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from everything that I have read in history, the world has never truly been at peace at any time, is it even in human nature to be able to live side by side without warring?

2007-01-17 16:44:06 · 20 answers · asked by sandi c 3 in Politics & Government Civic Participation

20 answers

the entropic nature of the universe conflicts with all living beings, requiring the strive to survive. until we render ourselves objectified (outside) of all entropic, physical and logical laws of this universe, the entropy will always have some degree of influence on us and manifest on various levels. life is order that seeks to maintain itself ultimately towards the idea of being objectified. chaos, disorder, pain, waste, breakdown, disease, irrationality, all of these are kinds of entropy that effect us and which we must fight against. seeing as thus life in a universe that is entropic is inherently a conflict or war, no, we will not have world peace for an extended period of time that is not at some level at the violent expense of some members. in any case, bigger govm'ts just make bigger mistakes. I'd hate to see what a world govm't could be capable of in its death throes. genocide? nuclear war? no thanks. for now, entropy will weaken our rational faculties enough that we will keep on making mistakes in life. so zoom that out to a national scale and you realize, people will still be fighting for a long time.

until perhaps the distant future when we render ourselves immune to need. when we graduate to a metaphysical existence, with emotionally balanced consciousnesses, then there may be no potential for conflict.

2007-01-17 20:27:58 · answer #1 · answered by fiacra_cian 1 · 0 0

I think it will require one more universal catastrophe (that doesn't kill us all) to make it realistic. Perhaps one last major global war or a global invasion from space would force humanity to unite and bring about world peace permanently.

I think at the moment the primary threat is the imbalance between the first, second, and third world countries. I think this is what is at the core of the various bush wars and insurgencies around the world. The second and third world are not advancing as fast as they would like, and they are beginning to blame the first world for this. Not good. The first world MUST make a greater effort to lift the second and third world countries out there. That brings up another problem.

Energy. If the second and third world were to achieve first world status by the end of the century, there would be a level playing field but the energy supply and pollution situation would be a disaster. We need to start using cleaner energies and building new energy infrastructure. No more project or prototype cars, give us a true green car. No more dirty coal burning generator plants, give us some clean geothermal, tidal, hydro, wind, or nuclear generating stations (and keep the nuclear luddites at home).

Another threat to peace is the birth rate. The planet is supporting about 6.5 billion people. There is very little land left on Earth that is not covered by people. Even the deserts are being developed. The second and third world needs to adopt birth control aligned with the first world. The more crowded it gets on this ball, the less there is to go around, and we have yet another source of warfare.

2007-01-17 17:27:40 · answer #2 · answered by ANDREW P 2 · 0 0

The 3 things that give me hope and the one thing that scares me.

1) An effort to develop a "world police" ruled by a independent council of nations concerning humanity.

2) A universal religion...it can happen...yes there can can be Jesus, there can be Muhammad, and what the heck Buddha too! God will be the almighty and all propehts recognized.

3) We are evolving as people, it can happen if there is more direction.

and for the scary deal...

60 years ago we learned we needed something like the aforementioned "world police" when the great leaders of the time came up with the UN. Close, but no cigar. Let's hope it doesn't take a World War III to do the evolving again.

2007-01-17 17:12:08 · answer #3 · answered by ? 1 · 0 0

No. There can never be peace as long as people strive to lead or desires to be led.
On the other hand, we cannot have constant and permanent peace.
Our competitive nature helps keep us going and looking into ways to innovate and improve our current situation.
Technology and research gets a huge boost during times of war in particular, and these war technology is later converted into domestic and industrial usage after the war.
No we cannot have constant war, but neither can we have permanent peace. Too much of both will bring about our downfall as a specie.

2007-01-17 20:06:26 · answer #4 · answered by voidelf 1 · 0 0

World Peace? Yes, someday there will be. When exactly? The time, date, place.......who knows. How it will happen? That's the easy part. Some may say, "Well, that is just to simple, there has to be more of a complexity to it than that!" Ready for it? You sure? Ok, here it is........ The second coming of Jesus Christ, after the tribulation is over. Go on, read the book of Revelation, I dare you! You may roll your eyes, sigh heavily, and think that this person writing this is just nutso. But consider this, when it is time for you to stand before the Creator, you will be without excuse. Choose wisely and carefully.

