Long story short, met him online. Met him in person the other day, and wow, for the first time ever since my breakup with my ex, I felt really good about someone. Met him for coffee, I mentioned I had to go buy furniture, and he offered to help me cause the boxes were heavy. I felt bad, the first time I met him, and I took him shopping, lol, and made him carry my things, but he offered.
I dont know him too well, but, I have the feeling, he may be my type, but I may not be his. He is very forward, ie. asked if i was a virgin, told me I had a nice bum, lol, I mean, the way he says it, makes me think hes a player.
I dont know what he is looking for. I really like him, and I feel like if I ask him what he thinks of me or where we're going, Im going to scare him away.
What do I do?
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