Unfortunately, in this 'war of words' . . . those who control the semantics, in this case the illegal alien lobby, guarantees that the choice of words and phrases used will essentially control the debate. That is why the pro-illegals crowd will NEVER use the word "illegal" in conjunction with "immigrants," so that when they refer to our country as a "nation of immigrants," they are able to obfuscate and blur what should be a perfectly clear view of very contrary facts!

In a very subtle but complex way, the illegal alien lobby is getting most Americans to submissively place themselves on par with those illegal "immigrants" who are invading our 'nation of immigrants!' By controlling the dialogue the pro-crowd has taken the issue out of our control, and placed it in the hands of those countries who are exporting their citizens. It is a form of psychological warfare, using propaganda as a support for illegal aliens, primarily from Hispanic and Latino countries, who are demographically overwhelming our country. It is propaganda meant to disarm Americans so that we will not resist the "human tsunami" of some 23 million illegal aliens that have already invaded and balkanized America, and continue to arrive at a rate of 10,000 per day.(1-8) Unfortunately the pacification seems to be working, since most Americans, along with the media, have readily accepted the notion that 'we are a nation of immigrants' as being true and factual!

Believe it or not you ARE a native American.
Follow the link for a very informed discussion

2007-01-21 03:51:53 · answer #1 · answered by Bob G 3 · 7 2

The Indians also migrated from another Continent.There were well over a hundred different tribes.They all spoke different languages,had different customs.They were not peaceful before the arrival of the settlers .Since the Indians did not believe that one could own the land,they professed no claim to it.There was no central government so there were no central laws against immigration.then.A war between the two factions ensued and the settlers/immigrants won. The Indians and settlers alike lost many
lives in the battle.
My ancestors came to this nation in 1702.They were merchants from Germany.They all came at one time on one ship.Since that day my family have all been native born Americans just as all native born legal Americans of all colors are.
There were no laws against immigration in 1702 so my ancestors were not illegal.The laws were first made in 1800s and were simply a few exclusionary ones for certain people from certain country's.Not until 1924 were laws passed that curtailed mass immigration. So what you are saying has no basis in fact or in truth.Many white men married Indian women and intermingled with others As the white women have married Indian men..Many of us have some small trace of Indian blood in our family's.Its said with pride and respect that we are part Indian not shame.I was born in Oklahoma the center for the Cherokee Nation.

This is an untrue statement: below:::

Most of America's illegal immigrants come from China.

Most of the illegal aliens are from south of the Mexican /US border Laitin America.You are misinformed.I dont get my numbers from Fox.I live in Arizona and across our border the Border Patrol Records/numbers prove that 99% of the illegal aliens caught and jailed or deported are Hispanic.the remaining 1% are classed as OTM.

Actually, Americans built this country. Immigration averaged only 235,000 persons per year prior to the disastrous 1965 Immigration Act. That's only 47 million immigrants over the course of our nation's history.
Compared to our current population 300 million, that's not much. And then, if we add all the people who have lived before in the United States, we are approaching a billion total Americans who live now or who have lived in this country—all of them, or at least most of them, busy "building" it.

Great links Bob

2007-01-21 04:27:45 · answer #2 · answered by Yakuza 7 · 3 1

Don't know do not divide people by race
Mexico has the best immigration deal of all the countries
more from Mexico than any other place on the planet isn't so hard to do it legally
The MS13 gang would qualify as terrorist and there are thousands of the gang members here
By the way native Americans immergrated from China and Russia across Ice bridge
They didn't just spring from the ground. Everyone is from somewhere else be an American

2007-01-21 04:35:55 · answer #3 · answered by bob b 3 · 3 1

heritage has nothing to do with illegal immigration by way the Native Americans came from somewhere else?

