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This one is cheap and has flex pay.


And also this one:


May want to hook my Computer up to it as well. I do that with the VGA cable right? Looking to keep the purchase as cheap as possible. Really don't want to break $800 or if I have too $1,000 but looking to buy 2.

Also this one here says it supports 1080p through the HDMI cables. Do i need a tuner? Or do I just need cables for this?


2007-01-19 16:57:32 · 2 answers · asked by hardkore_hargus 1 in Consumer Electronics TVs

2 answers

Never heard of Sceptre but Costco carry Vizio. For your budget, I would suggest you get a Vizio instead. The specs on the Sceptre look good on paper but you need to see it in person and compare it to other tvs. 1080p support through HDMI means that you need a HDMI cable connected to the HDMI port in order for the tv to scale up to this resolution. There are nothing out there right now that support 1080p except HD dvd player, PS3 or the Xbox 360.

2007-01-19 17:13:08 · answer #1 · answered by Ted B 6 · 0 0


That's not true 1080p. It's upscaled so it's not as good as native 1080p. 1,366 x 768: The 768 tells you that it's native resolution is only 720p. To get native 1080p, 2nd number needs to be at least 1080p.

Yeah, you hook up the PC to the TV using VGA cables.

I would do a research on the Spectre brand before making a purchase. There are other TV's of that size and price that have a more popular name brand.

2007-01-19 17:09:43 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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