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Because praying to someone or asking them to pray is the same thing. Any child can figure that out. It's hard make a Catholic understand that they don't need Mary to intercede for them anyway. That's what Jesus is. The intercessor between us and the Father.

2007-01-17 17:18:22 · 27 answers · asked by dalan0201 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

27 answers

The Bible calls any one a liar who denies that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh and Revelations states that all liars will have their place in the lake of fire. The catholic Church will be destroyed by the Lord during the great tribulation for the reasons given in Revelations Ch.17 V1-9 as it have no authority to even exist in the first place and has turned the simple Gospel truth of the Lord Jesus Christ into a huge lie. The "rock" mentioned by Christ in the Gospels is in fact himself and not Peter as the Lord is refered to as "The Rock" something like 48 times throughout the Bible. I have personally seen people bowing themselves before statues in the Catholic Church and know that they ramble on with their "hail Mary" Jesus said not to pray in a repetitious manner as after the heathen who think that they will be heard because of their much rambling and babbling. No wonder a Bible believing Christian gets turned off with all their carry on which is for nothing as the only way to the Father is through the Lord Jesus himself. Mary can't hear them as she is dead and will be resurrected along with the rest of us. I note also that whilst the Lord appeared to many people throughout the Bible, he at no time ever appeared to Mary. The Lord wants the entire focal point to be Jesus Christ and not mary who has very little mentioned about her in the scriptures. Like so many false followings the Lord will deal with them in his own time which I don't think is very far away

2007-01-17 17:39:13 · answer #1 · answered by mandbturner3699 5 · 0 4

They don,t pray through Mary they pray with Mary...Jesus tell us that when to or more comes together When the two agree IT SHALL be done...Who could you trust anymore than the mother of Jesus...to have come together with you as long as it is good it is of God and if their is any evil or wrong it is of Satan...And I can,t find know more wrong or evil in it praying with mother Mary...Catholic religion is a wonderful religion when learned it hold,s the key to being saved from Satan's grip,s some are told by our Dr,s that they are depressed or bipolar NOT it is Satan has them bind ed...And the Catholic religion can set you free from this bondage..That is why you need to learn about this reg lion it is Wonderful...And misconceived....No I am not Catholic but I respect this religion God bless the USA and all confused and Israel and all

2007-01-17 17:51:14 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

So you never ask another christian to intercede (pray) for you? And you never intercede (pray) for another person? If not, you are very odd Christian, and worse, a very poor Christian. Intercession is the responsibility of every Christian. The most powerful force for changing this ungodly world is the intercession of Christians. Yes, I do need Mary to intercede for me. Also the rest of the saints. Also my family and friends. Of course that doesn't mean I don't pray directly to God. Of course I do. All Catholics do. But I can use all the additional prayer I can get. That's intercession.

2007-01-17 17:41:58 · answer #3 · answered by PaulCyp 7 · 2 0

The Mass, and Jesus in the authentic Eucharist, is the source and summit of all Catholic life, and every Catholic Mass, said every hour of every day, all around the world, relies on Jesus Christ becoming truly and substantially present for us on the altar, and then approaching his father in heaven on our behalf, as our divine mediator and heavenly high priest.

The concept is well understood by Catholics, and does not conflict with the efforts made, and good works done by others, whether alive on earth, or in heaven.

There is no doubt that God has appointed, and will continue to appoint others to assist him with his great work of saving souls. The true church is full of them.

The Blessed Virgin is certainly foremost, along with others like Abraham, Moses, Elijah, John the Baptist, the apostles, the martyrs and saints of old, and even you and me.

Your misunderstanding stems from the fact that you deliberately skipped the first 1500 years of Christian history, tradition, and theology, and chose instead to put your trust in the false traditions and woefully inadequate teachings of the late day protestant reformers.

And since the Bible never claims to be God's complete revelation, you won't find what you're missing in there, either.

That's why Jesus founded and empowered the Catholic Church ... to go forth, to teach, and to baptize, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Anyone who is familiar with our Blessed Mother, and who has come to rely on her maternal intercession, knows that she speaks today, the very same words she spoke 2000 years ago at Cana, regarding her divine son, Jesus:

"Do whatever he tells you."