LONG BEFORE the white man set foot on American soil, the American Indians, or rather the Native Americans, had been living in America. When the Europeans came here, there were probably about 10 million Indians populating America north of present-day Mexico. And they had been living in America for quite some time. It is believed that the first Native Americans arrived during the last ice-age, approximately 20,000 - 30,000 years ago through a land-bridge across the Bering Sound, from northeastern Siberia into Alaska.

2007-01-21 03:28:52 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

An excerpt from your answer(the only part i will address):
"This nation was built on immigration."

This is true. What people do not realize is that the indigenous people were here for thousands of years before europeans settled. The most well-known theory is that my ancestors traveled across the bering, to this America...

...so after the indigenous peoples were here for thousands of years, growing in population...having children which were in no doubt to be known as "NATIVE" to this land...the euro invasion occurred. SO...the indigenous people that were invaded upon, were in fact Native to this land, since they were born here...they did not come from anywhere else...they were born onto this land that is now known as america...

Those who sailed here from other lands...were alien, immigrants, not of this soil.

...immigrants...they were...among many other things, of a much more distasteful nature...

2007-01-23 22:03:27 · answer #5 · answered by n8vchick 3 · 0 0

My great-grandmother was a full blooded Cherokee and the rest of my family has been in this country since 1657 so does that qualify me to be here?

The first thing these people do upon entering our country is break the law. There are immigration numbers to be kept and once that number is met no more are let in for a reason. Back in the 20's and 30's when people were coming mainly from Ireland they managed to do it legally. They also didn't go into someone else's country and start demanding things like people today are.

2007-01-21 04:26:54 · answer #6 · answered by Laura 5 · 6 1

You asking me? or all the members of my tribe? or all the tribal members of all the Native American tribes within the United States?
Let me ask you something, if I may. What exactly does being a Native American, AKA, Indigenous to the north American continent have to do with the continued and criminal act of illegally trespassing upon a sovereign nations lands, demanding rights, and raping at will, the social systems which have been set up by a legal government for the legal citizens of the nation?
Tell me these things and I may give you an answer to your question.

2007-01-21 04:27:36 · answer #7 · answered by RENEGADE. 3 · 5 1

I was born here, I'm a native by many generations. It is legal presence in the United States that built the infrastructure and provides education and services that is the question, not where we got the land from hundreds of years ago. It is the United States that makes the land north of the Rio Grande more desirable than that south, to the people who come illegally.

All countries in the world got their land through conquest. Thereafter they build and protect their own worlds. A basic right of sovereignity is deciding who can come in.

We have limits on immigration of poor people who are too poor to pay for education and services with their taxes because we subsidize those services for our own people. Illegal immigration is ruining our schools and services. Their children are NOT more important than our own, and they have NO right to steal our children's education for their own children by entering the country illegally.

2007-01-21 03:40:17 · answer #8 · answered by DAR 7 · 6 1

911 didn't make it more difficult for Mexicans. Truth of the matter, their own country does that for them.

ALL countries have minimum requirements. The less education or work skill you have, the lower on the list you go. Some countries will add additional points onto your application based on amount of wealth you bring.

I'm not "native" American. But, my forefathers were WHITE slaves, brought to this country. Something you'll never hear Jesse Jackson or the NAACP mention.

My mothers sire name (and history), under current immigration laws, would have allowed my forefathers to claim political asylum had they wished.

The "built on immigration" statements are true. But please keep in mind, when you take a bath, you run water until the tub is full (or about), then you turn it off!!! Otherwise you have a big mess....kinda like we do now.

2007-01-21 03:36:23 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 8 2

It is the fact they have no respect for the law which is shown by crossing our borders illegally, stealing our ID's and stealing social services from middle-class Americans......the immigrants that settled our country were a completely different kind of immigrant......they did not come with their hand out yelling gimme, gimme, gimme or I demand my rights, you owe me.....

Every illegal in our country is a terrorist which do more harm that a middle-eastern terrorist could ever hope to do...Bin Laden only wishes he could inflict as much harm on our country as the illegals!

2007-01-21 03:54:49 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

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