ADHD is a joke. it is nothing but an excuse. the kids are being kids. and trust me, all kids are like this. if you want him in bed earlier then put him to bed and MAKE him stay there. my sister is 7, she goes to be at about 12:30-1:00 every night.
2007-01-19 06:09:20
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
if he does well academically then most likely it is not ADHD. Don't limit caffeine and sugar..cut it out completly for a month see if that helps. Get him into sports everynight, see if wearing him out helps. Get some relaxation Cd's and play them at night. Make sure it is quiet time for an hour before bed. try to get him to bath right before bed. Add some lavender to the bath. Burn in an electric burner lavender,marjoram and camomile. You could even put this in a carrier oil (see link) and massage his back for 5 min. in bed. Also try changing his bed time to 7.30-8pm. For a 7 year old 9pm is too late. You may be missing his window of tiredness then he gets past it. If you miss this window it can take several hours to get another one. Also go to a health food store and see if they stock Bach remedies. The one you want is rescue remedy or I just checked the site they have rescue sleep too. Great for calming the mind before bed and can be used from birth upwards
2007-01-19 04:05:14
answer #2
answered by Rachel 7
My six year old daughter has been diagnosed with ADHD and is being treated for it. She is doing the same thing, doesn't go to sleep until 11:30-midnight but she is awake sometime around 4-5am. Of course, that is nowhere near enough sleep for a child her age but she is wired from the time she gets up to the time she (finally) settles down for sleep. I have been giving her a Benadryl to make her go to sleep around 7pm, not only to make her sleep but to also stop her incessant itching. ( She will just sit on her bed and start scratching her arms and legs out of boredom) I have also stopped giving her chocolate as it has caffeine in it, told the school to not reward her with candy of any kind, and she does not eat/drink anything with red dye as that makes her hyper as well.
I hope this helps, even if it's the smallest bit helpful.
2007-01-23 00:09:05
answer #3
answered by Michelle G 3
Wow I thought I was the only one! I guess this normal, my little girl is 7 and she has been this way her whole life she can run on 4 hours of sleep and no one would ever now, there is nothing that doctor's prescribe, the nurse practitioner said to maby try benedryl at night but I never did, what if she gets immune to it and needs it one day, I send her to bed every night at 8 pm and 3 hours later she will still be awake, I have came to the conclusion that she is just like this, her doc says if it isn't interfering with school and grades to let her be but to still send her to bed at the same time and eventually (might not be soon), and the older she gets she will start falling asleep, also I notice that when I get her up earlier than normal , she will fall asleep a little earlier at night. They are just so little and have so much going on in there head that they just can't fall asleep like we would like! I hope for you and me it comes soon, and I hope it helps to know there are others out there just like yours! ( oh also the evenings that she has cheerleading she is out like an hour or two than normal, so maby they just need more exersize at night) (sometimes she is up til 1am) Good Luck!
2007-01-19 04:13:29
answer #4
answered by girlieyof5 1
Limiting the sugar and caffeine intake is a wise idea....I'd say from dinner on to ...just give him alittle water, and healthy snack to have before bed. Setting up a routine for him before bed time may work wonders. Remember it may take awhile to establish a routine....but make it a priority and stick with it the best you can. You can always spice it up abit to keep it interesting, but the important thing to do is keep the time lowkey but meaningful.
That means no video games etc. within the hour or so before you put him to bed. Instead opt for pajama time, snack time, maybe a small board game time with you, followed by brushing his teeth so afterwards he can have a story read to him or by him to you. Then it's hugs/kisses and prayer time....and then it's time to get tucked into bed by the one who loves him the most...his parents. You can change around the order of the events, to what suites your family best....but the repetition is something that he will appreciate and enjoy in time, as will you!
The other thing I must note is that you don't try getting him to bed until 9 pm. Try the things I listed upbove the hour before you want to tuck him in, so he doesn't feel rushed....and you might even think of maybe making your goal for him to get into bed 8:30 or 8 pm. at first, since it takes him awhile to doze off.
2007-01-19 03:48:49
answer #5
answered by Trina A 2
Please pass this infor to your husband. I am a first grade teacher.(thanks to student germs, I am off today) We cannot measure todays's children by the standanards of our youth. We are eating porm processed foods, and foods that have been treated with preservatives or harmones. I am not saying that you guys are bad parents, that is just way we live now. I don't know why there are so many students that are ADD or ADHD. There is no harm in having your child tested for ADD or ADHD. His teacher or school councelor should have a check list of things to look for.
Why is it important at this time in his life to do this?
Our brains have a short window of opprotunity to learn how to read. From birth to age 8 or 9 the brain is like a sponge taking in all the info. If you are ADD, then your brain is going a hundred miles an hour. It is not slowing down long enough to allow for learning. The med that are prescribed for ADD and ADHD do exactly what you are asking for, they sort of relax the child's brain, allowing for learing. After a while, you can take them off the meds. I know parents who take the kids off meds for the summer. Good luck.
2007-01-19 02:22:26
answer #6
answered by invisibleone 3
The heck with your ex, he doesn't have to put up with try to get him to sleep. Have him tested, I work with kids and he may have ADHD, if so there are meds to calm him down but not zombie him out.
2007-01-19 02:38:39
answer #7
answered by 400lbtwins 4
Have you tried getting him into a sport to exert some of the physical energy? Maybe he would wear himself out and be relieved to get some sleep.
2007-01-19 02:09:04
answer #8
answered by heather5683 1
go to your vitamin store and buy some melatonin. It should help him to sleep and not bother him in any other way. We have used it for many years for my sisters kid who didnt sleep.
2007-01-19 03:48:38
answer #9
answered by elaeblue 7
U need to turn all the lights out and don't even leave the T.V. on. U also can try to run and play him out.
2007-01-19 02:56:21
answer #10
answered by melissa b 1