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It really breaks my heart to see how many dogs are euthanized just because they don't have anyone that wants them! I know i am just one person but is there anything i can do, like try to get a law passed to spay and neuter your pets! I think the only exception should be legit breeders! Any helpful suggestions would be great!

2007-01-17 18:14:45 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Dogs

17 answers

the very best weapon is education, and more education. I think that when children are young, they can have the importance of responsible pet ownership taught as part of a well rounded education. If They won't teach it at school, then volunteers could reach these kids.

there has been a breeding moratorium in one county in California. It doesn't really work, though. It makes a venue for puppy mills to sell their dogs, from out of town...Their papers are full of ads from puppy mills, and the puppy farms couldn't be happier.

2007-01-17 18:22:50 · answer #1 · answered by Chetco 7 · 5 0

ALREADY happened in some places in this country. Look at LA county! What a fricken mess! Make breeding next to impossible and then wonder why they are having a huge problem with smuggled sickly Mexican puppies! Well, DUH!!!

MSN laws mostly affect the people that SHOULD be breeding. The thugs and irresponsible people don't run on to comply with the new laws!!! WHY would anyone think they would???

So, in LA, you have good show breeders hiding out with their dogs like they are criminals, while the thugs just go further underground, and the irresponsible just ignore the laws.

WHO decides who is legit? What about the beautiful bit ch that cannot be shown due to a juvenile injury? What about the non-AKC breeds? The rare breeds? The performance/working dogs?

It is usually HSs that can decide who is legit, and they no NOTHING about showing/breeding! When HSs often think ANY breeder is evil, how many do you think they pass??? In one city, you have to have the HS 'inspect' your pedigrees! They would know NOTHING about the dogs in my pedigree, yet they have the power to ok it? It would be funny if it weren't true!

What about the 12 year old dogs, should they have to be put under for a major surgery because they government thinks they should? Would YOU want to be forced to put under a 12 yr old if it were YOUR dog? IT IS HAPPENING!!!

The answer is education! NOT yet MORE laws that mostly affect the good breeders!!!

The answer is to ENFORCE leash laws! If so many dogs weren't roaming the streets, they wouldn't be randomly breeding unwanted litters, and they wouldn't be out attacking people either!!!

Shepherdgirl - "I guess the sentence land of the free will have to be changed to land of the told what to do for the people's own good"

Too late, we could just as well change it now.

"We need people to start using their brain"

What an idea!!! Would cure so many things wrong in this country!

2007-01-18 04:01:57 · answer #2 · answered by whpptwmn 5 · 0 1

The Best Thing That You Can Do Is Take To The People In The Community Or Village Hall At Meetings. Animals Should Be Spayed and Neuter!!!!! Totally Agree!!!!

2007-01-17 18:29:33 · answer #3 · answered by becky317@sbcglobal.net 2 · 0 0

the only good thing that breed specific bans has brought about is the attention that more education and legal requirements are being made to have dogs spayed and neutered. some cities are reversing their pit bans and allowing them if the dog passes temperment testing and is spayed or neutered. a community near me now has a law that any dog in the city limits must be spayed or neutered or you must apply and be approved for a breeder's license if not. the fine is $500, not a lot of money, but enough to get a point across i think. contact your law makers for your city and petition them to pass such a law. get community support by going to city meetings and just pester the hell out of them.

2007-01-17 18:20:39 · answer #4 · answered by cagney 6 · 0 0

Well who would get to decide which are legit breeders? The reason why there are so many animals being put to sleep is because we live in a disposable take no responsibility for nothing society. To my knowledge the majority of dogs that are put to sleep are young and older dogs I know sometimes puppies are put to sleep but not as often it is easier to place puppies. The reason dogs are put to sleep is because people go and buy puppies and as soon as they are past the cute puppy stage and they start becoming problems people decide the dog is no longer worth the effort so off to the pound they go. Well after a while they decide to try again and they buy another pup and then the cycle repeats. We do not need the government stepping in and telling us who can breed and who can not. When the government is making all our decisions will you be happy? I guess the sentence land of the free will have to be changed to land of the told what to do for the people's own good. This does not work for me. What we need to do is start educating people and change the values of our society. We need people to start using their brain and realize that the pet they buy as a pup is for life not just while it is a pup or while it is convenient. The best place to start is at home with our own children. They learn what they see.

