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Do you believe that science hasn't proven or given us anything? Do you think we should just throw it all away and look to a god or gods for the answers instead?

2007-01-17 23:05:44 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Anyone who thinks I'm Christian obviously hasn't read the question properly...

2007-01-17 23:21:59 · update #1

34 answers

Anybody who really thinks that science is bad won't be able to answer your question. The technology used to enables them to see your question and answer it relies on science.

I will say that science in the hands of superstitious god believers is bad, especially those who think the end of the world is a good thing and wish to bring it on sooner.

2007-01-17 23:07:57 · answer #1 · answered by nondescript 7 · 3 1

Stop, step away from the computer and take a look around you. Everything you see except for the birds nd the trees are made by science. The fact that you are able to ask this question on yahoo is prove that science have given you something. Other examples of science at work are pretty much all the process food you eat. i.E. preservatives. All forms of communications that are non verbal, t.v.v radio, and even that machine that prints the bible. That also, includes the ink that is used to print the bible. The church that you go to was build using science, the organ or other musical instrument played in church are made by science. The shoes and the clothes you wear are made by science. Even the toothbrush and the paste you use to brush your teeth are made by science. All the medical advances, guess who made those. SCIENCE. My favorite is the weather advances. You know how they can give you a forecast on how the weather might be like for the next week. hat is science at work.

Science also transcend the physical. It is also philosophical. With science we can now prove many phenomena which before where considered acts of the devil. An example is epilepsy. Also, we no longer have witch trial because using forensics and the scientific method we have a better chance of finding out what is really going on.

I could be an ****** and talk about the fallacies of the church and how science can disprove them etc etc. The thing is that science does not deals in the absolute. Is not a black or white thing. So, it does has its faults. What gets me is all this pro science anti science sentiment that abounds lately. Is your life and if you want to dedicated it to what ever religion you belong to then by all means go ahead. That's one of the freedoms that we have in this country. I really don't like religion. i didn't say God, I said religion. However, I'll be damn if I don't support you in exercising your constitutional right to practice it. One thing I would like you to get out of science is the the ability to question things. Questioning is a very good thing. Just because someone has a PhD or is the head minister or Pope doesn't mean he/she is right. It is your moral duty to question. You should also question the words you read in the bible. Hear me out first before you go all berserk. If what the bible says is true then when you put it to the test the outcome will be true. Remember it has to be a controlled test. You can run a test and get the wrong results because the test was not properly run. Anyways, if you believe then you will not be afraid to test things because the outcome should be the same regardless. However, every now and then you Will find things that are not true in the bible. Of course the same thing can be said of science. To this date no one can agree if drinking coffee is god or bad for you. What is important is that in the end both disciplines are looking for the thrust.

2007-01-17 23:33:21 · answer #2 · answered by mr_gees100_peas 6 · 0 0

No! I can't give up science! That would mean I'd have to give up medicine... my TV (which really isn't a bad thing, come to think of it), my Internet - oh hell no!

Science has given us a lot more than many people would like to admit to. But people are strange. If they disagree with one little part of something, they throw the whole thing out without realizing what they are doing. They have been told so many times that they have to accept All or None of the Bible (which isn't in the Bible lol!!) that they do that with everything in life.

2007-01-18 00:16:04 · answer #3 · answered by Kithy 6 · 0 0

The babble - oops, bible - says that Pi is 3, that rabbits chew their cud, that the sun goes around the Earth, that bats are birds, that humans can live to 900 years old, and other idiocy. And, of course, since the buybull - oops, bible - is the "word of god", it's not wrong.

It's wrong to say that bile - oops, bible - contributed nothing to science; it contributed nothing to humanity, even as a piece of fiction. Beowulf and Homer's Odyssey were more useful and purposeful.

And by the way, nobody started a war or killed another person over the validity of plate tectonics or Modified Newtonian Dynamics versus Dark Matter...although, the godbots _did_ want to murder Darwin.


2007-01-17 23:24:48 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

although Sci Di has some prescription meals that are okay for a couple of minutes i might want to by no ability feed it lengthy time period. relying on Teddy's breed and age there are many more effective perfect meals for him such as large canned meals that are higher in energy so will positioned weight on. some GSDs do no longer income weight till they mature at 4 or so, some breeds have enzyme deficiency issues or different medical issues. frequently a puppy nutrients of a right kind is sweet as is a operating nutrients, many manufacturers have a operating type nutrients for canines who're search for and Rescue, Police or different intense power operating canines. also feeding the dry nutrients with further warmth water and letting it sit down quarter-hour makes the nutrients more effective digestible. some canines, like human beings, have a higher metabolism and stay skinny(fortunate ducks) regardless of ingesting tarts, milkshakes and be sure. some individuals seem at a cake and income 5lbs.One canines in a clutter can stay in perfect weight ingesting 3 cups an afternoon even as his littermate eats 5 cups to save an same weight. i might want to rule out medical issues which incorporates worms, such as heartworms, an enzyme defiency, and different ailments a canines may have that cause them to fail to attain weight.

