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bravely fighting in Afganistan? I know feathers were ruffled when Canada did not commit to the Iraq war, but we are still fighting in Afganistan. The NORAD pact between our countries states that if either Canada or the USA are attacked our militaries would both respond as one.
Canada went to Afganistan to fight the Taliban and hunt Osama with the US. The Canadian army is still there now and handling most of the fighting in order to help the US put more troops in Iraq.

I was just wondering if the American public realizes the Canadian army is leading the war in Afganistan and still bravely fighting to defend the honour of our American neighbors over 911. It is a well known fact that the Canadian Army is engaging the enemy more than the other countries put together.

Not totally trying to toot our horn here, but I don't think the US media tells Americans what we are doing for them.

2007-01-17 16:32:17 · 14 answers · asked by mjwarriorfan 2 in Politics & Government Military

I am not saying Canada has the most troops in Afganistan, I am saying we are doing most of the FIGHTING. For whatever reason Canadian soldiers are engaging the enemy more.
This is a fact as it is causing a political firestorm here with opposition parties attacking our Prime Minister for letting our boys be the "front line" warriors over there.

2007-01-17 16:53:32 · update #1

14 answers

i did just read a story published by an obscure paper about how your guys busted up a big terror cell and stuff. i don't remember specifics, but i said, "way to go!"

you're right though- i doubt that the general public has any idea. i only caught the article from a blog i frequent. the nature of our media here is totally horrible. they're not allowed to tell us news unless it's bad, so that leaves your guys' fighting out. if they told us good news once in a while, that might make people have their own thoughts and ideas, instead of toeing the line, you see.

and thank you for asking this! it's nice to know that not everybody wants to kill us.

2007-01-17 16:40:15 · answer #1 · answered by political junkie 4 · 3 2

So what do you want.. a cookie? First, your not doing most of the fighting I am not sure where you got that impression, but it isn't true. Canadians have foght mainly in the Kandahar area having two major operations last year. Second, that was your government's choice and against what most Canadians wanted. So, I say again what do you want people to say, "Thank God for saving us from the Taliban." whom have moved back into every area that had previously been cleared by American and Canadian forces.

2007-01-17 17:20:57 · answer #2 · answered by Frank R 7 · 2 2

It is not published here, but that is probably because nothing positive about the war is. I do remember reading about a group of Canadian soldiers in WWI who stood up and fought in a cloud of mustard gas to hold back the Germans even though most of them died doing so. Canadians seem like a great group of brave people. Just dont mind our jokes about you, eh?

2007-01-17 16:48:50 · answer #3 · answered by Tim H 5 · 2 1

No, actually i have not heard much about afghanistan since 2002 on the media. Which is where the war if there should be any should be being fought and concentrated on instead of the bloody iraqnam the Us and Brits have gotten themselves into. So AMEN to our canadian brothers!

2007-01-17 16:49:40 · answer #4 · answered by N@E Ruby 2 · 1 2

I was aware that the Canadians were represented in Afghanistan, but not to the extent you indicate. I salute those troops and express my personal appreciation for their contributions and sacrifices.

Henderson, Texas

2007-01-17 16:44:45 · answer #5 · answered by Michael C 2 · 4 0

I for one DO know that Canadian troops are fighting in Afghanistan. The World Trade center may have been located in the USA but it is the WORLD trade center. Citizens of 87 countries lost their lives that day.

Many want to forget that and think of 9/11 as an Attack on America only.

Many people and/or countries have Supported the War in Afghanistan while at the same time condemning the War in Iraq.
They usually try to use the arguement "Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11 so we are wrong to attack him"

They are making a correct statement but a false arguement.
The USA did NOT Attack Saddam because of 9/11. We attacked because Saddam failed to abide by the UN resolutions set in place after the First Gulf War. The fact that he either was or could potentially be a terrorists supporter was just added incentive. The whole Saddam did not commit 9/11 arguement against the Iraq war is spin doctoring at its finest. mixing truthful statements with intentional misleading conclusions to support one sides position.

While I thank you for your countries support in Afghanistan, I must remind you that Canada was for the UN sanctions but then failed miserably along with most of Europe when it came to inforcing those same sanctions.

I also agree with you on the US Media (And world media as well) that they create the news rather than report the news. They are even worse spin doctors than government officials. they decide what the news is by choosing what to report and what not to report. They also influence what you think of the story by HOW they report it.

As to Canadians leading the war in Afghanistan... PLEEEAASEE!
how can you even say that with a straight face!?!

Yes we did draw down our forces to support the Fight in Iraq. but we still have over 9 TIMES the troops you do there. and most of yours are not in combat conditions. While I thank your troops for what they are doing. even the non-combat ones (Humanitarian aid is vital and needed), DO NOT tell me your troops are doing more or leading the fight. That is unconscionably wrong of you to even suggest that. and damn insulting.
You guys are great allies and are always there with support (well most times), but it is just that... SUPPORT!
Never leading

2007-01-17 16:53:34 · answer #6 · answered by CG-23 Sailor 6 · 1 3

According to your Defense people, Canada has around 2700 troops in Afghanistan as part of a 36 country UN mission. Not exactly blazing a military path since most are doing humanitarian work & protecting the humanitarian efforts. Canada has never led any war, but they do lead all countries in allowing draft dodgers.
I like Canada but you need to stop living in a dream world where Canada leads wars. Canada has 2,700 soldiers , France has 4,500 soldiers, Germany has 3,000 soldiers & the US has 24,000 soldiers. You were kidding us & trying to get a rise. haha!

I never said Canadians are not fighting or on the front line but the others soldiers in Afghanistan are not sitting around playing cards & watching Canada fight. The US have lost 1085 soldiers & Canada has lost 25. Are they shooting through you guys to get to us or are we in front of you?

2007-01-17 16:52:46 · answer #7 · answered by Wolfpacker 6 · 0 5

Yes we know they are over there. But leading the war? Someone lied to you. Unless I am missing something, there are only 3,000 Canadian troops over there. There are 24,000 Americans. We appreciate the help but don't try and make it more than it is.

2007-01-17 16:40:28 · answer #8 · answered by Curt 4 · 2 2

While we gratefully thank you, I think the reason is because Canada's death toll is...
about 44. Maybe 50.

As compared to 3000+

2007-01-17 16:43:41 · answer #9 · answered by Picard Facepalm 5 · 1 2


I worked with Canadians in Bosnia, too.

Good guys.

I don't think there is a rub with Canada. France, however, is another story.

They are still cowards.

2007-01-17 16:39:27 · answer #10 · answered by ? 6 · 3 3

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