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What is wrong with these parents of obese children? Why do they indulge their kids every craving?
Don't they know their kids will die at a young age, that they have set their children up for a multitude of diseases and conditions in their future?
Are you that lazy and without discipline that you feed your kid that much fast food? How shameful is that? child abuse?

2007-01-17 16:23:16 · 20 answers · asked by janesweetjane 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

20 answers

I know what you are talking about. A few days ago, when in the store, I saw this child who couldn't have been older than three and she was very large. The fat was literally hanging off of the child. Now, normally, I wouldn't assume things about children because many times the children do grow out of it. But her parents were just shoving candy and SODA at her the moment she screamed for it. Then I thought to myself "What kind of parents neglect their children in preference of peace and quiet?". My second thought was about a scientific study on how soda in children can damage the kidneys. My daughter from birth was over the average weight until she hit 2 1/2. I don't deny my daughter food but I also know when she's full because she stops eating it and throws her plate in the sink. Many times she tries to get candy instead, or chocolate milk instead of regular milk. I reserve things like chocolate milk and graham crackers for treats like when she does something really well, and instead give her a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Now she's at her average weight. Anyway, it astounded me to see how neglectful these parents were being of her health. Science has proven that children who develop good habits early on will keep them most of the time. So, in trying to be good parents, you would think that they would be acting on this. But, no, they want her to be quiet so they give in. I think all parents should be sent to a sort of school before having children and learn the latest things science has discovered. I think it should be a free thing and a continuing thing as the child grows. Myself included. I don't know everything and don't claim to, but I know that in the area of discipline, I could use some help because time outs and taking toys away doesn't work.

2007-01-17 16:32:35 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I think it is a form of child abuse, although not alot of parents can help it.. some children are just normally big, no matter how much you feed them.. and some children have problems such as prater-willy syndrome (sp?)

But yes, I've seen too many parents give their kid whatever they want to eat.. its usually the matter of laziness, after a long day at work..the working parent will usually want to just stop by a KFC or McDonalds and order their kid a big meal rather than cooking a heathier one at home, and the child will eat it, not knowing any better.

Or some parents, whenever their child cries for some reason (infant or toddler) they just hand them food.. such as fruit-snacks, candybars, or cookies.. and drop them off in front of TV, just to make them be quiet.

2007-01-17 16:31:32 · answer #2 · answered by Rae-Rae Nikkoles <3 3 · 2 1

It's not always the parents fault. I have one son - 18 that weighs 97 lbs and an 8 yr old that weighs 99 lbs.

They both eat the same thing - the whole family is on a calorie count diet based on our doctor's instructors. My 8 yr old has actually gained weight on it.

Sometimes its just plain old metabolism -- perhaps you shouldn't be so judgemental

P.S. Its really sickening that some of you can't express yourselves without sterotyping. Not all parents with obese children are at fault - as far as sinful goes - ya'll should re-read some of the things said here and then figure out which sin it falls under

2007-01-17 16:29:08 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Are you a parent? Have you ever, in your entire life, babysat? Have you read the laws recently.

There isn't a single thing a parent can do to their child. I say bring back in spanking. You look at your kid wrong and "popular culture" has taught them to go crying to an officer and then you're charged and your kids are taken away and go into foster care and become crack heads.
Okay, so that was a little extreme.

But take away their videogames and. What? Nothing, that's what. They'll start stealing things to get what they want, they'll run away. Grounding them doesn't do any good, taking away the tv doesn't do any good. They'll start acting up in school, skip school, fail school and drop out with an eighth grade education and still you can't do a single thing about it.

They'll even steal four cars and there isn't a thing you can do about it, especially if it's your car. You know why? Because they live on the property and have a "right to everything"

I'm not making this stuff up, it happened, and is still happening, between my brother and my mother.

So how exactly do you propose we punish our kids? Take away their candy and they'll steal your purse, go to school and buy their own and you can't charge them or punish them for stealing.

2007-01-17 16:30:13 · answer #4 · answered by spirenteh 3 · 3 3

I believe in respecting the human body and health promotion, so I will have to completely agree here.

It is a form of child abuse. Allowing your child to become obese from poor dietary habits is just as bad as withholding food and starving them.

People need to understand this if we are going to save this entire generation.

