I will break you in properly. Just give me a call.
2007-01-19 12:11:06
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Confidence is key. If you think wearing tight clothes is confidence then you need to rethink your confidence level. Not that I am apposed to sexy outfits they help, but they are not all you need. Most men like to be dominated... at least a little. Take control of the bedroom activities. Start off slowly at first, you don't have to jump right into sex kitten status. One night give him a long hard massage before he even begins the love making process. Concentrate on his lower back and don't be shy. I'm sure he'll love anything you do. Try teasing him as well. But the best advice I think for having a great sex life would be to talk... before, during, and after. You need to know what he likes and doesn't like. ask him what his fantasies are, what would drive him crazy, how he likes to be touched. get the conversation started by telling him what he did that drove you crazy. the best foreplay is communication!! Just don't insult him because men can get hurt very easily when it comes to bedroom performance. If you cant talk then you shouldn't be having sex with him. And it wouldn't hurt to buy a few cosmopolitan magazines.They have good advice in there especially for a shy girl. non of it is stuff you haven't heard of before, but it may give you some added confidence. Good Luck and remember communication, communication, communication.
2007-01-19 20:28:06
answer #2
answered by sarajane 2
sweetie, you sound like a little darling! First of all, please don't think that your clothes make you sexy, it is your attitude and the way you handle yourself as a woman. Clothes are secondary.
Secondly, in the bedroom, let go and enjoy yourself. Think about achieving YOUR orgasm, not his. When you're sitting on his penis, do it for you, not him. When he's hitting you from behind, tell him to stop and then you move your body back and forth on him. etc.
Now, the only reason I'm telling you to be concerned with your pleasure first (which seems backward, I know), is because this is how you can loosen up and feel more free with your sexuality.
Have fun, and good luck!
2007-01-19 20:15:29
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Simple answer... get out of the bedroom... Try golf courses sneaked into at night... the posher the better. train carriages at night you can get yourself in for long enough to do it up against the windows.
Try remote control vibrators... you put the vibrating egg in you panties. BF gets the remote all day.
He will love that and be very naughty like setting it off when you are sitting on the bus near a nun, queing up for food etc.
Act like a cat. cat suit, ears, tail, mieow and crawl over to start rubbing against him...
fancy dress ie nurse, cop etc.
Say as a cop you arrwst him and search him but shock horror you find his diplomatic immunity card . Now you are in trouble, one call from you and he can make you loose your job and get You arrested. However can you convince him to do otherwise.
Or how about get a video camera and be the innocnet or so not innocent girl auditioning for the pervey porn film producer etc.
Guys also love looking up their girls skirt and if she has no panties... ladder comes to mind.
Or get a poledance pole for the house... they often work buy pressure and spings to stay in place and get pole dance lessons which would help with shyness
2007-01-20 05:41:16
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Figure out what turns YOU on first. Fantasize a little bit, day dream, and don't try to jump in feet first with a strip tease or something. If you're shy, it will only make you feel exposed and vulnerable. Play "Hide the Honey" (courtesy of Cosmo). Have your man lay on the bed and blindfold yourself. Have him dab some chocolate sauce or honey somewhere on his body and you have to find it with your mouth. Start slowly, and as you learn more about what gets you going and how you can get it, the kitten will follow.
2007-01-19 20:19:07
answer #5
answered by Arwen G 1
Have a look through various Men's magazines and I'm sure you'll get a feel for things. I'm not sure and haven't checked any sources but studies have found that women are turned on more than men when watching a porno. Hey! You need to be comfortable with yourself and enjoy sex. It is one of the few sweetest things on earth and when it comes from your heart, it's even better. Have fun. Smell the roses.
2007-01-19 20:18:24
answer #6
answered by Skip formalities. Ask for Jack 1
ok here we go.
(1) u dont have to wear tight fiting clothing to be sexy
try something like a fleece outfit or just boxers and
a loose fitting t-shirt. allways works
(2) if your shy my suggestion would be to actually gather up the
all of your nerve jsut once and force yourself on him. be a
liitle dominateing. the reason i say this is because once u do
this i garantee you will no longer be shy about that kind of
(3) the rest is up to you from here on out good luck and happy
seducing. if u need any mroe helpful pointers u can email me
2007-01-19 20:14:18
answer #7
answered by neonshroomhead 1
Just try to let your inhibitions go and suggest some things to your boyfriend. A bit of dirty talk will get him going and if he always has to make the move then he will be very pleased you have made the effort!
2007-01-19 20:19:33
answer #8
answered by Jo_Diva 4
If you fake sexiness it is easy to tell. German women are naturally kinky and dominant. Check out some websites and become comfortable with the porn world. Otherwise you will never know what turns him on.
2007-01-19 20:13:56
answer #9
answered by Chris M 2
What you need is at least A month of SEXUALL PLEASURE with An older man! Like me Who would teach you how to please your man But most important is I would show you how to pleas your self while wiht your man. Inexperience is what is holding you back
your man is only pleasing him self and your not getting
any thing for you. once you know what you like than you will under stand what needs to be done,
If you want to learn from some older man and you are 18 re post saying teach me walter c and then we can work some thing out. pleas dont ask me if your under 18 beacuse it aint gonna happen.
2007-01-19 20:25:05
answer #10
answered by walter c 5
Ask him what he likes, and tell him that sometimes you feel shy.
When you find out what he like sthen try to act that out for him. Go out of your shell, but don't go so crazy that you can't enjoy the sex anymore.
Just go for it!
2007-01-19 20:14:28
answer #11
answered by DanieEdge 2