Tell them to just dye the high lights,it can be done. They can use foil to seperate it from the rest of your hair. Redken Demi permanent color works good for that. You do not have to dye all your hair.
2007-01-18 19:22:54
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I don't think boxed hair colour is bad for your hair if you follow the directions faithfully. The trouble starts when you don't colour just the roots and get an overlapping of the chemicals. It also makes a difference whether you use semi permanent or permanent hair colour.
The salon would probably colour over all your hair, highlights and all. When the colour starts to fade, the highlights will be noticed first, but there will be much less contrast while you grow your hair back to it's natural colour.
2007-01-19 01:01:30
answer #2
answered by elleglenn 1
tey would mix the colors to give you an all over color, its not that harsh because they are depositing color. the problem lies in the highlights anytime you say highlights it indicates bleach and bleach strips color. the problem with depositing more dye is the dye will wash off the highlights first and they will poke through again, if a pro does it their is not much of a chance the ends will turn green make sure a pro does it.
2007-01-18 14:47:56
answer #3
answered by pa625 5
I just recently went back to my natural color. My old color was red and my hair was just completely dried out and aweful! It didn't help that I was sort of addited to dying my hair. So I went to my salon and had them color it a little darker than my natural color because my hair fades extremely fast. Now my hair is healthier than before and I love the color! Usually when you go to a salon, they use color that is much better than a box and much healthier for your hair. I hope that this helps!!
2007-01-18 14:59:53
answer #4
answered by m-to-the-p 3
Go into a salon. They will charge your for a color correction. It can be kind of pricey (almost up to $200) They can get your color all one color too and even put a deep conditioning treatment in your hair to help it. Give it a couple months then until you do anything to your hair. And don't use box colors---it has an ingrediant in it (henna) which can severly damage your hair.
2007-01-18 14:51:49
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
box hair dye is sooo bad on your hair! the harsh peroxides and high ammonia-I won't even bore you with the technicalities just trust me. go to a stylist-they can color it back with a semi-permanent color that matches your brunette. they do this all over just to make sure your hair looks even. but because it's only semi-it will fade out nicely and you won't have crazy roots when it grows, it will just look natural! make sure you go to a pro though, soooo much easier on your hair-especially that kind of process, it actually smooths down the hair shaft and makes it look shinier :)
2007-01-18 14:50:25
answer #6
answered by Hollianne 3
Well, most likely they'd do a highlight treatment to cover up the ones that already exist, or they'd strip the color completely. If they do that, your hair would be natural color- if not a little ashen toned. Box dyes are bad (but ive used them a 100,000 times lol) but they wont murder your hair if you just take care of it, which yours sounds perfectly fine.
2007-01-18 14:46:58
answer #7
answered by jorygorewhore 2
they would dye all of your hair. they would probably put a toner on the highlighted areas to help them absorb the color better but they would definately color it all. and to answer your question about box dyes, yes they are bad. they are very harsh on your hair and aren't guaranteed. plus they are even harder to work with, especially if you are trying to put professional product on top of them. in other words, box dyes are trash. hope that helps.
2007-01-18 14:55:00
answer #8
answered by Becca 1
TRUST ME! go to a pro I have box dyed hair as well Ive been doing it forever and after a while the damage to your hair is sooo bad just have a pro give you a semi permanent color and make sure you buy a redken extreme deep fuel(strengthening treatment) and you'll be good to go!!!!!
2007-01-18 15:18:12
answer #9
answered by johannag_84 1
I'm not sure what they would do, but if I were you I'd dye all of my hair a color as close to my natural color and wait for it to grow out.
2007-01-18 14:53:36
answer #10
answered by taco 2