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i think we should kids are out of control nowadays you just have to look at them and the threaten you or if they're tour own they say hit me and i'll ring child line . the odd slap never really hurt anyone

2007-01-17 22:38:28 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Family

42 answers

If they had the discipline they had when I was going to school in the mid 1950's- the early 1960's, society would not have the problems it has today, especially crime. I do belive a revival of corporal punishment will help.

2007-01-17 22:42:13 · answer #1 · answered by WC 7 · 4 0

It sounds alright in theory..give them the cane and they will 'obey'.
I don't and never will punish my child physically. I'm a great believer in practise what you preach etc and i feel that my child will become a well rounded adult without having to beat it into him.I know everyone is not like me and some parents just don't give a damn, but does the teacher then get to punish them for 'acting out' because of their family situation which is why most children do misbehave at school...(if they are drawing bad attention to themselves its better than no attention at all)
As i have said I'm a none violent person who will not physically punish my child. If this is how i choose to raise my child, what gives a teacher the right to then physically punish them? Also regarding the new laws on physical punishment, If a parent was to hit a child hard enough to leave a mark/bruise, they can now be prosecuted for neglect/abuse. A cane would leave a mark which by the laws' standard is excessive and prosecutable, So in reality we would have children rebelling, parents angry and even getting aggressive and the majority of our teachers would end up serving jail sentences for child neglect/abuse.

2007-01-18 05:08:45 · answer #2 · answered by Chill_Out 3 · 0 0

I think using a "cane" is a bit extreme. A paddle would be more appropriate. I suppose thats a matter of opinion depending on which side of the pond you came from. I got the paddle the first couple of years of schooling and the threat of getting it more kept me in line-right up until they banned corporal punishment when I was in the 7th grade. It went all downhill from there. I wasn't a real bad kid but I did goof around a bit, not do class assignments, homework and when I got to high school, it was more of the same and cutting school as well. I didn't have the "board of education" hanging over my head so I did as I pleased. Plus I never really got hit at home so I was pretty much given free reign. I look back on my life and see where getting my rearend roasted a few times may have changed the outcome of my life today-But hey, thats me...everyones different.

2007-01-18 00:22:06 · answer #3 · answered by HiTekRednek 3 · 1 0

Yes id be all for the cane coming back into the schools,most kids today have know respect what so ever for adults.It did me no harm getting the cane so many times when i was at school.I also agree with what older people say that a policeman or woman should be allowed to give a child a clip round the ear if they are disrespect full to them in the street.These days kids will just stand there and show no respect to even police.

2007-01-17 22:56:11 · answer #4 · answered by Dave 6 · 0 1

I agree that lots of kids seem out of control and something has to be done. I don't think we can go back to caning..and I'm not sure it'd have any positive effect after all this time,,,.but we can go forward. Firstly, the parents should be held responsible for any crimes committed by their under-age kids. They should be made to pay for any damage or stolen goods etc. This might make them sit up and take notice of what their kids are actually up to. Secondly, I think the kids themselves should have to do community service...repairing vandalised property...helping out at old people's homes, and other centres. This might make them think about someone other than themselves(?) Thirdly, every underage delinquent should have to join a gym, or a football team and practise as many times a week as possible...letting off steam and maybe finding they're good at something would help them keep from straying again - girls and boys. Give them something to feel proud about themselves.

2007-01-18 21:06:59 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, as they say 'spare the rod and spoil the child', yes the cane should return. but with one small difference, the teachers should be trained to use the cane.
There was recently news that a teacher in a mumbai convent school, threw a cane at a student, in a fit of anger, and broke his teeth, and he also required a few stitches on the lips. He had missed the eyes by an inch. It could have been the eyes !!

2007-01-17 23:23:56 · answer #6 · answered by wizard of the East 7 · 0 1

I remember getting the Belt man - that was sore ..my hands stung for hours ...- that's a tricky question - I wouldn't like anyone Caning or Belting any of my Kids.. but when you see some of the wee monsters that are out of control today.. sometimes you wish the threat of the Cane/Belt was there it might put them off being bad..... The weans these days are so clued up - that they would probably sue the teacher for assault..

2007-01-17 22:44:24 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Totally agree, Kids are getting out of hand now. Im only 26, and I remeber the bad behaviour at school. I dont know if the cane is the correct peice of equipment to use, but I dont see the problem of using the hand on someones backside. It doesnt have to be hard. I smack my children with my hand on the bare bum, and I think that the humiliation is the winner.

2007-01-17 22:49:15 · answer #8 · answered by amber79 1 · 2 1

Yes!!! we should bring the cane back into the school then the children can be taught to behave.It is not the parents who need a flogging, it is the dogooders who say you cannot smack your kids or reprimand them at home as you then have the kids say they will ring the cops or dss .When kids are playing up a good smack on the bottom never hurt anyone.

2007-01-17 23:08:35 · answer #9 · answered by josie c 2 · 1 2

not sure about the cane!! but I certainly think we should be allwed to give our children a slap when its necessary - I grew up been slapped when I lied, misbehaved, back chatted or just generally did something I Shouldn't - it did me no harm whatsoever and I ALWAYS respected my parents!! Children tend to look you in the eyes completely without dfear these days because all you have are words - sometimes words just don't have the impact you need!!

I remember been stood in a shop and mythering my dad for something - he said no and I put it in the trolley anyhow - he went to slap me and I said I would report him to child line - at which point he slapped my backside countless times and shouted - repor this to bloody childline!!!! I doubt I ever put something I shouldn't in the trolley ever again - nor did I call childline!! ha ha ha!!!

I still love my old man though!! and I can laugh about that incident now!!!

2007-01-17 22:47:40 · answer #10 · answered by Grace - baby No.2 due in October 3 · 2 2

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