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22 answers

TO whoever said Sexuality is a distraction in battle, im going from non experience except for playing sports airsoft and paintball.

When you are in a middle of a fight (or match) you don't give a Shyt if the guy or girl next to you has the hots for you and neither do they you concentrate on the task in front of you and stay alive and win. what a ridiculous answer Jaime.

2007-01-17 16:47:06 · answer #1 · answered by N@E Ruby 2 · 1 1

Okay well gay men and women already and always have served in the military. Clintons don’t ask don’t tell policy was a weak wristed compromise (pun intended). It would probably shock some of you in and out of the military to know that more homosexuals have been chapter out since don’t ask don’t tell then were prior, go figure.

On the issue of housing. Ridiculous. When I went into the army the first time males and females didn't drill (basic) together, when I went back 11 years later we were living across they bay from one another and alone together after hours in the same company area. The ridiculous housing “concern" was also popular I am told by my grandfather in the debate of the segregated army.

Look guys. Gay guys are going to look at you, they are gonna see you naked in the shower, in your undies on bivouac (I assume they still have that in this kinder softer army). SO what as long as they don’t make any moves on you or propose anything to you, just makes sure they know how to shoot move and communicate and grow up.

Personally as a SGT in the army I have known (not suspected) known four soldier that where gay (2 females) guess what all made SSgt either while I was on active duty or shortly after i left...3 experts with m16, 2 are have CIBs and none has so much as a negative counseling statement.

20 years ago there were no openly gays people in congress, sports, entertainment, the church etc. Get over it...if you are straight be straight, if you are gay be gay (and for now quiet) but both of you need to be soldiers and recognize a time will come when everyone will be able to be whatever they are openly and everyone will still have to be soldiers

2007-01-17 17:53:33 · answer #2 · answered by larry.fowler40 2 · 0 0

Gays are not openly allowed in the military because it's a housing issue, plain and simply. Where do you put them. You can't house gay men with straight men specifically because sexual issues can arise whether it's the straight men feeling uncomfortable with a gay man looking at them in the shower or the fact that many straight men have issues with gay men and wouldn't be able to get their backs when the time came.

You cannot house gay men with the women because then every man in the military would suddenly become gay. And lastly you cannot house them with eachother because it would be like housing men and women together. So where do you put them, by themselves? How could we fiscally handle this.

There's also this to consider. You see, no matter how much PC crap is shoved down our throats, the plain simple fact is that most straight men feel uncomfortable around gay men, they see them as lesser males. This may or may not be the case but the fact still remains that this is how they see it. The military is no place to solve social issues, the military is meant to kill people and win wars in the most efficient way possible. While I have nothing against gay people, they can do whatever they wish in their personal lives, they cannot openly serve in the military without causing a lot of problems.

2007-01-17 17:21:06 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I think that you have raised a very important and interesting point. The Military dose have its policy of "dont ask, dont tell", however we are in a time of war and loseing soldiers due to a lack of personnel joining the services and of course those whom pay the highest cost of freedom in combat.

I believe that due to this, the military is not enforcing this policy as hard as it once was. I have seen many male-male and female-female relationships in the last 2 years that have not caused soldiers to lose their job or end their career; though they do face adverse action administrativly and politically.

In my opinion, it is a crazy policy. I think that if someone wants to serve their country, they should have that right; the only type of policy that I feel should be in place is that if a person that is attracted to people of the same gender approaches someone that dose not take part in same gender relationships (like myself) they should respect that. If they continue to show an 'interest' after being told no, then the heteralsexual person (me) should be able to request that the homosexual person is prosecuted under the UCMJ (the Uniformed Code of Military Justice).

2007-01-17 17:17:15 · answer #4 · answered by ttwilliams01 1 · 0 0

You must be a proud product of the public schools. America is not, and never has been, a democracy. The founding fathers detested the very idea of a democracy. We are a republic with a republican form of government.

By the way, I served 22 years in the navy. I knew more than just a few gays. I knew some who made it their career and went all the way to retirement.

2007-01-18 00:05:32 · answer #5 · answered by Yak Rider 7 · 0 0

I like how everyone assumes gay people are sex addicts and want to do everyone they see. I worked in an office with a lot of gay men and they were not attracted to each other. I have a close female friend now, her and I hang out and sometimes I hang with her and her girlfriend. Sex is never a topic. If someone wants to be in the military go for it! People need to get over thoughts that every gay person is attracted to them; get over yourself. Allow our men and women to serve no matter what they do in their private time.

But some people make a good point on the barracks and showers. What if? and what if a man decides out on the field that he is beginning to have feelings he never had before. My point is anything can happen regardless, so if someone wants to serve let them serve knowing that they have a commitment to serve our country and leave personal feelings aside while on duty.

2007-01-17 16:51:08 · answer #6 · answered by ng 1 · 0 0

There are reasons why men and women do not live in the same bays during basic training...natural distractions. What, are there going to be 4 different flights going through training? Straight men, straight women, lesbians, and gays? I have a few gay friends, and first of all, they have absolutely no desire to enter the military, and secondly, they see the problem with training and co-habiting with people you are sexually attracted to. I'm not talking about a workplace situation, I'm talking about military style training and living conditions. If homosexuals want to serve their country, get a GS position somewhere...

2007-01-17 16:48:49 · answer #7 · answered by Superscoot52 3 · 0 0

They are allowed in the military as long as they are not walking around screaming how gay they are. No soldier would want to live and fight next to someone who was so flamboyant they couldnt keep their mouth shut about being gay. As long as they are there to serve their country and not try to push a political agenda they will have no problem getting into the military.

2007-01-17 16:45:10 · answer #8 · answered by Tim H 5 · 0 0

Don't ask don't tell is plenty free. The military doesn't have time to be politically correct. An openly gay person in the military will disrupt things, whether that is right or fair is not the issue. It is just the way it is.

2007-01-17 16:53:56 · answer #9 · answered by Curt 4 · 0 0

did you already know... That the 1st modification to the form guarentees that there will be no state faith as in a church of the U. S. nor will it enable the prepare of religion to be squashed. It does no longer propose that thoughts that are non secular in nature are actually not allowed!! gay Marriage isnt being allowed by using maximum states simply by fact the individuals have spoken on the gay marriage concern on the voter pollbox. No state who has ever positioned the situation as much as vote has ever authorized gay marriage. the common of individuals vote casting became a whopping seventy 5% to restrict marriage between same sexes.

2016-12-12 14:06:27 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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