I want to know who the low life SOB is who snuck into my house last night and had their way with my g/f while we were passed out drunk and high and then $hit in my swimming pool.I am not to upset about the g/f because when I woke up she was already satisfyed and that saved me a lot of effort.Let me word that again you saved me a little bit of effort.The thing that has me so pi$$ed is that it is hot here and I want to use my pool and swim so the fact that you $hit in and I can't use it has me pi$$ed.When I find out who you are I will open up the biggest can of whoop a$$ on you that you have ever seen. I'll find out who you are because I am putting up a $10,000 reward for anyone who can identify the SOB.If you were a real man or men you would show up again and take what you have coming. Can any one identify this person/persons for me ?????
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