2007-01-17 20:17:20 · answer #5 · answered by theboss! 1 · 1 0

Sorry tho i wish it wasn't so but the basic instincts of fight or flight and the basic combativeness in sex or social economics make this highly untenable for very long time if ever. mankind is still a animal processed of and by his intellect and physical drives . A few studies have pointed out that the lower brain and body respond and the temporal cortex sorts it out afterward.As to our evolutionary path that is debate able but if our control of our human mind is a component that is increasing it will be limited by sexual dis function of a mind that's limited by limiting its sexual reproduction.this can be seen in how higher educated people fail to reproduce as lower education groups. economics also work in to that the richer the society the less there are taking chances on siring children .early societies relied on having children to get thier group past natural disaster and to provided workers for the family , again less reasons to have more than 1 -3 children as apposed to a 3-7 average .

2007-01-17 19:44:19 · answer #6 · answered by JAMES S H 1 · 0 0

These wars have always and will always be due to allegiance. To whose union do you belong? Is the nature thereof temporal or is it indeed eternal! We as a people a world are in dire need of a redress. In what state do we find ourselves? How have we betrayed our youth and given rise to our own demise! What is freedom? It is not the right to chose. What is freedom? It is not the right to express ones motive or concerns. What is freedom? It is not the right to control ones own destiny. Freedom is Truth; unabridged unfettered. It is the source which brings about the vetting out of all lies! Freedom is the simple answer to a life long question. Freedom is not religion it is relationship. Freedom is not diverse, but single, whole! It is not visive or subversive. Freedom does not ridicule and judge by uneven weights. Freedom Endures with mercy forever! Freedom does not exaggerate, it does not pressure nor yield to doubt nor does it conceal reality, this is of another set. Freedom calls to consider the motives and the intentions of just men condemning false accusation, leaving hope to them that live by faith. Every circumstance, situation and consequence. See What is here with us even unseen; melevolent, relentless; even as the lion chases, scouring through its given realm to take prey. Is this Freedom? To be diluded with so many possibilities of existance when these are without the truth of purpose? Why are we here? Who has concealed the truth from us leaving only the lie to live! It is not our government whose authority is absolute nor are they SOUL-LY responsible; it is we the individuals who are coulpable. Our Freedom, our PEACE is within us should we dare to disern the truth. Freedom is not of us or any other man otherwise you or I could take it from another. Freedom IS GOD! This simple hard saying, CHRIST!, Then a man who paid for this Freedom with his life has endured even more due to our lack of understanding and FAITH! If, "Freedom isn't free," who paid for yours? I know that CHRIST has paid for mine or WHO can prove different?! There is no debate

2007-01-17 17:35:39 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is absolutely realistic that there can be world peace. In fact it has started already, though not in large amounts, but little by little surely there will be peace. It starts with me and you! Notice how 9-11 brought us closer. Take that and magnify it and create peace with all!

2007-01-17 17:22:02 · answer #8 · answered by First L 1 · 0 0

I do not believe, in this age, mankind is capable of peace. I have often pondered, "If I could run my own country, how could I ensure peace?"... and I play devil's advocate against my own ideas. Regrettably, I have found that for every means of governing a people, there are no ways for true peace to exist, ever, save the coming of Jesus Christ. For as long as there are corrupt people, there will be some of them who rise to power. For as long as there are some people who do not put the welfare of their neighbor above their own welfare, peace cannot exist. As long as selfishness exists, worldwide, lasting, peace cannot.

2007-01-17 17:51:43 · answer #9 · answered by seraphim_pwns_u 5 · 0 0

No. World peace isn't realistic. The competitive nature of man is to blame.

2007-01-17 16:54:30 · answer #10 · answered by Webber 5 · 0 0

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