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Okay, so we are both 15, and we mostly see each other at school. Thing is, we don't have any classes together now. So basically we never see each other. he doesn't really make much effort to call me or anything. Sometimes I call him, but we usually have awkward silences and the conversations don't last long. I do believe him when he says he really cares about me, though, and I know he wants to be with me. My question isn't about that, I just needed to provide some background. Because now what i want to do is talk to him about the effort going into the relationship and how we can make more time. But I really don't want to do this over the phone, or email, obviously. Where do you think would be a good place to go to just talk to him, face to face? And how do I tell him I need to talk to him without worrying him? But mainly the first question. And neither of our houses are an option. His mom is overprotective and won't let him here and at his house we would not have any chance to talk.

2007-01-19 14:28:19 · 5 answers · asked by Kesie 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

5 answers

Sorry for the uninspiring news, but if he knows that talking on the fone is the most efficient means of communicating with you, and is not really making an effort, something is out of place. Dont be affraid to ask him what it is he wants from you. But beware of the response. You may, or may not be ready for what he has to say. Keep an open mind.

2007-01-19 14:35:24 · answer #1 · answered by diggamann 1 · 0 0

its ok to talk over the phone about that. but if you dont want to, then go for a walk, or go out to a movie or something, or both go to a friends house and go off and tlsak together.

2007-01-19 22:31:40 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ask him to meet you after school and then go to a local coffee house or restuarant. If it's not too cold outside, go to a park.

2007-01-19 22:35:03 · answer #3 · answered by hotmama 3 · 0 0

Don't you guys go out? Go to the movies or since you need to talk go to dinner and talk. I'm suprised your still together if you don't communicate at all.


2007-01-19 22:32:23 · answer #4 · answered by soccerpsychic 4 · 0 0


Do talk, helps good, and worring will stop when issues are solved.

2007-01-19 22:33:50 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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