First of all, I would buy a flea brush. Brush your cat VERY thoroughly, especially by his face. If you get little reddish bugs about the size of a sesame seed, than he/she probably has fleas. If that's the case than do the following:
I would recommend vacuuming your house THOROUGHLY, as in under couch cushions, use the crevice tool and go all around the walls, move your couch and go under it. ANYWHERE the cat goes vacuum. Wash anything the cat plays with or sleeps on, including your bed sheets, whatever can't be washed throw away. When you vacuum, immediatly throw the bag outside.
My cat had a few fleas, so I researched about fleas, they can live 4 months without food. When they are in their 3rd stage of life, they're virtually indestructible. After each bite, a flea can lay up to 20 eggs and those eggs usually fall off in the carpet, covers, couch cracks and around the house.
I also recommend this stuff called IGR (insect growth regulator) its a powder you spread on the carpet and in the couch corners and what not. It's guaranteed to kill fleas in the first 2 stages of their life. One year guarantee!!! Fleas have 4 stages and only about 15% of them are in the adult stage. The vast majority are in the first 2. Anyways, the IGR kills them before they reach the 3rd stage. The advantage will kill them when they're adults. So that should do it, it will take a few months, because like I said, if they're in your carpet or couch they can live 4 months without food.
If you have a room that your cat doesn't go in often, take a little bowl and stick a gooseneck light over it, shining over the bowl. Fill the bowl with water and put a little dish soap in the water. Fleas are attraced to light and will jump towards it, the soap breaks the waters surface tension and the fleas will drown. Also, walk around the house in long white socks and the fleas will jump on the socks. Those are ways to determine if your flea problem has spread. It's scary but also possible.
2007-01-18 01:07:19
answer #1
answered by Rmorsy 2
First give it a bath. Get a good shampoo from te vet's offie if you can, don't use that flea shampoo or amything like that, just cat shampoo. the vet told me that that flea shampoo is bad for the cat and is toxic and don't work any better than the regular cat shampoo. Use a bucket, get a warm damp wash cloth and first put some shampoo in the bucket and fill it and start shampooing aroung the cat's nect andso they don't run into the face of the cat in case there is bugs, then place the cat into the bucket standing up on the cat's hind legs, watch for bugs that try to ru into the cat's eyes and nose, that is what the damp wash cloth is for, have a couple of cloths. then shampoo the cat and rinse so very well. Use a conditioner if the cat has long hair, only cat conditioner but it really is not necessary. This just may be a one time freak thing finding a bug, maybe it is nothing to wotty about but give it a bath and never use a flea collar, these things are toxic and I saw from myself that fleas hide and breed under them. If Kitty has bugs, it is time for an anti bug from the vet, it is somethig you place behing the neck and use it for a few months, works well. Good Luck. Oh, shampoo the rugs and floor and empty the vacum oputside and keep kitty indoors, and off the grass!!!
2007-01-18 05:00:36
answer #2
answered by Dolly 5
The tiny, tiny bug could be a flea or a tick. Both can pass to humans and develop an entire metropole in the hair. Go to the vet and get a flea spray now!
2007-01-18 09:33:45
answer #3
answered by alsvalia_jackson 3
If you see tiny black specks of dirt in the cat's fur along with the bug, it might be fleas. Also if the cat spends time outside, it might be a tick. See the vet for help.
2007-01-18 03:21:59
answer #4
answered by Bobette 2
Use anti bug
i dont know what kinda bug it this but i think its flea so use anti flea
but if u dont have now just try to give your cat a bath "waterbath"
Cuz Some time it can iffect humman but rarly but even thou try to make every body away even try to put the cat out side your home
And the most important step is visiting a vet so he can diagnose that if its a parasite or just a bug which stuck accedently
2007-01-18 03:24:48
answer #5
answered by kilin_jok 3
The tiny tiny bug may be a tick or flea, please take cat to vet.
2007-01-18 03:45:44
answer #6
answered by chubbycat 2
it could be a flea, yes they are bad for your cat and your family but they are easy to deal with, speak to your vet about it.
2007-01-18 04:14:31
answer #7
answered by gerrifriend 6
Fleas? Go to a pet store and get some flea meds. I don't think they are too expensive.
2007-01-18 09:24:47
answer #8
answered by ? 7
hmm, i tink anything crawling in ur cat's fur is bad. time to see the vet.
2007-01-18 03:13:27
answer #9
answered by Jayne 2
yes its bad take to vet
2007-01-18 06:09:02
answer #10
answered by cookieazz 3