no, bulbs of good resolution projectors cost $250+, so price plus bulb replacement. also, i use a self built projector (took experience to get it right) and if you use a projector you have to get a projection screen, and a good one at that. and you have to get a sound kit or use a stereo, plus you have to check on the inputs for it. so looking at all those factors, you'd do better to get an LCD TV. the way technology is going, plasma is getting phased out. eventhough plasma is the greatest technology out there, id go with a huge lcd tv.
2007-01-20 11:24:51
answer #1
answered by The_Amish 5
If I were to go big, I were to go with a 60" Plasma system. Reasons 1- Cost, relatively speaking when compared to LCD it is a lot cheaper at that size. But when compared to a decent projector I will give you that, that projectors are cheaper. 2- But when you compare the lifespan of a projector to LCD and Plasma systems, Plasma and LCD last you a lot longer. They both would last you around 60,000 hours lifespan. Whereas a projector is at best around 4,000 hours and the lamps will cost you around $300-$400 a pop. Unless this is a really dedicated movie room it is not worth the while. 3- Plasmas still have the best colour range when compared to LCD. LCD has a tendency to not show standard def pics as clearly yet (or rather should I say take a look at the skin tone colours of any LCD panel versus plasma panel on standard definition, you will see what I am talking about) 4- In order of room lighting, projectors have to be in the darkest room lighting, Plasma is about average room lighting and then LCD in well-lit rooms. Ultimately the decision is yours, but in relation to what you are getting and how much you are spending Plasma would be a better choice.
2016-05-24 02:14:07
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
You're probably not going to be able to control the ambient light in an apartment. So I'd definately go with the LCD over either of them. You won't get light reflecting back to you.
You wouldn't need to buy a bulb "every month", but you would have to replace them after several thousand hours of viewing. But the important thing is that it will be too dim during the day, and possibly too bright at night with a Projector.
Go LCD - no glare, no bulb replacing, and a solid picture in almost every situation.
2007-01-20 13:05:11
answer #3
answered by sportscam_guru 3
I have both and the TV is the much nicer way to go. Yes I can make the screen on the projector go REALLY big , but the brightness and clarity of picture is no where near what my TV gives me.
The kids like watching moves giant style so it works for them (also PS2 with life size characters is neat) . But for me the novelty wore off pretty quick.
2007-01-20 11:23:20
answer #4
answered by Panther 3
An overhead projector is primarily designed for a Home Theater that is specifically built like a movie theater...
While you can install it in an apartment, you would end up needing a projection screen and that means putting holes in the apartment wall for mounting....
In an apartment NO.....Your own home YES....
2007-01-20 11:22:16
answer #5
answered by reggieman 6
You can find a lot of info at cheapest prices. There are over one million consumer written reviews and a lot of product details.
Good luck to you, I hope this helps you.
2007-01-20 12:41:30
answer #6
answered by Anonymous