It depends on who does it and how experienced they are, but as someone who has naturally curly hair and has had this done before I can tell you that if you allow someone to do this who does not know what they are doing or who doesn't take proper care during the process it can certainly severly damage your hair which in turn could certainly cause your hair to break off or fall out. I would call around to the various salons in your area and speak with the manager or head stylist regarding this technique and ask enough questions to determine whether or not they are experienced enough or skilled enough to do this without damaging your hair. Don't let someone do this who has never done it before and just wants to practice on you unless of course you know this person and know that they are a good enough stylist to perform this technique without totally destroying your hair. Many factors will of course determine the success of the outcome such as: is your hair already damaged, have you chemically altered your hair in other ways like color or permanent wave or other chemicals, is your hair naturally coarse, is it easily damaged, and many other factors. I personally had a good friend who always chemically straightened my hair for me who was a very good stylist. I totally trusted her with my hair and as an added bonus she also had naturally curly hair and therefore knew how to care for my hair without damaging it. Therefore, the outcome for me was always very satisfying, but had to be repeated every four to six months. The process she used was very simple. She just rolled my hair on the largest rollers she could possibly find and then applied a permanent as she would to curl it, but with the hair stretched over the huge rollers, the outcome was straightened hair instead of curly hair.
Most cosmetology schools will also offer any chemical techniques at a fraction of the cost of salons, but you must realize going in that your hair will be worked on my students, so if you choose to go this way be sure to chose a school with a great reputation for training exceptional students hired by premier salons and going on to be excellent professional stylists. This information should be relatively easy to acquire via the internet on any school you wish to research. Hope this helps.
2007-01-20 17:23:42
answer #1
answered by just lisa & proud of it!!! 2
I get my hair "smoothed" every 2-3 months with a product called opti-smooth. Instead of "straightening" the hair shaft it softens it to make it smoother if you have frizzy hair. There's a spot in my head that feels like pubic hair and with this product it makes it feel like normal hair. I love it, and depending on how long your hair is and how much they use a treatment can start at $40, but some salons will screw you over. so call around and ask about this product. as to the hair falling out, my hair broke off the first time I used the product, but it was because the stylist was new to the product and brought it too close to my scalp. good luck
2007-01-20 17:15:23
answer #2
answered by Beth 2
I got my hair chemically relaxed it was $90 but then it only lasted for 3 days. My piano teacher's hair was chemically straightened for $200 and it's still working! My hair fell out A LOT and same with my teacher. Hope that helps! BTW I chemically relax it every 3 months and I straighten it every day.
2007-01-20 17:11:42
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Ive had mine done, dont know how much it cost probly $150, it was done correctly by a professional and it didnt straighten or "relax" my hair and it didnt make it fall out... it just broke off, little tufts off hair came out everywhere... lucky i have long hair nothing a nice hair cut wont fix. Your better off buying a ceramic straightener. BESIDES WAVEY CURLS ARE IN BABY!
2007-01-20 17:28:04
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Do you mean, getting your hair relaxed? The cost alway's varies! It won't make your hair fall out, but if your hair is nappy or whatever, you can only have it done 1 maybe twice a year or yes, it could make your hair start to fall out! :) good luck!
2007-01-20 17:10:29
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
If you want to get a good straight perm, the cost usually goes about 100-160 dollars. Expensive. but they last a while.
2016-05-24 03:52:43
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It depends on how thick your hair is and and its hair texture. I have thick, tight wavy hair and it costs me 160 bucks.
But believe me, if it is cheap like under 100 bucks, they did not do a good job.
2007-01-20 17:26:23
answer #7
answered by Sugar 1
I know it is very expensive. Couple of hundreds maybe for a good one. Not sure.
Why waste money when waves are in fashion is my view.
Yes, chemicals ruin the hair.
2007-01-20 17:11:47
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Between 50-100 dollars. It can fall out if not done properly.
2007-01-20 17:17:38
answer #9
answered by ♨ Wisper ► 5
I'm not sure where you live, but places charges differently.
You can ask around. .It's from $65 up,
depends also on the lenght of your hair.
2007-01-20 17:17:48
answer #10
answered by JUSS 4