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I asked on Jan 17th " If you are a born again Christian when did YOU DIE and what of ?" I did not request an onslaught of quotes from the Bible nor tomes of endless babble that does not answer my question. These so called "Christians" show clear signs of suffering from some sort of obsessive mental disorder and regularly when put to question,digress into minefields of twaddle and riddles written by others. It is frightening to note the amount of these self acclaimed individuals existing in society and even more scary to imagine how many are in positions of influence on young growing minors. Point out to me where Jesus referred to "Christianity" during his ministry on earth please. And ANSWER MY ORIGINAL QUESTION for the benefit of all who are interested in a clear and concise manner,sparing readers a re written version of the Old and New Testaments. Thank you.

2007-01-17 22:29:10 · 22 answers · asked by Thom Jo D 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

22 answers

I think you'll find the cause of death was terminal ignorance and a fatal lapse in brain power.

2007-01-17 22:32:37 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

You're talking about revelation. This is the thing that rationalists hate the most because it has no evidence to support it as a 'real' and 'provable' experience. It is subjective and can be explained away by a more scientific approach to do with neurology and psychology etc.
You feel that the idea that God 'reveals' himself to some but not to others is somewhat partial and exclusive?
Of course the 'born again' phrase has been overworked and it is a language that attempts to express spiritual phenomenom that is not visible to the eye, i.e. it cannot be proved to exist by mere observation.
In the non-religious language of non believers there are also a significant number of ancient words that are used quite frequently in every day banter, which refers to abstract and subjective experiences for which there is no empirical or definitive meaning. Words like 'socialism' 'love' future' 'evil' 'good' 'self' 'culture' etc are used with such diverse meaning that very few can agree precisely the terms or definitions because they often describe entities with sometimes very personal spiritual qualities - that are not atomically observed.
Everyone develops a monologue or 'scripture' to either promote or defend their point of view in life. Psychologists call it a 'schema' and it is a very internalised dialogue with 'self' that often uses a language of 'self-justification'. i.e. justify your existence to others by defending certain beliefs or ideas you think are sacrosanct and unchangeable. We debate, we exchange ideas and sometimes we modify our ideas when someone 'reveals' something that you've not heard before and it seems to really sound rational and sensible.
What your thought-life has understood today, can sometimes be suddenly transformed tomorrow by getting a 'revelation' from a book, or a song, or friend that changes your perspective. Which changes again tomorrow and tomorrow etc.
I know the truth about everything. There is nothing you can teach me. And I will even withold what I know because you would not be ready to receive it. What I know has no value to anyone except myself and the treasure that I have is ALL mine. I would gladly love to share it but it is difficult speaking to the dead.
When did you DIE?

2007-01-21 11:42:49 · answer #2 · answered by forgetful 2 · 0 0

Jesus said I will make u a fisher of men.
and no-one comes to the Father except thru me.

I am a laid back Christian.
I always try to see the best in people but I call a shovel
a damned shovel when I need to.

being born again, simply means starting a new life as a different person or as a changed character.
many people need to do this, anyway.
I have to give u an honest answer here.
the joys I have tasted will last me my lifetime.
joy that i never knew existed. love and peace and strength.
if i ever sell my religion it is bcos it is wonderful, not to Lord it over my neighbour. Sincerely.
Bcos I am best when i love, i wish u to taste some of that joy and
hope with all my heart that no-one puts u off if u ever get a chance to make UR own decision whether they be Christian or atheist or whatever. An open mind is like an open heart and more important, an OPEN DOOR.

if u meet any Christians who have the attitude I AM
instead of I HAVE BEEN GIVEN ... ignore them.

hope i didn't go on too much.

kind regards.

2007-01-17 22:43:57 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I died some 2000 years ago on a cross. Christ death was my death and is your death as well. The difference is that I accepted what Christ offered on the Cross. Death of my old sinful spirit and Life in His spirit. Christians are born again spiritually. You can't see it or grasp it or hold it. But before you go and say it is a blind leap, or just a belief. It isn't I didn't wake up one day and say I am going to follow Christ. My parents didn't pound church down my throat hole ( too busy smoking pot ). God allowed me to see the truth of the Death and resurection of Christ.

I don't know you or any of the others who have replyed negatively toward the Christian faith. You don't believe and in fact claim that the Christian faith is either myth, bull sh*t, stupid, or all of the above. Maybe... this I know. God longs for a relationship with every single human being. He loves each and everyone.... Hitler was included in that list. He calls to each of us daily most times several times daily. We often refuse to listen, say things like that was just coincedence. We ignore the obvious or even when we don't ignore and we get that feeling that something bigger than myself is at work here, we just won't give in to asking in our hearts 'what is going on'. Dismis me and all the Christian idiots and brain dead religious zealots you want. However if anyone wants to find out the truth I asked you to do one thing. Honestly and without sarcasm or spite in your heart (you can have doubt, I did so did many who have become christians) ask God if He is real. Take five minutes and ask, then go to a Christian church the next time you are invited and ask again, then listen. If you hear nothing look for me on this board and say so. Just remember this. If your marriage is in trouble and the preacher is speaking on marriage it won't be a coincedence. If you are struggling with the sin that is being talked about in the sermon it won't be coincedence. If things are going great and you have plenty of everything and the sermon is on what to do when you have been so blessed don't just think the pastor is talking to everyone but you.

