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help! see my best friend thats a boy told me last night that he liked me but like he likes me and another and hes going out with the other girl but he always instant messages me all the time and calls my phone? like do you think he still likes me becuase he always comes to my locker in the morning and after school and like im confused because he said a few days ago he liked me? so what do you thin yes or no. and he saw his girlfriend in the hall and me and like he looked striahgt at me and i walked away. Because hes going out with my best friend and i really wanna go out with him but i couldnt do that to her! only if she said i could and that she didnt care anymore. what do you think! PPLEASE HELP ME PEOPLE:(:(:( IM LIKE WICKED HEARTBROKEN IVE BEEN LIKE THIS FOR 3 DAYS STRAIGHT!!! HELP!!!

2007-01-19 09:07:53 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

1 answers

Probably not anything you can do to stop feeling like you do. Just don't make a mistake and "stab your friend in the back". In time you will eventually get over him. In the meantime try to keep yourself busy and perhaps when you least expect it you will meet a guy that is even better than the one you are mooning over. Did it ever occur to you that maybe you are having these feelings BECAUSE he is "forbidden" since he is already taken by your friend? Think about that and maybe if you can understand your feelings you will be able to get over him.

2007-01-20 12:15:18 · answer #1 · answered by Dellajoy 6 · 0 0

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