You need to get a copy of your credit report. It will tell you everything you need to know. You can do this just by doing an online search for 'free credit report'. Many companies offer them, in turn for a 30 day trial of their credit monitering services.
Sometimes companies send incorrect information to creditors, resulting in a mistake on your credit report. You can dispute these mistakes by asking in writing for proof that the debt is yours. Other times the mistake is a result of identity theft, in which case you can do the same, & then also report the ID theft to the Social Security administration. Either way, a credit report service will tell you how to handle indiscrepancies. But I would suggest you get a copy of your report right away.
2007-01-18 05:48:28
answer #1
answered by eliziam 5
you have to obtain a copy of your credit report. on it, it will list the amounts and the company that is suing you for it. make sure you contact the agency as soon as you obtain your report. ask them how long they have been authorized to sue you for the amount they say you owe. if they say it has been over 2 months, you have to know that you have the right to not pay a bill that no one has told you exists within a reasonable amount of time. the collection agency has to show that they were making efforts to inform you of your debt. if not you can ask that that debt be removed from your credit report.
2007-01-18 05:55:06
answer #2
answered by Lin B 4
Ask your car dealer what agency is reporting the bad debt. Contact that credit reporting agency (equifax, transunion, or expirian) and get a copy of the report. Look it over. Dispute the negative items on the report with that reporting agency. They must research the entry and report back to you.
2007-01-18 05:48:48
answer #3
answered by DT 4
Contact the credit report company. Claim that this bill is wrong. The people who has it on your report has to show proof that you owe the bill and that is still in existence.
Failure for them to do so will remove it off your credit report.
2007-01-18 05:54:24
answer #4
answered by whatevit 5
If you were denied credit then yu should be able to get a copy of your credit report. From that you should get the collection agency's contact information.
2007-01-18 05:49:22
answer #5
answered by Frank R 7
Apply for a credit card anywhere when or if they deny you you are entitled to a free credit report.They will send you a letter you request a letter from the big three credit report .
2007-01-18 06:00:20
answer #6
answered by rici2d 2
you need to write to all the credit bureaus to report the agency. note that they are not working with you, inaccessible and that you were trying to pay the darn account. the credit bureaus will notify the agencies next time they try to report you and you'll see them pop out of the snow with all the info you need... or disappear if the debt is not valid.
2007-01-18 05:52:00
answer #7
answered by Skypride 2
i believe if the organisation acts as they ought to somewhat than using the bully techniques maximum of them do which incorporates belittling the fellow, making threats they could't save on with by ability of with and calling relations contributors and their artwork position then there's no project with it. i became hounded by technique of a credit series company for a debt I had paid off to a special series company. curiously, my case became offered to a special organisation even as the unique organisation close it doorways yet they did not grant evidence I had paid it off. once i began getting calls back, I defined I had paid it and the guy on the phone became a belligerent a-hollow. It took me some days to music down my monetary organisation fact exhibiting the price, then I had to pay the monetary organisation to get a reproduction of my cleared verify to coach to this all robust d-head collector it became paid. after I faxed over the information, the calls ended. Did I ever get an apology for his idiotic habit? for sure no longer. i'm confident they were off to torment others.
2016-10-15 10:04:03
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
You get a copy of your credit report. Now. Here's a site for one of the major reporting agencies
2007-01-18 05:48:54
answer #9