God bless you

2007-01-17 23:10:43 · answer #4 · answered by 1corinthians2:2 2 · 1 0

Jesus said "Follow me" many times. Giving you the myriad references will be a waste of time as you clearly have no intention of looking them up for yourself, in case you're proven wrong. It was first in Antioch that these followers were called 'Christians', some years after Jesus died, so 'Christianity' only became a word thereafter, which is why Jesus did not use that word. A pedantic question requires a pedantic answer.

Your original question is now a waste of space because you've blown your cover, so I'll spare you my answer, as others on this page have clearly said it's dying to one's sinful nature and starting to live spiritually. Why don't you just go out and burn a few copies of the Bible? You'd surely feel a lot better. It might even help exorcise your obsessive compulsive disorder to sneer at "so called Christians" who happen to know a bit more about the Bible's contents than you do.

2007-01-17 22:55:59 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

I suspect you are still going to get some rants and a load of answers from the "sect" of born again christians ie those that have hijacked the term and redefined it to their own fundy meaning.

The key phrase we are discussing is in John chap 3 and is variously translated as "born again""born anew" "born from above". It then follows to describe that what is born of flesh is flesh and what is born of spirit it spirit.

I believe the general intention here is that there has to be a spiritual "awakening" or "change" in an individual for them to care/relate to/ the things of God. That is NOT to say that you must suscribe to a particular set of beliefs but that God must renew you in a spiritual sense. Again that is NOT to say that you must become a Christian in a Evangelical sense although I do believe (my belief) that The Holy Spirit is involved in this but again NOT in a pre-prescribed way. The evidence is in the fruit. Jesus said He was the way not Christianity or any particular other way.

2007-01-17 23:19:32 · answer #6 · answered by phil_the_sane 3 · 0 0

Friend, going back 3 days on my answers, I see no answer to your question, so therefore I did not answer you, & now it seems like you are upset by many of the answers you got, What kind of answers did you want, ones that will tickle your ears, & having people agreed with you, You also say it is frightening to know there are many of those so call self acclaimed indivisuals existing, Now you also want an add on to you question yesterday, You say to prove to you where Jesus spoke of Christianity during his ministry, How many verses do you want, I have many, St. Matt. 16: 13-19 Hey, You can read these verses, St. Matt 18:18 St. John 3:3 St. John 17:8-22 & Especially verse 18: As thou hast sent me into the world, so Have I sent them into the world. Now anything else you like to complain about, Hey I only gave you a few verses, And The way you are, it does not surprise me, & to think little children that may be exposed to your stupidity & hatred of Christians.

2007-01-17 23:00:22 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

The questions in the referenced article didn't explain scoring...and there were a few semantic issue involved that could influence the results, but I got them all right (based on the key). One of the issues I had was the third question..."you, personally, have a responsibility to tell others about your religious beliefs". I thought this answer depended on a person's perspective on the phrase "religious beliefs". I disagree that I'm responsible for telling other people about my religion...I believe that I am responsible for living my life according to Jesus' instructions and testifying to him impact on my life. I tend to agree with the perspective of St. Francis on this one..."preach the gospel at all times, if necessary, use words"! In other words, I think my real responsibility is SHOWING others my beliefs not merely telling them my beliefs!

2016-05-24 02:51:09 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Where did he refer to "Christianity"? Matthew 4:19 And He said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men."
The term "Christian" wasn't used until Antioch in the Book of Acts. But there are many verses that Jesus said the we were to be His followers.

Your first question does not make sence. To be born again you you only have to be born twice, once physical and one spiritual. Read John 3.

There is a spiritual dying to sin Romans 6:11 "Even so consider yourselves to be dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus." but that is a different issue.

2007-01-17 23:12:00 · answer #9 · answered by oldguy63 7 · 1 1

why does it take you all that explanation. We're just people on a road to happiness. So what if we've strayed of the straight and narrow. God love everyone that returns to him. Ever hear of the prodical son. I believe in Jesus and ask for forgiveness of my sins and believe he will come into my heart. I'll make him my Lord and Savior. Amen There was that so bad. He heard your prayer. Accept this and be born again yourself.

2007-01-17 22:40:07 · answer #10 · answered by iamME 3 · 2 1

Born again Christians don't die just to become born again.

What happens is they receive inside their bodies a piece of God as more or less a proof of the bond and as a down payment of the afterlife.

You shouldn't discount something like this. You have an opportunity to call my bluff. Christians all over the world are claiming to feel the power of God living inside them, and I'm one of them. I'll offer you any explanation you care to have, but frankly speaking, you're a fool not to try it out yourself.

(Clarity is not my normal problem. Being concise, now that's a problem. I often can't stop talking.)

2007-01-17 22:35:15 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

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