Because a large precentage of women will believe them rather than their lying eyes.
2007-01-19 10:34:50
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Hoping you will fall for the lie again.............................
A cheat is a cheat, don't like being caught, but they do like the game, it's exciting sneaking around like a snake to most men. They usually tell you a lot more than you are crazy, which I sure you know this.. It's another way out ...
They are just hoping you will start to believe your crazy and fall to pieces, you know like a cheap lawn chair, I've heard that term used
Good Luck
Catch Them Red Handed --- Then What ??????
2007-01-19 15:56:06
answer #2
answered by M.A.G. 2
Men and Woman will both lie to try and keep things good at home...Not ALL men and woman are cheaters..My Ex states that he never cheated out of the 5 years we were with eachother....I guess that kid just was delivered by the stork....What I think is messed up they can bring this on all on there own, then when caught they dont want to own up to it...(Sigh)..I wish everyone could admit to all faults, but thats not the case..Good Luck and Best Wishes!
2007-01-19 11:01:34
answer #3
answered by blondieoftexas 2
There are many reasons and causes but the most likely is to maintain their own self image. We think the way we act, this is called cognitive congruence. People men included have a distinct idea of who they are and what kind of person they are. Most men know that cheating is bad but rationalize the behavior. When they are caught they cant reconcile their behavior with the type of person they see themselves as. As such they must lie to maintain this image. They are lieing more to themselves then they are to you.
2007-01-19 10:38:12
answer #4
answered by Psyc Guy 2
That is just the way they play the game.The sad thing is this is the most cruel thing that a man can do to a woman. Sometimes he gets away with it . Sooner or later it comes back to haunt him. He has just thrown that LOVE away. She can not love him again. At least women are aware of how men can play lowlife games. The other woman who will not bow out is the crazy mean one and so is the so called husband or boyfriend! They have had practice telling lies.
2007-01-19 10:45:16
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
My first husband cheated on me and got caught in the worst way that there is. He got his w.... pregnant. The child support papers were handed to me at my front door. It wasn't his fault. It was my fault that he couldn't keep his pants on.
2007-01-19 10:38:42
answer #6
answered by Nancy M. 4
most men cheat because they r not being satisfied at home lie well thats cuz they dont wanna lose what little they do have and deep inside them they really do love their wife she just isnt giving him something that he is getting from the other woman
2007-01-19 10:36:02
answer #7
answered by cuddleme c 1
guys r just like that...i feel ya im going through the same thing!!!u know i wonder what happened to all the sweet guys who never think about cheating, open doors, dont just want to get in ur pants, and not so cocky?!i guess they fell off the earth!!!
2007-01-19 10:37:03
answer #8
answered by please answer! 1
well, we all lie to a certain extent. you have to look at the circumstances. were you guys up front with each other from the beginning of the relationship? if not then there be lies. and don't tell me you haven't lied either.
2007-01-19 10:36:13
answer #9
answered by Stephen B 1
Fear. And the best defense being a good offense. They turn the tables if they can. The trick is to not take the bait.
2007-01-19 10:34:53
answer #10
answered by Bad Kitty! 7