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explain to me,... if there is an all mighty God, then why does he let bad things happen to good people that pray to him everyday? Why can't you all come to realize that you are praying to a fiction person...and that the only "person you pray to" is yourself? You are the only person that has the potential to change your reality!

2007-01-17 15:45:31 · 26 answers · asked by kristina43 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

26 answers

They want something to exist so it does. God is a crutch for man he has been for centuries. Prayer does in no way work neither does lucky charms or voodoo magic. God to them is as real as their friends and relatives. They talk and give to god, sure it’s a one-sided love affair but the more they devote themselves to god the more immune they are to reality. No fundamental-brainwashed Christian will ever convert by just our mocking them; they need to have some inkling of an open curious mind to convert to agnosticism/atheism just telling them the truth alone rarely helps.

2007-01-17 15:57:18 · answer #1 · answered by Crayola 3 · 0 0

Excuse me miss, but a God does exist. If we prayed for everything and got it, what would Heaven be for? God does help us, in a special way.
God does it right; Coincidental Theory, helping us all, but not all at the same time just kind of like he views us all and just points at a bunch to aide. If he gave us everthing we wanted, wed grow dependant, if he helps none, then we'll lose faith in him (at least some wont)
Its all dealt to the mind of a philosipher.
And furthur more, God isnt a person, God is the most powerful being ever, indescribable. You can cahnge your reality, yes, humanism, God;'s not going to baby u your whole life.
And furthurmore, he does help us all each day, there was never a day when everything bad happened to someone, ur still breathing, but you die, at least u woke up.

So go off, u atheist prick, treasure my words, keep them in your head, realize that there is a God, take this for an example: If u believe we are just there and nothing made it that way; no process no supernatural, you are agnostic, youre an idiot. If u belive that radioactive materials "formed" over time and exploded to create planets and stuff, but a "force did it" just an out of nowhere force that made it and dissapeared. Then over millions of years, things changed to form modern creatures as of today. BUt, u do not belive that "force" exists anymore, that the earth (planet) has become self independent like it has feelings, ur an idiot, or an atheist. If u believe that a God since the beginning of time, so unexlianabel for human minds, created the earth or radioactive stuff to make a "big bang", THEn creating us through an evolutuion process or something, in His image, U kick ***.

2007-01-17 16:05:39 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If I left my life up to me, I would surely be worse off than I am. Why? Because I'm imperfect. I have prayed for many things. The bible says God answers all prayers, in His own time. Some have been answered already and believe me, the way they were answered, no one can say they were circumstance, happenstance or luck.

Wanna read a good book? Pick up The Unusual Suspect by Stephen Baldwin, Alec's brother. He discovered the power of prayer. Someone else's prayer. You're obviously a sceptic, so I hope you don't throw my suggestion in the trash bin. I'll even send you a copy if you wish so you don't have to fork over any money. All I would ask is that you read it with an open mind.

2007-01-17 15:55:42 · answer #3 · answered by High Flyer 4 · 0 0

H-m-m-m. That's a good one. You really got me thinking on this one. WOW! I see what you mean! You're right! Oh, my gosh! I understand everything now! You've opened my eyes and I really do see it all so clearly now. What a fool I've been! There can't possibly be a God unless only good things happen to good people! You've made it all so simple! Why didn't I think of that? How could I have been so shallow all this time? Thank you, who ever you are! You've changed my whole life with this! Whew! That's a load off my mind. No God. Now I can really get to living the good life! I think I'll just go buy me a gun and shoot people that I know are bad...that way I'll be making bad things happen to bad people. And that will make everything make sense. We all should do this since there's no God to worry about. That's perfect. We can all decide for ourselves which people are the "bad" ones and just get rid of them once and for all. Better yet...since you seem to know who the bad ones are, we can all just ask you who to kill. Thanks again. You've really been a wonderful help to me.......
......................N O T !

2007-01-17 16:04:35 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Suffering Comes With The Freedom To Choose
Pain Can Warn Us Of Danger
Suffering Reveals What Is In Our Hearts
Suffering Takes Us To The Edge Of Eternity
Pain Loosens Our Grip On This Life
Suffering Gives Opportunity To Trust God
God Suffers With Us In Our Suffering
God's Comfort Is Greater Than Our Suffering
In Times Of Crisis, We Find One Another
God Can Turn Suffering Around For Our Good

2007-01-17 15:51:25 · answer #5 · answered by tooyoung2bagrannybabe 7 · 2 1

You are 100% right about one thing that you said, "You are the only person that has the potential to change your reality!" We control things that happen by the power of our own free will. What you need to remember is that one event creates another event or for every action their is an equal and opposite reaction. In other words we create our own mistakes or bad things. Example: A person gets drunk, gets into their car and has an accident. The person in the other car dies? So whose fault is it?? Gods??Did he do this?? Or was it the person who got drunk and drove his car? I hope you understand and that this makes sense to you. We are our own worst enemies. God didn't do it, we did it!!! I have faith that God will assist you but driven by your own free will.

2007-01-17 15:57:22 · answer #6 · answered by Janet lw 6 · 0 0

God, made known to me in Christ Jesus, allows me to suffer so that I can comfort others with the same comfort that He comforted me with Himself. I have personal help from the God of all creation, who is still alive and well today, and speaks to me because I believe in Him.

It is written, that those who come to God must first believe he exists, and secondly believe that He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him. This is sage advice, because He is real, loves every person, and offers to each one the same gift He has given to me: a relationship with Himself through Jesus Christ, where you speak to Him and He speaks back to you. He also offers to each person a place in His eternal kingdom.

He does not at all need my help to "change my reality" -- He does it every day, from the inside out. I would encourage you to trust Him because you are already dear to His heart, so let Him be dear to yours.

By the way, Jesus would not even allow the religious people of His day to call Him a "good person." So, in my opinion, no matter how much I pray, that does not make me a "good person." Only the blood of Jesus Christ can clean me up, my "cleanup" is not a result of anything I can do to or for myself.

2007-01-17 15:59:15 · answer #7 · answered by prodaugh-internet 3 · 0 0

Experience is the most facinating thing in life. only experience gives us knowledge and power. I always feel more confident after experience i.e good or bad. God says "i will test all human being or people"Q" only the best, mature, balance personality, well groom are ranked high in next life. same as test are made after the end of academic year. why we make test?

2007-01-17 16:04:48 · answer #8 · answered by hearty 1 · 0 0

WRONG!!! You are not praying to yourself..you are praying to God...the Almighty Lord and Savior. The Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End...the person who sent His Son to die for our sins.
Everything happens for a reason....read the Bible, go to Church, ask a Pastor....you will have your question answered.

2007-01-17 15:53:24 · answer #9 · answered by em<3 6 · 0 0

Bad things happen because we live in a fallen world. When sin entered the world, well....it snowballed. Thousands upon thousands of years later, this is the result. You really don't believe there is a God? I have to tell you, that baffles me. I can't imagine going through life and never, ever feeling His presence.

Actually, no I can't change anything. I've tried and failed many times. But God tells me if I commit all my ways to Him, He will guide my path. I have found His word always to be reliable and true.

2007-01-17 15:51:17 · answer #10 · answered by Esther 7 · 2 1

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