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Time and again the world has recognized the Holy Quran as a Book that has not been defiled by the passage of time. None has been able to prove it to be an altered one. Today, what the welfare states are doing has already been done by the True Muslim leaders/rulers during their reign. All the concepts of welfare of human being that the world is practising today have their roots in the Holy Quran. (Read and compare as self-evidence needs no proof)

Again the world has recognized, the one way or the other that the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (peace be upon him), is the superiormost personality, and the topping of the topmost leaders of the world. He has always been ranked the best of the best in the worldly ways, who has done every thing selflessly for welfare of manking and has given the best of code of life which today's west is adopting despite not embracing Islam.

Then why the world does feel shame in embracing Islam? Of Course, the Muslims are hypocrites! Is the whole world so?

2007-01-17 21:52:35 · 18 answers · asked by tariqmahmoodhashmi 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

The most perfect book the unwritten one. next to that: liber legis

2007-01-17 21:55:15 · answer #1 · answered by Invisible_Flags 6 · 1 1

I'm really not the one to criticize other religions and/or beliefs, but sincerely, it doesn't seem to me that the Quran is up to date. I mean yes, maybe is Muslim countries it is, but all of the other countries have evolved and moved on. This is how life is built. If there is no evolution, there is no progress.
But again, it is not up to me to judge, because I do not actually know the plans tha God/Allah has for us. It could be better not to change accross time, because this would mean to respect the word of the deity.
On the other hand, I must disagree with the fact that Muhammad has been seen by the world as the superiormost personality, because at least today, in this time of war, people see him nothing more than a terrorist. this may or may not be true, but this seems to be the general belief nowadays.
Lastly, I personally wouldn't embrace Islam for the reason that I have grown up in a society were people have more freedom, and especially women. I am very used to that, so I couldn't give it up. But that doesn't mean that my religion is better than yours. It's just different, and I respect your religion just as much as I do mine

2007-01-17 22:11:42 · answer #2 · answered by Ana 3 · 0 0

You know, this whole thing where people think if they claim something often enough people will start to believe it... doesn't work.

The world doesn't recognize Muhammad in that way...

Read and compare as self-evidence needs no proof? Do you have any idea what you're even talking about? If you state something is absolutely True... you better have proof. Otherwise you just look like a rambling idiot trying to make everyone else believe in something. It's no different than when a Christian tries to use the Bible to prove the Bible... it doesn't work.

LEARN about the people you are trying to convert before doing things like this. lol We deal with this kind of Car Salesman mentality all the time.

2007-01-18 00:26:11 · answer #3 · answered by Kithy 6 · 0 0

That is the very problem, as you have mentioned that the world has changed but not the Book, its still stuck up with ancient values, which are not in tune with our times. Another thing is that as ages move on people interpret the same things in new ways, there are new insights, new knowledge, which goes on to change the way we look at the world and the world at us, this too hasn't happened due to fundamentalism. About welfare concepts you have misunderstood things, its time you too look around and try to understand what "welfare" means today;give up your ancient 'welfare' version.

2007-01-17 23:10:33 · answer #4 · answered by opiumhaze 1 · 0 0

Taliban and similar groups in Afghanistan don't seem to have any policy to make the country an educated civilization, developing into larger freedom and enjoyable lifestyle. They only understand how to restrict and it seem they play the game in jealousy. Their dislike about women is obvious. Their view of life is as shallow as all the different versions of Communism. Those people who visited the poor over there also needed to know they would end up this way. I believe they knew. Afghanistan has killing fields free for all. The law is the gun.

2016-05-24 02:48:22 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Many people misunderstand what Christ did...he died to pay a ransom...the blood price for you and me to be saved. No one else after that needed to die, but people are people, and things change depending on who tells it. Why do people make claims about Islam? A religion which sprung up after seeing the false Christianity that it was exposed to flounder in the desert. Of course the people wanted a religion better than the false Christianity they were exposed to. If anyone believes the Roman Catholic Church was a result of true Christianity of the followers of the Messiah, they sadly miss the pre-Christian Roman history. If a people wants to serve a true loving God, consider what Yeshua bar-Yosef did...he's the only diety who died for his people. All the prophecies regarding his first appearance were fulfilled. Why are all the other people still looking for Messiah? They missed the boat and want to say Christianity is wrong. Christ was humble, loving, and kind. He taught that the message of peace and love should go to the whole world, not to keep it trapped in Israel...he taught that we should not take life, but give it to serve. We are to love our enemies, not blow them up! Why does the Qu'ran teach that Noah had four sons? The Qu'ran has not been around as long as the Holy Bible so of course it has not had a chance to be "defiled by the passage of time". The Holy Bible was written over a long period of time with many authors, because it was written and compiled as things happened or when scholarly people had a chance to compose the information they had. I imagine the fellow who wrote the Qu'ran believed he was doing something to help--but the Muslim people I have spoken with say it has it's basis in the Holy Bible (but it was enhanced by Muhammad). So who's teachings are the world embracing? Prophecy teaches the whole world is going to embrace the devil before the end. Only a remnant of his true followers will survive and they are those who keep the commandments of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ, which is the spirit of prophecy. Is that what we are learning in our courts and legal systems? Is that what we are getting in Iraq? I don't see it.
The only other book I could consider comparing the Qu'ran to is the Book of Mormon...both of these were written after the Bible by one man...and claiming to be 'holy'. Seek the root of a story and you come back to someone basing their 'holy' on their own interpretation of someone else's idea of 'holy'.

2007-01-17 22:19:43 · answer #6 · answered by Jalapinomex 5 · 2 1

I can't answer your question because it's based on a lie.

The Qu'ran is not a "safe" book. It orders men to kill one another based on their belief and/or background.

Any person with any amount of dignity or value for life will realize that this is a dangerous book in the hands of a devout, obedient follower. The book is a curse among man kind and has caused enormous bloodshed since it was written.

Mohammed was the first brigand. After some of the good things he wrote, he went on to become an army commander and slaughtered men and women wholesale and commanded others to do so. He was no prophet if he could do this.

2007-01-17 22:02:03 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

All Holy Books are good.Making comparison between them is nothing but ignorance or an intentional attempt to belittle others' religions and their Holy Books.

2007-01-21 19:50:39 · answer #8 · answered by gupta_uncle 3 · 0 0

Safe in all respects, huh? This coming from a religion which apparently thinks it's OK to behead people who disagree with your book. This coming from a religion which apparently thinks it's OK to strap dynamite to yourself and blow up women and children. This coming from a religion which sentences you to death for converting to another faith. This coming from a religion which is so humorless it condemns to death anyone who even SUGGESTS a criticism. This coming from a religion which condemns ALL other religions of the earth (even though you all supposedly worship the same original god) as "infidels," fit only for slavery and slaughter.
Cut the crap for five minutes, can't you? Those who believe in your faith believe in it utterly. The rest of us see it as an uncivilized set of barbaric laws designed to intimidate the rest of the world. Be happy with the numbers of followers you already have, and leave the rest of us alone.

2007-01-17 22:12:27 · answer #9 · answered by link955 7 · 1 1

How can you defile a book like the Koran? Hmm...

Is that like how can you make sewage dirty?

Islam is a savage and primitive religion for ignorant vile people.

2007-01-17 22:18:17 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Don't be guided by what I think. If you thing it is THE ONLY BOOK, read it, digest its intent and practice it. Do not go by how others interpret it, find out its intent by yourself.

2007-01-21 19:56:24 · answer #11 · answered by Govinda 3 · 0 0

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