Let me first start off by saying: I'm Confused!!
There's a guy I met not too long ago at my church who I befriended. One Sunday, we were designated as the primary organizers of the annual "Nursing Home Visit" program [Hence, this is how he got my number]
To make a long story short, any time we talk, we can go on from as little as 30 minutes to hours--just talking. In fact, recently we were both coming from a church program and happened to be getting on the same bus ----and we BOTH missed our bus stops because we were so focused on our conversation with one another. Any time we talk, it just -flows.
He's not drop-dead gorgeous or something out of a magazine, but he's certainly Not ugly.
Any advice?
25 answers
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What gives?
Family & Relationships
➔ Singles & Dating
as long as u r attracted to him in someway u should give it a chance.
and no it is not all about looks
2007-01-19 14:27:51
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Love doesn't spring from physical attraction. Sometimes, it's even the other way around. If you feel something for him, and he feels the same way about you, go for it! The more deeply you fall in love with him, the more he'll look like the most handsome man in the world. If you're not sure that there's a spark between you two though, there's no need to rush things and jeopordize what sounds like a lovely friendship. I was friends with my boyfriend for two years before we realized we liked eachother. Sometimes I regret the wasted time, but I think, in the long run, it just made our relationship stronger.
2007-01-19 22:30:21
answer #2
answered by bubblecrusader 1
how do you know hes not thinking the same thing about you?.... he may want some gorgeous model looking chick or watever........ I mean whats there to complain? He IS tolerable right...you can look at him without wanting to give him a paper bag right? ..... Sometimes the best looking people have the worse personalities......and when you two finally DO hook up you will start to notice him looking even better than before :) Continue to talk and let nature take its course. Your friendship can go far.
2007-01-19 22:19:05
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
you seem like you get along with this person so i suggest that you tell him how you feel becuase chances are he feels the same way. looks are a big part of a relatioship because if you think he is ugly and you are not attracted to him your intimate life wont be as good as your convirsations. but it is not ALL about the looks because he sound like someone you can spend a lot of time with and since you dont think he is ugly then you should give it a try.
2007-01-19 22:20:42
answer #4
answered by Michelle Annette 2
so what are you confused about?
you made a good connection
you can converse with someone
and it not Brad Pitt
so what?
what are your CORE values
what is it you like /dislike
what qaualities do you seek in a guy?
how much self worth do you have ?
do you think you have?
to ask such a question suggest not much
as you fear what other may think of you should you choose him
and that tells me you seek approval of your peers
did God say something about not being a lamb, but a Lion ?
indeed you a lamb
2007-01-19 22:17:35
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It's not all about looks. Someone could look like a model and be the biggest jackass in the world.
If you're happy with this guy and enjoy spending time with him then continue to do so.
All the best to you!
2007-01-19 22:16:23
answer #6
answered by Misty Eyes 6
No, it is not about the looks, eventually the looks will fade away, a it is about communication and compatibility and that is what you have.You are both very blessed to be so compatible with each other. Enjoy your friendship with him, and see where the relationship goes. Best Wishes!
2007-01-19 22:27:04
answer #7
answered by Janice 10 7
Apparently this guy's a good catch. I think you should be smart enough to know that it shouldn't be all about the looks. But whatever you do, don't ask him out! That's his job!
Please don't be offended by this, but I don't really see what the point of this question was.
2007-01-19 22:17:58
answer #8
answered by pussycat4073 2
Good God. Thank your lucky stars. Look... think about it. When you are older isn't it about who respects you, and loves you that matters. Thank you for not being shallow. Looks are not everything. Obviously there is an attraction. Just keep getting to know him...good luck!
2007-01-19 22:18:44
answer #9
answered by Suzanne 4
I'm not really sure what you're asking..
If he has a good heart.. keep him around.
If he's so ugly you cant even look at him; get rid of him.
but it doens't sound like that.
go out to the movies, pizza, or a walk.
Have fun!
2007-01-19 22:18:25
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
apparently you two are very into eachother and yall have great communication...i think communication comes waaaay before looks in a relationship...you have to remember looks are only skin deep and one day mirster hot tamale isnt going to be so hot any more so looks really dont matter atall
2007-01-19 22:16:47
answer #11
answered by alex jade 2