2007-01-18 10:20:05 · answer #5 · answered by Shepherdgirl § 7 · 0 1

GOOD NEWS: YOU can cut down on unwanted pets through education. It is working here in New England where the number of unwanted litters has dropped so low that many animal shelters/human societies rarely have puppies available for adoption.

In fact some shelters have reached out to shelters in other states where healthy puppies are being euthanized to make room and they are bringing the puppies to New England for adoption.

That's right, there are more people here who want to adopt mixed-breed puppies than there are puppies.

Here is a link to a shelter that transports dogs from VA to MA for adoption:


Some shelters and humane societies are also bringing in healthy adult dogs from other states.

So, it can work.

BTW I support your intent, but only allowing people who are "legit" to own an unaltered dog is unworkable. Who decides what is legit? Making owners of unaltered dogs pay higher licensing fees is a better way to encourage spay/neuter.

2007-01-18 02:42:15 · answer #6 · answered by bookmom 6 · 0 0

You are amazing!! I have been thinking of this for quite some time now and the best idea I could come up with was so start a web petition for the whole world, or at least the whole of your country. Also work on spredding the word. Do walk around petitions. With enough names etc you are actually able to request to have a bill passed. It just may work!! Also, get all your friends and everyone they know who are passionate about the same thing to start their own petitions too. the more people doing a petition for the same thing, the more chance you have of being heard!!
For the time being, for your own piece of mind you could also volenteer at your loca shelter helping out the poor animals who were owned by irrisponsible people, or if you have the time, money or space, you could become a dog foster parent, rescuing death row dogs!!!
Good luck with everything and i hope i was able to help a little! =)

2007-01-17 18:59:37 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Me too I think that most animals that are adopted through the SPCA or Humane Society's are already spayed or neutered and if you adopt a young puppy or kitten it is part of the adoption agreement that the animal must be spayed or neutered before it reaches a certain age. But how do you get through to knuckle heads that don't care. Just keep donating to the places that are helping with this problem and lead by example I guess.

2007-01-17 18:29:17 · answer #8 · answered by Katprsn 5 · 0 0

How about passing a law that forbids killing a healthy animal just because it is unwanted? we have such a law in Greece, and granted we have stray dogs and cats, but at least they are alive, they are neutered and vaccinated by the local authorities and societies, they are fed by the entire neighbourhood (they are the fattest dogs around!) and they are not murdered with no reason!
Plus, in order to avoid both situations, whoever has a dog must be ragularly checked, and if the dog is not microchipped or if she is pregnant, the owner will have to find homes for the puppies or pay a big fine. But the checks must be strict, or the owners will kill unwanted puppies!

2007-01-17 18:42:53 · answer #9 · answered by cpinatsi 7 · 1 0

My puppies are sold on a spay/neuter contract only. They have until the pup is 6 months old to have it done and proof has to be sent to me.

IF they do not have it done I have the right to charge them up to 950.00 more or take the dog back. My contract is 100% legal and enforceable.

So far i have never had someone ignore my contract.. More breeders need to do this.

2007-01-17 22:34:02 · answer #10 · answered by Mommadog 6 · 0 0

Oh how I wish I could help. You are talking about my daily struggle. Why won't people understand? Why is it that I can explain and talk until I'm blue in the face and they just don't get it. "Just one litter". It won't hurt. It won't kill 6 or 8 dogs waiting for homes. It won't rip their hearts out and throw them away. Why am I left to weep tears for these dogs because some idiot far away doesn't care? I could fill buckets but no one cares. My heart breaks for them and nobody will do anything. Laws won't help, just like gun laws don't keep people from being shot. You have to be able to make people smarter. And I don't see that happening. All we can do is try, one at a time, to educate and whenever possible save lives. Every doggy life is so precious, I just wish that I could make that clear. Please people, stop killing my dogs....
Edit: I show dogs and any law that is put into effect could be detrimental to us. We have only the best in heart for our dogs and all dogs. Don't do anything without thinking of how it could affect us first.
Edit2.0: How is it going breeding your Papillions? Do they both have their championships? Why are you saying one thing and doing another? What I said before I meant. I won't ever breed unless they are champion dogs. I have 24 years of experience with dogs, showing and breeding. How many do you have?

2007-01-17 18:26:18 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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