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im in the 7th grade and doing 9th grade work but do you think i should continuing being home schooled or go to public school and go to the 7th grade i dont like school but i want to have more friends then i do which i do have lots of friends because i do sports and stuff with my home school and i went to public school til 4th grade but what do you think?

2007-01-17 16:36:29 · 16 answers · asked by tinkerbell_lover 1 in Education & Reference Home Schooling

16 answers

Why are you being homeschooled?

I personally think that unless there's a very good reason for being homeschooled, kids should go to regular school. You lose out on too many experiences that will help you on later in life (I hated school, too, and wished my mom would homeschool me, but now I can see that she was right).

2007-01-17 16:41:43 · answer #1 · answered by Elaine 5 · 3 3

I think if you're doing 9th grade work and you're in 7th grade, you'll probably be bored for at least a few years. If you're gifted at all, which it sounds like you might be, you'll be bored until college. But you may have a few more friends, which you will probably lose track of btw when you go to college.

You also don't sound unhappy with homeschooling & don't list any complaints which is interesting. Did you have valid reasons or any problems when you left public school in 4th grade? Things probably haven't changed that much in a few years.

Another option btw if you don't go to public school is that in many states they offer dual homeschooling where they let you attend free community college classes in addition to homeschooling. They do that in my state starting at the age of 15. You can wind up finishing up your first 2 years of college for free by the time you graduate high school and then go to a 4 year university. You can make friends there, and not have to take overly easy classes. Good luck with your decision!

2007-01-17 19:12:57 · answer #2 · answered by Karen 4 · 0 0

I'm in the same boat as you. But I'm in 8th grade and will be 15 Saturday. I have absolutely no friends due to homeschooling . I would like to go back to public, but I can't bring myself to. There are too many harsh kids in public and homeschooling is alot easier and less stressful. I have homeschooled on and off since 3rd grade, and
I have to say that homeschooling has been the best experience. I would rather be isolated, and only rely on my internet world rather than facing the cruel and hurtful kids in the world. Good luck whatever you do.

2007-01-18 03:52:42 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

After many years of working with home schoolers, and teaching in both the private and public sector I believe that you cannot generalize and say one is better than the other. There are great public schools and poor ones, great private schools and horrible ones, and great home schooling programs and poor ones. There are so many variables that it is impossible to state that one is better than the other for all people at each time of their life. I always tell people that they need to look at their individual situations and choices and make the best decision for their particular situation.

Keeping this in mind, I must state that I do not see home school working for you. You are being misled. From looking at the way you wrote your question, at least in English you are not close to doing 9th grade work.. Your punctuation, capitalization, and sentence structure needs to improve greatly. I am sure that you can do MUCH BETTER.

I have no doubt that you are a bright and capable student. I suggest that you have your parents look for another educational setting; one where you will be able to fill in your gaps in knowledge and yet expand on the bank of information that you already have.

2007-01-17 19:04:20 · answer #4 · answered by Lysa 6 · 0 1

I know someone who used to be home schooled in the seventh and eighth grade. She had friends from previous school and played sports also. In the middle of eighth grade, she went to public school again. She loves school now a lot more. I think that you should attend regular school, at least by High school, because when you're older the great memories in school will completely outlast and out-do the pride that you get from being ahead. Which is also good. but i think that you can achieve both.

2007-01-17 16:49:32 · answer #5 · answered by lovely lovely 3 · 3 0

I was homeschooled until I went to college.. I had plenty of friends. I played sports, the same as you. I enjoyed being Homeschooled. When I went to college I was not socially innept. I was able to make lots of friends. If you are already doing ninth grade work then you are ahead of your age group as normally homeschoolers are. In fact when I went to college I was able to phocus much more time on "social" activities and fun, because college was easy after being homeschooled. I really would not worry that you are missing out. Some would ask.. Well how would you know if you missed out, you didnt go to highschool. Well I played baseball for a public highschool in my town. Most of my friends went to highschool. I really have never met any one who has told me about anything that I missed out on.. Social interaction... I had that.. The prom?? You can still go to the prom even if you are homeschooled... Graduation??? I still graduated, I went to my friends graduation... And I had my college graduation... So I hope you do not feel to left out. You sound like you are on the right track and an exceptionally bright girl! I think that you have a lot to look foward to weather or not you go to public school. You sound like you have a good personality.. I think you will have NO problem having lots of friends either way! Good luck!!

