You should move on with your life you should see other people thats wrong for him to expect you just to wait he was the stupid one that let you go in the fist place. sounds like he is uncertain whether you are the one or not. usually most guys pass up the one that they should be with by chasing other women then they realize what they had. listen date it will make him jealous and who knows you might realize you beauty and you may find yourself not needing him anymore.he sounds controlling to just be careful.
2007-01-19 18:53:20
answer #1
answered by coregio 2
Well for one it was his idea to break up so he has no input on what you do with another guy. I think you should take the time however long it takes to sort out your feelings that you have for your ex and just take some time for yourself and have fun. 5 years is a long time, you should definitely take the time for yourself and figure out what you want and where you want to be in a few years.. The right guy will come along and when he does you will know and go from there. As far as your ex is concerned I would not worry about taking him back, he had another agenda when he broke it off in the first place.
2007-01-19 14:59:30
answer #2
answered by crazygirl 1
this is a really need to seriously think what *YOU* want. if you could see yourself with him, then I would just wait...if not, or you happen to find a new guy that you really like, just let him go. I mean, who knows how long he will need to think or whatever and he seems like he's still trying to control you even though yall are over. Its like being together but not at the same time. He probably wants to date other girls but know you are still there if he doesnt have luck, which isnt fair to you. If he can do what he wants then you should do what you want. Tell him something like I will wait ___ amount of time but then I need to move on because I cant keep doing this or just talk to him to find out what hes really thinking
2007-01-19 14:57:50
answer #3
answered by Sarah 4
I think you should give it a little while. See if he still cares enough about you to come back. If he doesn't soon you should move on because you dont want to waste your life waiting. I am sure there is another guy out there, but it seems like you and your ex boyfriend really did care about eachother alot. Good luck.
2007-01-19 14:59:45
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
So pretty much what you are saying is your man broke up with you and you are pretty sure he has moved on, but he threatened you by saying if you move on he will never come back to you...Don't you see what he's doing? He's taking a break so he can go off and have sex with whoever he wants while keeping you on standby.
Get rid of him. Don't sit there and wait for him to decide what he's going to do. You decide that you aren't going to sit around and wait on any man and you start dating again. It's not fair that he gets to play and you have to stay in the house...That's BS.
2007-01-19 14:56:54
answer #5
answered by Truth Hurts 6
Sounds like this guy is playing mind games with you. He's seeing how much you'll allow him to control you. If he broke up with you because he "needed his space," then his rethinking you're entire relationship.
If you want to end all communication with him that's your choice. You don't have to return his calls or answer your door when he comes over.
As far as when to start dating someone else, that's something only you can decide. When you're comfortable, do it. But if you still love this guy don't because it would only be unfair to the new guy you're dating.
Follow your heart. It's your best guidance tool.
2007-01-19 14:58:06
answer #6
answered by Misty Eyes 6
well did you see him while going out with your boyfriend when your boyfriend wasent there? if so then yes some people would call it cheating but i will leave that for you to decide if you are not insterated in your ex then when he calls explain that you are in a relationship now and pretty much what happened in the past should stay in the past but if you are insterated in both boys then you and you alone need to decide who you like more, who is better to you, who you are most comfterable around ect.
2016-05-23 23:28:26
answer #7
answered by ? 4
He's definitely seeing someone else and is contacting you to make sure your not doing the same he is guilty and you will be the one to pay if you get back with him you should get out with some friends have some fun try to forget about him then move on with someone new
2007-01-19 15:00:27
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Forget him and find another man, or woman, or whatever you want. You should be with someone else and then seduce him. While in bed with him (in the act), you should tell him about the other men you've had. That could turn out interesting. Good Luck.
2007-01-19 15:56:26
answer #9
answered by Jopo Lugo 2
that creep he doesnt want u to have a life just go out with other people whenever u want and if he starts to say somethingjust tell him its ur life and if he wants to go back with u he should take u no matter what
2007-01-19 14:58:18
answer #10
answered by Claudia C 2