I broke up with him a week ago A couple of days ago I heard him talking to his friend about this girl he liked, I thought that they were kidding bc while we were going out he kept saying, I love you so much that I wont go out with another girl til 7 grade if we break up! I OBVIOUSLY believed him, I also forgot to mention that this kid lyed to me, cheated on me, and flirted with every girl that he met. He also broke ALOT of promises that he made. yesterday on the bus home my friend ben said that my x told him who he liked , i didnt believ him. That night i talked to my x online and he said that he didnt like ANOYONE but me even tough were not together. Today at lunch he asked out another girl, but he DID ask my permission, I said that I didnt care and I hated him (but I still like him!) and he asked ehr out and she said no. Im in 6 grade and today at lunch I was crying and cursing and trying to hide it from my friends and finally told them, then my x ignored me the rest of the day!
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Family & Relationships
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Can people stop treating me like im 4???? I know exactly what its like to be in love and dont say that I dont,, because I couldnt break up with this guy for more then a day without gettin back together and all i do is think about him and dont say im too young to understand! 6 7 and 8 grades r the hardest!
14:28:30 ·
update #1