i am a 12 year old girl who is an only child. in this dream i had three siblings. an older sister, an older brother, and a younger brother. we are all sitting around and we find out that God wants us to go live with him. we go into this BIG house. the walls are white, the floor is white, there is nothing there but a table and some chairs. Sitting there is someone in a gorilla suit who says he is God. then me and my siblings find out that he is really the devil in disguise. he and his helper want to capture and kill me and my siblings. we all start running all over the place. then i run into this one small room with only a window in it. i open the window, remove the screen, and jump out. i dont fall becuase i have a flying ability. once i am out of the house i look ahead and i see a beautiful sight. many miles away are these hills with green grass, nice houses, friendly people, and horses running around everywhere. i want to go there but i know i cant leave without my siblings.i fly bac
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➔ Mental Health
ck and th whole house is epty except for me. i am all alone.........then i wake up. i am a little sweaty
17:06:27 ·
update #1