theres a million cute guys in this world, if you don't think its worth the trouble, turn your eyes in a different direction!
2007-01-19 14:43:43
answer #1
answered by dannydolphin 3
Just because his sister said that doesn't make it true.
I'd ask him if it was true. Even if they are lesbians, why would it matter? They would be interested in each other, not him.
If the sister was implying that all three of them have sex together, I would definitely ask him. If he says, "yes", they have threesomes, I would move on because chances are he might want you to be with another female with him as well.
It might be what he is into.
2007-01-19 14:47:29
answer #2
answered by Molly 6
Hey.. Calm down..
I think his sister has a serious 'brother complex'. So, everyone that want to have a date with her brother will be distrubbed by her. With a big lie like that.
But it is just my imagination.
The point is.. Oh come on! would you pass a change to have a date with a cute guy? No!
If you still in a doubt. Just ask him. With a small joke, so he won't angry.
2007-01-19 15:12:20
answer #3
answered by Aya hime(princess) 2
How could he have 2 lesbian girlfriends? Lesbians only date women. They might be bi. Either way, it has nothing to do with you so it really shouldn't factor into you going out with him.
Actually, your question makes no sense at all. I don't know what you should do.
2007-01-19 14:43:10
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
i think you need to confront him about this instead of taking his sister's word for it because:
a. how do you know she isn't lieing or exagarrating?? sisters are sisters for a reason. to be pesky and annoying and mess with your life. okay well not all the time but it is part of their job. believe me i know.
b. how do you know he didnt know that they were lez ya know? they might have used him which brings me to my next point...
c. maybe the two girls were friends or needed to pretend to have a bf for a bit. not that i would know but it does seem gays get it ruffer than most espcially the girls. maybe he was just being a nice guy.
d. and remember exs are exs for a reason ya know?
so talk to him before you condemn him. give him a chance to let himself explain himself.
2007-01-19 14:56:35
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Really its all up to you if you call the shots its your way or the highway!!!! You must first be honest with yourself, what do you want in a relationship, not matter how cute the guy is if he doesn't fit your needs forget it your in for trouble!!!!!!!!
2007-01-19 14:45:23
answer #6
answered by Hootylou 1
Why would you not go out with him? So he had two lesbian girlfriends. Do you think he's going to make you start liking girls? I don't see the problem with going out with him if you both like each other.
2007-01-19 14:44:07
answer #7
answered by Mizuki 2
were the lesbians girlfriends, and he was with them.. if so. get rid of him. but if he's just dated them there is a possibility that he just has bad luck ,, though i doubt that,..
just try and go out w/ him..
i think if he's a sicco, you can just be like never talk to him again...
2007-01-19 14:48:19
answer #8
answered by a 3
I can say truthfully that i have never had that experence like that but give it a try and go out with him and if you feel wierd than don't but go out with him.
2007-01-19 14:46:48
answer #9
answered by Roni 3
If he is not dating them now then it has no bearing on your dating him now. {Why did his sister tell you this? Was she hitting on you?}
Who you dated in the past should have no more bearing than who he did!
2007-01-19 14:44:47
answer #10
answered by Anonymous