2016-10-15 09:48:21 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Go to a local hospital, see how many people are being treated, and saved,by modern medicines. Then go to a third world country, where all they have is their faith, and compare the death rates from preventable illness.

About the only thing we have that science has not given us is proof that God exists.

2007-01-17 23:16:29 · answer #6 · answered by Labsci 7 · 3 0

Of course science is NOT bad. It has proven many helpful, useful, and life saving things. Medicine, computers so you can get to Yahoo Answers, etc. Even such simple things as "fire", clothing, and shelter are the results of "science". Without it, it is possible that man would not even exist today.

Science is only possible because we live in a world that is governed by physical laws. Laws created and put into operation by God. When we study those laws, it reveals (as Einstein said) "the mind of God". It should draw us closer to him and understanding his character and care for us.

But like anything, it can be misused. "Science" is always giving us bigger and "better" weapons so we can kill more people at the same time. Or abused by people like the Nazis, doing "experiments" that deform, maime, torture and kill in the name of "science". Or twisted into false sciences that con or scam people. But hopefully we are not going to throw out good science and its benefits because a few people abuse it.

Often science has found itself in conflict with religion. Usually it is not because what "science" discovers is "evil", but because of the abuse people try to make of the scientific discoveries. Such as Galileo and his "earth revolves around the sun". He was tried, not so much for claiming the earth revolted as for claiming that his discovery proved the Bible false and that God not to exist. Unfortunately, rather then show that God and a revolving earth can exist at the same time, the religious leaders tried to disprove the science.

Too often today people try to use "science" to argue that the scriptures are false and God does not exist. That is a misuse of science, as it has never been intended as a meanings of defining "God". In fact, if you tried to factor the existence or non-existence of God into a sciencific theory, you would be kicked out of the scientific community. Look what most of them do to the idea of "Intelligent Design". Try to factor God into the theory, and science has not place for it.

Nor has religion ever been intended as a means of defining science. The Bible was not written as a science textbook. It uses the science that was understood in its day, and uses langauge and phrases that were the everyday language of its time. It speaks of "the sun rising", which of course "scientifically" ir does not, but in the language and minds of people even today, it does.

Were the issue comes is when people try to use science to prove that the Bible is false. They will argue that since it is obvious that species have adapted and changed over centuries in order to survive, the Bible is false. Yet nowhere in the Bible does it say that animals are not designed to be able to survive. Rather it presents a picture of "catastrophies", such as the Great Flood or the Dividing of the Continents in the days of Perez. Yet somehow animal (and plant) life continue to exist. The Bible merely claims that the original agent that started the whole thing was God. Science has not (and can not) ever prove that to be false.

So when science is properly used, as a means to study the world around us, discover its laws and rules, and use them to benefit mankind, that is is "good". When used to destroy or harm, then it is "bad".

2007-01-17 23:31:37 · answer #7 · answered by dewcoons 7 · 0 0

What?!! Are you Crazy?!!
Science is great. It has given us so much. Science has given us cures to diseases, Transportation, communication, the list goes on. with out science, you wouldn't have different breeds of dog and other animals. Farming for a start would go out the window (think firstly all the different breeds of cattle). science has given us vast improvements in food, and not just unhealthy food. the turnip and carrot for example are bigger than you'd find in the wild thanks to selective breeding, thanks to science. In fact, without science, you wouldn't have the ability to ask that question, certainly not on a global scale. you wouldn't even have art. art, in a way, is a science.
I do have a lot of faith in religion and God, But I have greater faith in the powers of science.

2007-01-17 23:18:56 · answer #8 · answered by Skippy 5 · 1 0

I think it will be ironic for anyone to decry science, while doing so on a computer that allows millions of people to read what is written, nanoseconds after typing it.
But I'm betting there are some that will do it.

2007-01-17 23:23:35 · answer #9 · answered by Yoda Greene 3 · 1 0

First off nothing is wrong with science, but I agree with Oldguy. Anyways, besides, why do you all take the bible literally? Perhaps it was allegorical for esoteric truths and the point of it was as Yeshua/Jesus said to be the key to knowledge, which was to apply scriptures within yourself. They are catalyst to help you connect and receive from your own inner source of being, they are not literal.

2007-01-17 23:40:05 · answer #10 · answered by Automaton 5 · 0 0

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