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13 answers

I think it is true :-)

2007-01-17 19:13:57 · answer #1 · answered by willow, the yodakitty from hell 7 · 1 1

Yeah all things that can't be explained atm is a psychological phenomenon. I mean man can't experience anything that isn't bound to the physical perception. All of life is mechanical and there isn't anything above this. I mean we live in a world that isn't even concrete as our brains interpret. We live in matter that is mostly empty and probably looks like something out of science fiction if we could see clearly. The field is the only reality, perhaps we don't know much about life in general, and we all need to cease to act like we do, or we are ignorant and delusional in our insecurities of life.

People of a organic consciousness can not comprehend higher dimensions of mind and being.

Btw sailor has the best answer. Reincarnation is a universal law, if you like to believe it or not. All things are cyclic - the moon around the earth and the planets around the sun, the seasons, the cyclic of life, cycles of breath, all opposites invoke one another and what sailor listed.

2007-01-17 19:53:43 · answer #2 · answered by Automaton 5 · 0 0

There are many problems with the salvation-by works doctrine of reincarnation. First, there are many practical problems. For example:
1. We must ask, why does one get punished for something he or she cannot remember having done in a previous life?
2. If the purpose of karma is to rid humanity of its selfish desires, then why hasn't there been a noticeable improvement in human nature after all the millennia of reincarnations?
3. If reincarnation and the law of karma are so beneficial on a practical level, then how do advocates of this doctrine explain the immense and ever-worsening social and economic problems - including widespread poverty, starvation, disease, and horrible suffering - in India, where reincarnation has been systematically taught through out its history?
There are also many biblical problems with believing in reincarnation. For example, in 2 Corinthians 5:8 the apostle Paul states, "We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord." At death, the, the Christian immediately goes into the presence of the Lord, not into another body. In keeping with this. Luke 16:19-31 tells us that unbelievers at death go to a place of suffering, not into another body.
Further, Hebrews 9:27 assures us that "man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment." Each human being LIVES ONCE as a mortal on earth, DIES ONCE, and then FACES JUDGMENT. He does not have a second chance by reincarnating into another body.

2007-01-18 17:12:27 · answer #3 · answered by Freedom 7 · 0 0

It is true. But first you need to believe in the soul.That is the part that reincarnates not the same physical body.
The idea of reincarnation came from the Pagan religion and was adopted by the early Christian Church to try and get the Pagans to convert to Christianity.
The Church latter dropped the idea as they thought that if people believed that they could come back into this physical world they would become lazy and say . I'll do as I please this time around and make up for it latter.So they said that Jesus was the only person to reincarnate.

2007-01-17 19:57:33 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Reincarnation is a mystery; However, it is true that it exists. Here's an example:

A plant dies. But if you re-plant it and water it, it grows. The growing leaf is a reincarnation of the plant itself. Such as the rain, the water droplet falls on the rock, it evaporates and goes in the air into the clouds. The clouds become heavy with water and the droplet comes down again.

Reincarnation is a form of transformation from one thing to another and back to its original form.

We cannot say reincarnation doesn't truly exist or believe that it is only psychological jargon.

If so, then we are closing ourselves from mindfulness.

2007-01-17 19:22:27 · answer #5 · answered by Agent319.007 6 · 2 0

it could be possible,have read once on that topic and it was
pretty good,the book is by Dr.Brian Weiss,the title ,"many lives,many masters" doctor
Weiss, head of the psychiatry department at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach, began treating Catherine, a 27-year-old woman plagued by anxiety, depression and phobias. When Weiss turned to hypnosis to help Catherine remember repressed childhood traumas, what emerged were the patient's descriptions of a dozen or so of her hitherto unknown 86 past lives.This is when the story really takes off for Weiss, who discovers that these guides have specific messages about his dead son as well as Weiss's mission in life. No, we cannot verify the truth of this story using the limited scientific tools we have available. However, it is hard to dispute that this well-respected graduate of Columbia University and Yale Medical School has discovered a personal truth that has led him to be an enormously popular speaker, author, and leader in the field of past-life therapy.

2007-01-17 19:33:17 · answer #6 · answered by Byzantino 7 · 2 0

Reincarnation is a truth ... If one book does not mention it, Truth does not become false...

Reincarnation is perhaps a wrong word used...hindus and Buddhists use Re-Birth instead.

Our soul starts its journey in chemicals...and after each awakening find itself in plants, animals and finally human beings.

As humans we have to learn millions of lessons of pains and joys, richness and poverties, cruelty and kindness, killing and be killed, ...till we reach our next mind evolution i.e. Divinity.

One life is not sufficient for all these lessons. hence our soul, after death goes to another body to learn other sets of lessons

The paradoxes as to why some are born rich some poor, some without mind or without limbs...some from poverty going to utter richness...some spiritual from childhood... can not be explained without Reincarnation

Dont ask proof, because no one can give proof of God or heaven/hell...there are certain things which are beyond physical proofs

Many during the hypnotic state have remembered their last birth.

Why we dont remember past birth? Because Nature does not want us to get entangled to our last relations...so that we can freely learn new lessons...that z why She takes away the gross memory at death..and leads soul to new body with the resultant progress earned during last births

2007-01-17 21:15:17 · answer #7 · answered by ۞Aum۞ 7 · 1 0

That is hard to answer, i am christian and i see a lot of evidence in the Bible,Peoples names changed by God.
people whose days were 942 ,and so on.i do not agree with people who put down the bible it is open for interpretation.I think when someone lived over 900 years and beget 75 children, this was reincarnation,and God said now you will be called, and changed names,that is what it says to me.

2007-01-17 19:18:21 · answer #8 · answered by gwhiz1052 7 · 0 0

Why does everyone who says they were reincarnated claim to have been a famous person? They never say I was some schmoe who had a heart attack on the can.

2007-01-17 19:14:34 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

How can anyone say they've experienced it when there is no way to scientificly prove it?
It sounds like someone is trying to pass off what they believe as fact without the evidance to support it!

If you have some evidance that proves it I'm willing to entertain the subject.

2007-01-17 19:14:35 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

there is no proof that it's true but it's a pretty reasonable explanation fro why we would be here. I think we are here to resolve our personal challenges and evolve into better human beings

2007-01-17 19:15:10 · answer #11 · answered by schmoo 2 · 0 0

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