Usually, no. They might be able to get a discount or something but not free membership. Although some colleges have their own gyms and students can use those for free because the student fees pay for those gyms.
2007-01-19 20:31:37
answer #1
answered by moma 5
usually its free membership at your campus' gym. but for others like Ballys and 24, not a big discount. i pay 29 a month for 3 years at Ballys to go to any gym. i guess thats OKAY but not a great price. its pretty much normal discount prices u can find if u see the reps trying to sell at malls and such..
2007-01-20 04:53:27
answer #2
answered by i ♥ 7 2
you can get free college membership, but only from your own collge, and you are only allowed one hour a day, and in some colleges only 10 free students are allowed at once.
you cant apply at any gym only gyms that are part of your college.
2007-01-20 04:35:09
answer #3
answered by yamahaqi 3
Gym membership for students???
As much use as knitting lessons for fish - lazy sod's usually can;t be bothered to get dressed never mind exercise!
2007-01-20 04:33:44
answer #4
answered by The Wandering Blade 4
They should be charged double, little horrors.
2007-01-20 04:29:00
answer #5
answered by iusedtolooklikemyavatar 4
yes.. in ur bedroom
2007-01-20 04:31:52
answer #6
answered by cool and simple 2