go get some professional help...
. You are way to young to even realize how stupid this will all sound in about 10 years. Everything gets easier trust me.
2007-01-20 13:39:01
answer #1
answered by USMCstingray 7
Wow. A few things going on here. Personally I think 15 is WAY to young to get married to anyone regardless of the circumstances. As for your heart breaking...I think you need to see a professional to be on the safe side. School may offer a counselor if not there are many who are fee or reduced in price. Telling your family will be uncomfortable but is the best thing in the long run. They really do love you. If you are using street drugs or alcohol you are just self medicating a bigger problem and they can in turn even make you feel more depressed (its a chemical reaction as your body metabolizes the stuff). If the young lady can not see that you love her then perhaps she is not worth all the effort you are putting into these thoughts. Move on, spend time with friends DO NOT ISOLATE YOURSELF as it will increase the depression. Michelle
2007-01-28 08:42:14
answer #2
answered by mchlw43 3
wait...she's going to be 15?....and you are only 18? first of all, this girl is way too young to get married and def too young for kids! - hello?!? where are y'all from? West Virginia? lol. and ok so you are 18. that's a little better but still way too young to go nuts over some girl. you will find the right person for you, you have time! right now she may seem like the best thing in the world but you don't know that the two of you would ever even work out. being so young, chances are they would not. and suicide? come on. that's silly. NO ONE is worth killing yourself over. you are your own person and have so much a head of you...don't let anyone take that away from you!
2007-01-28 10:17:20
answer #3
answered by Cindy C 2
Everyone thinks about suicide at least once. However, if she's truely happy, let her be happy. It wouldn't be fair, least to her, to lose one of her friends (i assume your friends, sorry if this is wrong) when she may need you the most. Marriage AND pregnancy are huge stressors and she may need an ear here and there.
Next, if you did commit suicide you don't know what you could miss by leaving this game early. What if the next girl you meet, will give you a chance and you may find a deeper love than either of these girls have inspired.
I'm glad you are not going to commit suicide, but I do feel for your broken heart. I hope you find some happiness soon.
2007-01-20 13:44:38
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You are young.
I don't buy the whole God thing either, but I do believe that there are no grounds for suicide...
ESPECIALLY not a girl. Give yourself some time to really explore and figure out who you are on your own. Worrying about girls right now only adds to the stress of doing that. You're at the perfect age to explore yourself. Your feelings and thoughts and takes on life are just starting to congeal, give that a chance. Everything else will fall into place once you have a sense of self.
I know it sounds trite, but I speak from experience, very similar, very close personal experience. Don't give up.
And if you need to talk to someone, don't feel ashamed to do it. Please.
2007-01-28 13:04:50
answer #5
answered by GreenIYD 5
Hey, I know that when you get your heart broken it completely sucks...suicide though is not the answer....if I were you I would try to find something to do that will occupy your time and take your mind off of this...Volunteer with some activity groups in you neighbourhood...I know that this sounds easy to say but trust me, when you focus on other things and take your mind of the one thing that hurts the most, you tend to notice it less and less...You have a lot in life a head of you my friend...and maybe even a few more broken hearts....but you seem like a very nice guy and I bet it won't be long until you meet the girl that loves you as much as you love her...If you kill your self then you are robbing her of that chance to love you....So...take what's happened , learn from it...find something to keep yourself busy and you'll find it hurts less....Anyway...that's my advice...oh...eat some ice cream it really does help......
2007-01-28 11:18:27
answer #6
answered by beans 2
Hey man (killing your self is not a way out!) There are people that love you and will be very very sad and they will have the broken heart if you did that. I felt the same way man as i was geting older. Now i have three kids and a wife. And no it was not the girl that i wanted then it is the girl that i had to wait for in life. The girl that is going to marry at 15 is going to say 10 years down the road i messed up when you are going to have a good life with a good girl and have kids someday. Good things come by you waiting for them. (thank god for unansewed prarys) I went and got help when i was going thought this kind of crap and it worked. Go to a doctor and talk to he or she, Or your best friend. You have a place in this world and you got to find it, And you will and be happyer. Trust ME dont kill your self over a girl. That is not the thing to do. There are penty of girls right now waiting for you to take them in your arms. There are good girls to love, eat ice cream with, talk with, go to the movies, go out to eat, and the best part kissing holding hands, walks in the park, love making. Now if you are not here you can't do those things. (So work with yourself and STAY ALIVE AND WORK THIS OUT). Take care man and i wish you luck. Remember if you are not here you will be missing out on YOUR life.
2007-01-20 14:24:42
answer #7
answered by firecoolerman 2
Suicide is final. As you move through life you will be suprised at the amount of strength you gain from experiences you never thought you'd pull out of. As you look back you will wonder why you poured energy into situations that made you unhappy. This is one of those times you will look back on, you have the choice to remember it as a learning experience and develop your character or choose to wallow for a while and get angry at the world. If you choose the first one, be assured that when you meet the love of your life you can laugh at this situation and realise it will make you the man you are at that moment. As for God creating you for a reason, well ultimately it is your life and you can choose your reason. What will it be?......
2007-01-20 13:49:35
answer #8
answered by kelstar 5
I think you have grounds to be hurt, but not grounds for suicide. I like you have been hurt, but you have to realize that it takes two to love. There is someone out there for you and even though you love her, theres someone else for you. And it might not even last with her and her BF. At least you still have a chance. :(( my first GF killed herself.. And i hate when people say god created me for a reason. the reason is, my mom wasnt on the pill -_-.
But suicide is never the answer. Itll take a long LONG time but ull get over it. Somehow ive gotten over my GF death. Dont forget u dieing makes other people sad. I know when my GF died i almost went insane
2007-01-20 13:45:16
answer #9
answered by Joseph M 1
Hi Kenneth,
Yes you are young, but that does Not make your feelings invalid.
Just try to remember this: This will all pass, and the pain you felt will make you the person you are going to become.
You must know that you are worthy, and that someday even right now today, you make a difference in some one Else's life.
Heck, You made a difference in my life right now, tonight.
You helped me to remember that everything happens for a reason, and life goes on, and many good things are right around the corner!
It is okay!
2007-01-28 10:40:08
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
You need to pull yourself together. No girl in the world is worth your life. You're very young, and if this silly girl is going to get pregnant and married at such a young age, she's not too bright. You probably don't want her anyway. Cheer up, there's plenty more fish in the sea.
2007-01-20 13:44:33
answer #11
answered by Anonymous