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I dont know how it got this bad. Even me, all i find myself counting how much calories & fat i eat. its addicting, and everypone around me is so concerned about loosing weight and getting fat. Why is this so important in the world today. are we all addicted to some kinda media drug?

2007-01-17 16:43:37 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diet & Fitness

37 answers

you know what...i concur. it has a lot to do with confidence. people have this unrealistic mind base of thinking thin equals pretty. Its ridiculous. ever since the late 90's and 20th century, obesity has been FROWNED UPON. even if you're just a tiny bit overweight, you think you're obese and its unnatractive because of the big deal they've publicized about it. Now everyhting's like- loose weight quick or diet this or low fat that...it's ridiculous. What happend to the confidence? why cant people be satisfied with how the appear? this whole world is phsycologically ****** up.

2007-01-17 17:14:54 · answer #1 · answered by ~SingleNWay2good4u~ 1 · 0 0

The world's weight obsession has almost everything to do with it's obsession with pop culture and celebrities. They are represented as society's ideal, when they are really only accurately represent an extremely small part of the population. Society goes through trends, for example, it was once very fashionable to be overweight. Overall, I think our culture is so obsessed with weight because it is the quickest way to judge someone just by looking. I also struggled with anorexia, it was never diagnosed but it was a very difficult thing for me to get over. I understand where you are, pressure to be unhealthily thin is everywhere. What helped me the most was when I decided that I did not necessarily want to be thin, I just wanted to be healthy and do what was good for my body. I decided that I wanted to feel good and strong and happy, and to have that I needed to eat well and exercise a healthy amount. Over time, you'll learn to almost ignore all those magazines and commercials. I just had to get to a point where I was convinced that none of it applied to me. Once you convince yourself that none of it is talking to or about you, you won't notice it nearly as much. I hope this helps, don't worry, keep doing what you're doing, and things will get better.

2016-03-29 02:41:39 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Although the media is portraying weight loss in the wrong light - using pills, everyone being stick thin - I think it's a good thing that more people are concerned with losing weight. It is not healthy to be overweight, period. It is not good for your body to be carrying around excess body fat, and it's not good for your heart either. You SHOULD be watching how much fat you're eating - don't "count" calories but just eat healthier in general and you won't HAVE to count calories.

2007-01-17 17:31:19 · answer #3 · answered by Heidi 4 · 0 0

If people would turn off the TV, and put down the Magazines, they wouldn't be bombarded with people talking about weight. ET and inside Edition are always talking about weight either to fat or to skinny. A lot of people read those rag magazines with the stars in them, that stuff is trash. That is why people are obsessed. Media, Media, Media.

2007-01-17 17:00:36 · answer #4 · answered by hexa 6 · 0 0

I personally think because people are more health conscious.

It's not about being 'fat' or 'overweight', it's a decision to be a healthier person and be conscious of what you are putting in your body.

I am a skinny person and I get grief from my friends (who are all overweight) about being 'too' skinny. I watch what I eat, everything in moderation in order to maintain a healthy weight range and a healthy mind and body. Sure, I splurge and eat KFC, but I go by the 90%/10% rule. 90% of the time I am good, so 10% of the time I can eat/drink whatever I want.

I want to be a fit and healthy Mum for my kids and not be tired or sick from being overweight.

2007-01-17 16:52:02 · answer #5 · answered by Kylie 6 · 1 0

Because everyone (at least in the US) is SO FAT.

And instead of having to work hard for the only 20 foods or 200 foods available as it was 150 years ago (and being darn glad we had that or else we'd literally starve), we have 40,000 foods and more available and if you are too lazy to go get it they will bring it to your door.

That's how it got this bad.

Let's say it was hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, or more years ago and you are FAT. Now it is time to eat. You have a choice: 1. Get off your fat rear and kill something or gather something. 2. Be lazy, sit there and get skinny. Of course when you got skinny enough your choice was: 1. Get off your rear and kill something or gather something. 2. Be lazy, sit there and die. Nowadays your choice is: 1. Eat. 2. Eat 3. Eat. 4. Eat. .... 147. Eat. ... 497. Eat. .....

2007-01-17 16:55:09 · answer #6 · answered by David E 4 · 3 0

I think it is for several reasons. First of all, gaining weight is easier than ever and losing it, its inverse. With so many foods packed in preservatives and empty calories, our bodies don't have the natural capacity to work off the food we are presented with. Second of all, society is more sedentary on average than ever. People put in more hours and days per week at work. Then we are presented with magazines, television, billboards etc., that make it seem possible to obtain these unrealistic body images. Bear in mind, the people in the media make looking like that their JOB. They deal with professional trainers and nutritionists on a regular basis. Then, they are often airbrushed. And that is what becomes "ideal". If you think about it, how many people do you see in reality that actually look like that? Chances are, not many. And how many people don't look like that and still pull off looking absolutely gorgeous? Personally, some of the most beautiful people I've seen aren't wearing subzero sizes! How many people do we think are beautiful without ever seeing what they look like in a bikini? Probably not usually the first impression anyway. I think we have higher expectations for ourselves than most people do of others. And having confidence to accept the way you are and take care of yourself means more than a couple extra ounces of belly!

2007-01-17 17:06:57 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's all about the beauty pattern media created. In the past, it was considered beautiful for women to be fat, because it showed that the woman had enough money to eat very well -- so that she would be fat. Nowadays, the beauty pattern is to be extremely skinny, so every girl will kill herself just to lose every extra pound.

2007-01-17 16:50:47 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Nowadays we have a lot of food, that is available to us at any time, which is tempting to us, and if we not watch what we eat we will get big and unhealthy. Also we don't move as much as we used to, so we really need to count every calorie we eat in order to stay healthy.

2007-01-17 16:50:49 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yep. It's crazy. In the past in Norway, women used to stuff their socks to make their calves looker larger because it meant they were equipped for heavy work. Now women are expected to weigh as much as paper clips (and also have the same dress size too). Women are not told about adverse problems being so slim can have such as osteoporosis, heart problems, dental problems and list goes on and on.

Thank goodness for the Dove campaigns.

2007-01-17 16:51:37 · answer #10 · answered by Brainiac 4 · 0 0

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