That's not too bad, 21 and 27....I would give it a go.
2007-01-20 14:14:26
answer #1
answered by Kiss My Shaz 7
Girly, you are 21, it's not like you're 12 and he's 18. Older men are more interesting, the age difference balances off the immaturity they have, so he would probably click well with your way of thinking. If you want a serious relationship, he is most likely to have one just because he is approaching the big 3-0. A 21 year old guy is most likely thinking about getting drunk just because he is legal to do so.
2007-01-20 14:23:16
answer #2
answered by YayaMami87 2
Okay there is the barrier between age at some point if its like a decade or two and you guys are from two different worlds then you should reconsider going into a relationship like that. If you guys are on the same level and want the same things as in goals, aspirations and dreams then you should go for it. Why make something so good slip what if he is the one for you. I always say that women mature more than men anyway and I think that a mature guy who is experience is cool and sexy.
Be very careful though and proceed with caution.
Good luck.
2007-01-20 14:26:35
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
At this point and time I say let it go....
15 and 21 is a big difference at this point in your life because you are what in 10th grade and he is out school, working, able to go to bars and drink, drive, etc and you aren't yet able to do this. There really isn't a lot for the two of you two to have in common BUT if the age were 30 and 36 then it wouldn't be as big a difference even though it's the same amount of years because both of you would be at the same place maturity wise and life events wise. I hope that makes sense.
2007-01-20 14:19:13
answer #4
answered by bnaxchic 1
psh why not. you may ned up getting dissapointed, but you take that risk with any guy....And if you really have the oppurtunity to give it a shot and dont, ur probly gonna have some regrets. my parents are 10 years apart, so 6 years really isnt anything to me, well since ur 21 anyways. But i saw this 18 year old on Dr.Phil who was with a 35 year old guy and she got really messed up over him. Lol. But yeah if he seems into you, who knows? I think whatever happens is fate so i'd just go with the flow. But i hope whatever comes ur way makes u happy, good luck.
2007-01-20 14:20:54
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I think 21 is old enough to date someone 6 years older than you.
2007-01-20 14:15:18
answer #6
answered by Dovahkiin 7
the only way to find out is to tell him . Do not get all tied up in the age issue > go with your heart but do not forget your intuition
either. Go with your heart and try it out or you will never know
and you will one day wonder about it.. You just might be made for each other or it might not work but at least you will know and some how it makes you more wiser in these situations in the future think about tomarrow and do not wonder about yesterday.
You can never change the past but you can make your future ..
2007-01-22 14:48:57
answer #7
answered by paul r 2
6 years may not seem like a big difference but it can be in a lot of ways. Including values, morals and maturity. Take your time and examine this guy and get to know him better before you go any further.
2007-01-20 14:18:01
answer #8
answered by ajm1085 1
5 years is not a huge difference once you are 21. Give him a try. If it doesn't work, at least you tried
2007-01-20 14:15:52
answer #9
answered by Love&Confusion 3
Go for it!! Maturity is more important than a number. I briefly dated a girl some months back who was 2 years older than me chronologically...but about 5 years behind me in maturity! (It was a weird experience)
So...In my opinion..I would say go for it!! In the very least, You might wind up with a close friend!!
2007-01-20 14:20:35
answer #10
answered by Chief Paduke 5