2007-01-20 14:20:29
answer #1
answered by A. RMZ 4
tips so people don't lose interest:
don't reveal everything about you just add small details
don't talk too much about yourself, you'll look self-absorbed
listen to what the other is saying, make comments(not offensive or stupid) example of a flowing convo- him: "i love arnold shwarttsinegar" you: "really, whicm movie did you like him best in, i liked him in kindegarten cop, i thought it was cute, very comical with the kids too"
allow the conversation to flow
crack jokes and/or tease your partner (friendly though)
go to fun places like adventure world n stuff, so he sees you can be lots of fun.
make sure when you choose a guy that you don't immediately pounce on him, or kiss on the first date, that way he'll want to see you again so he can try and pash you the next time, make sure you have things in common, that you are not only partners but friends, too and can talk to eachother n stuff, not just purely physical, cause of course he'll lose interest if its just physical. but that dos'nt mean you shoulkd not look after your appearance always shower, brush your teeth, apply some basic make-up and make sure you look hot/trendy(not tarty though, men like a good looking girl with class) before you meet up with him!
and go for guys that are fun to be around with and not just looking for one thing, you might only be looking at good looking guys, try the average joe too, they're usually the best partners to have.
there's nothing wrong with you in particular you just need to know how to hold a relationship.
last tip, know what you want in a relationship, so then you know what you look for in a guy, but a sucessful relationship is always based on friendship.
hope that was help and GOOD LUCK with the future
2007-01-20 22:32:23
answer #2
answered by Milly 2
What's your intelligence level? Do you act like a young lady or a young girl? Are you putting out pretty quick or respecting yourself? Guys like intelligent girls. They also don't like sluts. Maybe once in a while but not as a girl friend. Guys also don't like girls that act silly and childish or dumb. Also, do you nag him all the time? Guys want some space. They don't like to be chased. Remember a guy will never marry the girl he's been screwing! His mother wouldn't approve.
2007-01-20 22:24:17
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Well, are you judgmental, critical or controlling? If not... If you have good hygiene and is well mannered. Then there is nothing wrong with you. Just be yourself and your match will come along. Women like men who pay attention to what they say and can remember what they like and act on it and I believe men feel the same.
2007-01-20 22:33:04
answer #4
answered by mysty 2
Depends on why. If you loose interest like it's awkward and you have nothing to talk about, then you two just need to find more to talk about. If it's cause you don't feel attracted to them anymore, try to figure out why and see how you can change that.
2007-01-20 22:24:14
answer #5
answered by Megan C 4
Maybe the question isn't what wrong with you, maybe the question is what wrong with other people. Different people have different turn-offs. Maybe people just need to get a different opinion of what is interesting.
2007-01-20 22:23:06
answer #6
answered by 1 confused chick 2
It's a bit hard to have an opinion if you don't give more details. Maybe you're a boring conversationalist, maybe you have bad breath, maybe your dates just have the attention span of a goldfish.
2007-01-20 22:21:58
answer #7
answered by Liz 7
this is a good question. I'm not sure what is wrong probley nothing with you it is probley them. I have had the same thing happen and it is not all that fun. you just need to pick your self back up and go out there and prove that person wrong.
2007-01-20 22:24:13
answer #8
answered by ladyjamie 6
Human beings are not destined to like all of the opposite sex. Some day somebody will show up that reciprocate your feelings and your whole world will turn upside down.
2007-01-20 22:23:12
answer #9
answered by Willem V 3
Nothing is wrong with you, people just don't feel that connection or don't have the same interests as you.
2007-01-20 22:20:28
answer #10
answered by drunken_monkey1988 4
you just haven't found the right one. or either a mature one. a lot of times if you are a lot more mature than a man even if he likes you they tend to find it overwhelming or even intimidating. just keep getting out there and trying the right one will come along.
2007-01-20 22:21:53
answer #11
answered by butter_cream1981 4