2007-01-17 18:29:58 · answer #6 · answered by caleb d 2 · 1 1

Personally, I disagree with homeschooling. I know some kids need it, but those who don't should get a public education. In public school, you learn to make friends and work with other people, social skills are necessary in life. I go to public school and I love it just because I look forward to hanging out with my friends everyday, playing sports, and participating in school activities. Even though home schooled kids have a higher rate of getting into good colleges, I think it is more important to be well rounded and have social skills. Ask your parents if you really want to go to public school. (or private) You are only in 7th grade, if you don't like it you can always go back, but I can't imagine why not. Good luck.

2007-01-17 16:50:29 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

I love these responses. I think being well rounded and having friends is more important then getting into a good college.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Wait until the home school kid is pulling down 185,000 a year and you are driving the pepsi truck or working at Costco at some dead end, hate to go to every day job.

Kid you already have friends. When you get older you won't remember or care about anyone in high school. They will all be gone off to college. Your education is the most important thing in your life.

Look money can't make you happy. But the lack of money can make you miserable. You know what the difference between very educated people and not very educated people is?

Educated people with high salaries go on vacation in Europe or where ever they want every year and they never have to worry
about employment or money.

Not very educated people go to disney land or the grand canyon for vacation and eat out once a month if they are lucky and worry constantly about employment and money.

You want to get into the best college you can. When you are 30 it isn't going to matter for **** whether you had some really cool friend in the tenth grade.

The public school system in this country is broken. Thats probably why your parents are homeschooling you because they saw that you weren't learning anything in the public school.

The public schools in this country are for indoctrination of the masses to accept and do whatever the government says.

Keep on your path and by the time you are 18 you could very well have tested out of many of your classes for the first two years of college (my niece did) and have your BA when you 20.

Education Education Education. None of these friends will matter one iota when you are older.

Just my two cents. I only have close to 50 years of experience.

To Mr. Z. Trichbopper had plenty of friends. The country and economy are headed to a nation of haves and have nots.
By the way Mr. Z. your grammatic structure and writing makes me think that you are a product of the public school system.
I wouldn't be so fast to call people ignorant with your writing style.

Thats right young man listen to people like Mr. Z.
Mr. Z. sounds like he is about 15 years old. I am sure his vast life experience is what you want to listen to. Take a clue kid. Your parents have lived life and know what is going on. They have been kids they have been teens. Believe it or not they might ACTUALLY have a clue about what is best for you.

2007-01-17 18:00:05 · answer #8 · answered by trichbopper 4 · 2 3

Stay in homeschool. You have the freedom to excel there and isn't that what education is all about. You have friends and interact with your team mates. I have a daughter who is in public school and she is not happy. She is beyond them in maturity level, vocabulary, communication and her understanding of the world. Having friends is a good thing, but finding friends that are at your level, who will treat you with respect and dignity is the key. The number of friends is not the important thing, the quality of your friends character is.

2007-01-18 03:58:37 · answer #9 · answered by shirewyn 2 · 0 0

If you don't like school, then don't go to school. You'll like it even less if it's all too easy for you.

There are other ways of making more friends--be creative! And there's no guarantee that going to school will give you more friends. Grade 7/8 is NOT the time to be in school to make more friends. Girls can be so nasty and cliquey at that age.

2007-01-18 00:46:34 · answer #10 · answered by glurpy 7 · 1 0

I think you should go to school, like 99% of every other kid in America does. There you will have many experiences that you cannot get in home school, and make many more friends. (But frankly, that is what your parents are probably most afraid of...that you will meet the WRONG type of friends. Remind them that you have been taught right from wrong, and are able to make wise decisions about who you pick for friends).

You're parents are trying to help, but they are actually hurting you very much. They just don't realize it. And they can be hard to deal with. So approach the subject of going back to school carefully and with sincerity. Maybe you can change their minds.

If that doesn't work, cry a lot in front of them.

"Trich bopp" sounds like he is very ignorant person. Don't even read his answer, he doesn't know what he is talking about! The best friends in your life will be the ones you meet in school! He obviously did not make any friends with his attitude, I'm not surprised.

2007-01-17 20:15:01 · answer #11 · answered by MrZ 6 · 1 3

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