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Why God create you if He kows all your desteny?
Why God create a demons , if He knows oneday they will oes to hell?


2007-01-17 21:23:06 · 13 answers · asked by cokro l 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

13 answers

God doesn't know your destiny because God is imaginary.
God didn't create demons because God (and demons) are imaginary.

2007-01-17 21:26:15 · answer #1 · answered by Mawkish 4 · 0 2

The One True God knows the destiny of all things and all beings. So nothing or nobody can do anything against His eternal Plan.
The reason for man to come into existence is for him to thankfully enjoy God's boundless love in creating the worlds, allowing him to discover and to advance in all the physical and spiritual realms.
Other beings enjoy other blessings, but they don't have the rational sense to make progress and to express thankfulness. If man doesn't use this rational sense at its most, he deprives himself of this supreme blessing and condemns himself to a lower level of existence.

2007-01-18 05:48:52 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Neither do we know that god created us or that god knows our destiny. We are not sure he created the demons. We are just here and we are supposed to live our lives, we do not know from where we have come or whither we shall go. Out knowledge and understanding is like vacuum, we are filling the vacuum with a lot of suppositions, and assuming the supposition to be fact, we are making more faulty deductions.

2007-01-18 05:39:13 · answer #3 · answered by wizard of the East 7 · 0 1

When God decided on creation, he had little choice but to take into account all the free will choices made by all his creatures.

This doesn't take away our free will, but it certainly makes God's plan a lot more complicated.

And since he's God, he may even have a backup plan that he hasn't yet shared with us.

Time will tell.

2007-01-18 06:16:44 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The bible NEVER said the demons were created by God. They just were.

So your concept is flawed.

God knows our destiny, but is He responsible for our actions/words/behaviour? No, he's not. You may not make it, but your descendants might. Ruth was the great grandmother of King David, and her parents weren't even Jewish.

So, if you look at it, her parents may not have made it into God's kingdom, but hey, she did and so did King David and Jesus.

2007-01-18 05:30:05 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

He gives all a chance to choose to return to Him, and life on earth is that chance. Otherwise we ALL would have gone to hell... If God knows our destiny, it matters not, because we still had to go though our choices to make it fair. That is why He sent Jesus, the True One. Whosoever believes in Him is passed out of death-mode and into everlasting life. But whoever cannot appreciate the simple beauty of Jesus and believe, well then.... they will continue on their downward descent.

2007-01-18 05:37:45 · answer #6 · answered by skypiercer 4 · 0 0

we have demons so we have freewill
sans the option to choose between doing a good deed or a selfish deed ,we would just be animals

god knows our destiny and shewed us our whole life prior to our incarnation ,we are of one good spirit and one bad spirit who both think they alone are being you /me all of us humans,
he knows how it ends and so do you ,
you as a spirit pair enjoined to have the freewill human /flesh incarnate expierience ,its a test of our wills [love to do evil or love to do good] done in real time
aint it a hoot!
in heaven and hell all is so sure but here we get to have free will ,given to all of us for free ,be free and at the end see even your freewill couldnt change a word of the book of all lives ,
that allways was ,just as god allways was
its called the afterlife revieuw ,we are l;et to see it then is the truth de-veiled and the truth is seen.
see d-evil /veil /vile/live-d.we loved to live again
but we only get one shot at life, and then only as equal oppisites sharing half a brain each that controles the opposing half of the body [left brain controls the right side of our bodies]
gods gift via the gift of life sustained of the light ,can in the light see that the light lets life to love to live .

2007-01-18 05:40:09 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Bible explains that God created many many spirit persons similar to himself. In the Bible these spirits are called angels. Also they are called 'sons of God' (Job38:7 ; Psalm104:4 ; Hebrews1:7,13,14) God created them all perfect. Not one of them was a devil,or a satan.The word devil meansslanderer and the word satan means opposer.
The time came, however, when one of these spirit sons of God made himself the Devil, that is, a hateful liar who speaks bad things about another. He also made himself Satan, that is an opposer of God. He was not created that way, but later became that of person. To illustrate: A thief is not born a thief. He may have come from a good family, having honest parents and law -abiding brothers and sisters. But his own desire for what money can buy is what caused him to become a thief. How, then, did one of God's spirit sons make himself Satan the devil?
The angel that became the Devil was present when Godcreated the earth and later the first human couple, Adam and Eve.(Job38:4,7) ZSo he would have heard God tell them to have children.(Genesis1:27,28) He knew that after a while the whole earth would be filled with righteous people worshiping God. That was God's purpose.However, this angel thought a great deal of his own beauty and intelligence and wanted to receive for himself the worship that would be given to God.(Ezekiel28:13-15 ; Matthew4:10) Instead of putting this wrong desire out of his mind, he kept thinking about it. This led to his taking action to obtain the honor and importance he desired, What did he do?(James1:14,15)
The rebellious angel used a lowly serpent to speak to the first woman Eve. He did this much as a skilled person can make it seem as if a nearby animal or a dummy figure is talking. But it was really this rebellious angel, the one called in the Bible 'the original serpent' who was speaki9ng to Eve.(Revelation12:9) He said that God was not telling her the truth, and was holding back from her knowledge that she should have. (Genesis3:1-5) This was a hateful lie and it made him the devil. He thus became also an opposer of God, or Satan. As you can see, it is wrong to think of the Devil as a creature with horns and a pitchfork who oversees some underground place of torment. He is really a powerful, but wicked angel.
The lie that the Devil told Eve worked just as he planed. She believed it and so disobeyed God. And she was able to get her husband to break God's law also.(Genesis3:6) The Devil's claim was that humans can get along without God. He argued that people can rule themselves successfuly, without God's help. The Devil also claimed that he could turn away from God a all those who would be the offspring of Adam and Eve.
Of course, God culd have destroyed Satan right away. But that would not have answered the questions that Satan had raised, questions that could stay in the minds of the angels who were watching. So God allowed time for Satan to try to provehis claims. With what result?
The passage of time has proved that humans cannot rule themselves successfully without God's help. Their attempts have failed completely. The people have suffered terribly under the governments of men, which, as the scriptures show, have been controlled from behind the scenes by the Devil. Also, God's allowing time has clearly shown that Satan has not been abl;e to turn all persons away from worshiping God.
There have always been some who have remained faithful to God's rulership. You can read in the Bible for example, that Satan tried without success, to stop Job from serving God(Job1:6-12)
Happily, we have now reached the time for God to bring Satan's rule to an end. Describing the first step in doing this, the Bible tells of an important battle in heaven,which of course, was not seen or heardby people on earth. Read carefully the following Bible account:

War broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels battled with the dragon, and the dragon and his angels battled but it did not prevail, neither was found for them any longer in heaven.
So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth: he was hurled down to the eartyh, and his angels were hurled down with him. On this account be glad , you heavens and you who reside in them! Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the devil has come down to you,having great anger, knowing he has a short period of time"(Revelation12:7-9,12.

2007-01-18 07:15:43 · answer #8 · answered by I speak Truth 6 · 0 0

God created us because he wanted children.

He's a family man, doncha know!

2007-01-18 05:29:24 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

God has plans for us. Sometimes we fail.

2007-01-18 05:28:07 · answer #10 · answered by mikerow992003 2 · 1 0

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