2007-01-17 17:57:38 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

do you ever ask a chum to choose for you? has a chum ever asked you to choose for him? Why ask a chum to choose for you once you could circulate directly to God? The saints are extra alive than we are. Paul reported that not even dying might separate us from the affection of God. The saints in heaven proceed to hitch the real vine that's Jesus Christ. Jesus reported God the daddy is the God of the living, not of the ineffective. Catholics do not worship statues. all of us know those statues are actually not gods. don't be stupid. in case you circulate to the Catholic Catechism online, you would be surprised on the variety of scriptural references. As to Scripture, i'm able to coach you verses that help Purgatory, the forgiveness of sins by a clergyman, yet then you truly will say that such an interpretation of Scripture is misguided. So, what we even have is a different interpretation of Scripture, and not something. Peace be with you, now... and circulate forth to love and serve the Lord. thank you be to God.

2016-10-07 08:08:52 · answer #5 · answered by armiso 4 · 0 0

OK..... see definition of intercede, I do understand what I am doing based on Catholic theology, your problem is you have no faith in our religion so what is your problem sport? you just want to insult and incite?....I will ASK the Saints to intercede in your behalf to ask God to help you....then I will PRAY to God/Jesus to heal your sour soul, then light a votive candle below the statue of Mary mother of God in your behalf because I love even you.MANDBTURNER....YOU ARE A hypocrite I believe God will sentence you to hell if you do not change your sour mean attitude, you obviously are full of hate and prejudice not to mention you understand nothing of Catholic theology, try referencing the Catholic encyclopedia or the Catholic catechism before you pretend to know anything about Catholics,you will convert no one with your sick rhetoric, I will pray for your salvation my brother.

2007-01-17 17:28:59 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Ok well thats not true. Of course all prayer goes through Jesus and in no way are we putting Mary in front of Jesus. If I asked you to pray for me would you? Of course you would! Its the same thing. We are asking Mary, who is heaven and has much more power than us, to pray for us in times of need.

2007-01-17 17:27:56 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

as Catholics, we pray to Mary, who indeed does intercede for us, but we do NOT worship her, and what is wrong with the rosary. it is a beautiful prayer, but just listen to the words of the hail Mary and the our father, and you'll see that we humbly ask her to pray for us sinners, as in the our father we ask for our daily bread, and forgiveness of our sins, and help in forgiving those whom offend us. i do realize it may be hard to understand our religion, but there is no need to criticize. but it is not a lie...an it is children's logic, you are correct about that...its just like asking your mother if she could ask your father a question, even though you know he will listen to you, you also know that she may be able to h elp you get what you want, and have a better chance at it than you. but one thing is true...if you pray to Mary, really pray and her for her help, you will feel as if a burden has been taken from your shoulders. ( and one last thing. God holds Mary at a very high place in Heaven.she is very special, for she was born clean of any sin, and never sinned in her life, she bore and raised Christ and was at the foot of the cross, watching her son die...her intercessions are very powerful, because of all of thee things she has done for God, He will do th ings for her)

2007-01-17 17:40:26 · answer #8 · answered by bumble bee 3 · 1 0

Get a life. There are excellent reasons to pray to Mary or even your deceased father. I pray to my deceased father all the time. Interestingly enough, he has helped me through times of trouble much more often than did your god.

I am not a Catholic, but I do know that Catholics are not liars. Until you've understood well what they say, then don't make such crass statements.

2007-01-17 17:26:11 · answer #9 · answered by homo erectus 3 · 4 1

The Bible Is The Only Source of Truth...
Mary was Only a servant God used to give Birth to Jesus, But why making a servant to become such a deity, Mary can't do anything for YOU..
Mary is dead Now, just like all people who died everyday..
Only Jesus Is ALIVE Forever..
Jesus Says " I'M the Way,The Truth and Life NOONE can Go to the father Except Through Him.. Why searching for intermediate If we can talk to Jesus Directly..
He called Us his Friends, his Family.
Why do people prefer to listen to their Religion Rather than What the BIBLE SAYS.
Following exactly what the bible says will make You Know, Who is Really God and how to communicate with Him.
Jesus accomplished everything for Us at the Cross to reconcile Us with God.
Because of Sins, we were separated from Him. But Jesus made the bridge for Us..
Be Blessed.

2007-01-17 17:40:01 · answer #10 · answered by 777 1 · 0 3

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