Say this with me: I am wrong because I am pretty.
I am sorry, I cannot express my feelings about your dilemma properly. Safe to say that I am sad for you.
I like your name, it shows humor and intelligence.
2007-01-19 09:59:37
answer #1
answered by Swtf 4
Ignore those guys because they obviously have no idea what they're talking about.
This question can go the other way as well.. when I see those girls getting all the guys... I look at the guy they're with, and usually they're with some stereotypically "pretty boy" who is a huge jock and a dimwit who acts like he has no brain and is interested in 3 things: beer, butts, and breasts.
Someday, you'll find someone worth your time. There's still hope. :)
2007-01-19 17:00:42
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Alot of guys do this because they think that its the "cool" thing to do. Going to High School i know alot about this stufff and I can totally relate. My best friend went out with really skinny girl with absolutely no personality and would always yell and scream, some other reasons are that alot of times those are the girls that give them alot of sex, and alll guys are sex machines, and wanna have tons of sex
2007-01-19 17:01:50
answer #3
answered by big mike 2
Not all guys are like that, I like personality, intelligence, and honest girls...sometimes I've looked to get to know the wrong people because of looks, but if the rest isn't there I'm gone!
Guys if they have a maturity issue, or a low self esteem tend to look for the "girl on his arm" type so he can show off and build himself up...
2007-01-19 17:09:26
answer #4
answered by bheithcao 2
Where are you getting your information??? Guys do not think a size 5 is fat!!!! Who told you this??? Seriously, you are confused. Guys do not like skinny girls. They like slim, fit girls with a nice shape. They definitely want a girl who is cool and fun to hang with. More than anything they want a girl with CONFIDENCE. Please add on to your question and say why you think this way.
2007-01-19 17:02:18
answer #5
answered by F 5
Could it be that you're the one that's doing the chasing and not the guys? The reason I ask that is because there are a whole lot of guys out there who prefer girls (women) on the heavy side. I'm living proof of that.
Signed: big booty lover
2007-01-19 17:16:21
answer #6
answered by Grrr! 4
uhh skinny with bones in so ugly. I think a five would probably look normal to me. But after the face personality in everything. I would not go out with a jerk.
2007-01-19 17:01:48
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
i would take a female with a GREAT personality no matter what their size is. to me, that isnt important. i will be honest, there does need to be some physical attraction there, but the inner beauty is what really matters. and a little f.y.i. size 5 is FAR from fat!!!!! good luck, you will meet a good guy that respects you and wants to be with you for WHO u are and not just what u look like!
2007-01-19 17:07:38
answer #8
answered by mich_teddybear 4
Look how old are you. Guy at teenage and till 30 age only think of sex, and at this age they think that skinny no personallity girls, are stupid, and they look slutty, so it would be eiser for them to get those girls to do it. so don't worry there are lot of guys who like some meet, look guy love to see nice round *** and good boobs, and skinny bones girls don't have it.
2007-01-19 17:04:17
answer #9
answered by Loco 3
Seriously? I'm a guy, and I ain't like that at all. I don't like freaky skinny chicks, and I could never date an airhead. Never. I like cool, smart, funny women who share at least some of my interests, and who will smoke my dick. I'm the type of guy who, honestly, doesn't think Pamela Anderson is attractive. I hate that bland, generic look. I'm a Maggie Gyllthenaal man -- I like chiks that seem unusual, and perhaps kinda freaky. And, if you can believe my masturbatory fantasies, Gyllenthaal loves to suck my cock, she can't get enough!
2007-01-19 17:02:29
answer #10
answered by rustyreacharound 2