With the rare exception of the odd few children who develop weight issues due to genetics and hormonal disorders, there is no excuse for the obesity explosion we see today.

Parents need to be (smart) parents. Turn off the TV, encourage healthy eating and portion sizes, ban junk food except for rare treats, and get your kid outside.

It's literally a matter of life and death. And it doesn't have to be this way.

P.S. We are not talking about plain old baby fat or the rare people with a huge genetic tendency to gain weight. We are talking about the obesity EXPLOSION we all have heard about due to poor diet and lack of exercise. Plain and simple. Children are getting Type 2 (used to be "adult-onset") diabetes, which used to be unheard of in children. Many of these kids will not live past their 40th birthday. The worst part? Type 2 diabetes in kids is almost always preventable! Parents need to EDUCATE their children, not punish them.

P.P.S To all of those people who gave this logical answer a "thumbs down", you're not doing yourself or your children any favors by ignoring facts and being ignorant. Type 2 diabetes can kill whether you acknowledge it to be an issue or not. Don't be surprised when your child dies before you do.

2007-01-17 16:31:09 · answer #5 · answered by reginachick22 6 · 2 3

I lived in Scotland for a couple of months, and I was astonished to see how badly parents fed their kids....some houses only have a microwave; parents eat at the restaurant and feed TV dinners to their kids when they come back from school. I think it's awful...a fat kid isn't better than a starving one.

2007-01-17 16:30:02 · answer #6 · answered by Pipi 1 · 1 1

normally it is genetic and often when they reach adulthood they lose the puppy fat. But people will use strong negative and untrue emotional labelling as child murdering when often people get weight because they are inclined that way just by eating everyday foods.
My nephew was obese looking as a small child and grew up now he is 19 skinny looking. I was fat looking as a child and grew up thin. In fact quite a few people I thought were a bit podgy have good weight figures. It is genetics that decide what you body weight will be and what you eat often. Some eat the same and look like beanstalks others look tubby.
Most hate towards large people is not the looking fat but looking fashionable.

2007-01-17 16:27:00 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

I totally agree!! Child Abuse? Definitely. A kid has no concept of healthy eating and weight gain, it is entirely up to the parent to teach them and give them a healthy environment. I'm especially disappointed with obese parent with obese kids. You'd think that what they had gone through being the "fat kid", they would never want to force upon their own child! I think it's disgusting!

2007-01-17 16:31:27 · answer #8 · answered by Miss Suki 3 · 2 3

Sinful? Nope. Sad? Absolutely.

2007-01-17 16:28:03 · answer #9 · answered by yumyum 6 · 3 1

No, i don't think of obese infants might desire to be faraway from their mothers and dads care different than perchance in VERY VERY severe situations the place the newborn's existence is in impending threat, except there replace into another variety of project interior the homestead (like severe emotional, actual or sexual abuse). i think of maximum obesity is simply by a loss of education approximately nutrients and a sedentary existence type...perchance even a loss of money (in case you reside in a undesirable, crime ridden community, you may discourage your infants from taking part in exterior as an occasion)...and notwithstanding it may for sure be a severe project, i don't think of it justifies putting infants in foster care because of the fact (such as you reported) this way of atmosphere can many times have damaging psychological consequences that outweigh the undesirable consequences of obesity. i've got heard of learn executed the place infants are extra many times extra advantageous off with their organic and organic mothers and dads than in foster care, different than in situations the place there replace into severe actual/emotional/sexual abuse or ignore happening interior the homestead, so i think fostercare might desire to be an fairly final motel while infants have issues. besides, formative years obesity is a techniques too common in recent times to even evaluate taking infants away in those situations because of the fact the fostercare equipment is fairly crushed as that's (in my opinion). i think of public education approximately nutrients and perchance some variety of financial incentive to enable/motivate human beings to devour fit (and in extra moderation)/workout extra may be a much extra advantageous thank you to wrestle this growing to be project (no pun meant). regrettably, sparkling culmination and vegetables are many times extra costly/much less accessible than severe calorie/severe fat processed ingredients, which i think of is why obesity is a growing to be variety of common, especially amoung the economically deprived.

2016-10-07 08:07:48 · answer #10 · answered by armiso 4 · 0 0

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