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2007-01-17 15:39:37 · 15 answers · asked by tellittomyheart18 1 in Health Mental Health

15 answers

Call 1-800-DONT-CUT It's a hotline for cutters

2007-01-18 19:23:27 · answer #1 · answered by The Notorious Doctor Zoom Zoom 6 · 0 0

First all figer out you pattern ( what leads you up cutting) to make the feeling deaden get evything you need to cut.. blades , bandaids wat ever you have on hand when your cutting.. get it all ready then look at it for 15 minutes.. then pack it all up... if you still wanna cut.. unpack it look 15 minutes pack it up...

remeber day by day, week by week, month by month, year by year. If you dont cut today mabe you canc ut 2moro... or not. take in those ways.

The are some good stagergies too. below...
1. Rubba band or hiar tie around you wirst.. pull it back and let go. it sends a pian up your arm
2. Sqeeze i ice cube as hard as u cqan in your hand, until it hurts that you have stop.
3. Write on yourself with red texture.saying "NO" , "dont cut"
4. Buy yourself a note book and red pen, wirte evything that come to mind when you feel or thing about cutting.
5. Ring a close friend who knows abot your cutting.

Hope some these things can work?
feel free to email me. angorabunnies@msn.com

2007-01-18 01:49:20 · answer #2 · answered by bladetroubles 2 · 0 0

find another outlet for your stress, exercise is good it makes you feel a lot better and wears your self out getting all the stress out of your system, start a blog get all your emotions out, talk to a friend snap your wrist hard with a rubber band when you feel you need to cut it gives you the pain factor without any damage see a therapist they can help plenty of ways art music listen to a really upbeat song and sing and dance to it and let your self go while no ones around do things that make you feel good watching a hilarious movie is one thing spending time with friends finding someone who will listen to you. Try just running and running till your exhausted it really works well

2007-01-18 06:49:47 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

its not easy but it can be done. the first step is to get rid of what ever it is you use to cut. next try to figure out the main triggers in your life and do your best to avoid them.
there are several alternatives that you can try.

ice works really well for me. i either stick my hand or foot in a bucket of ice and leave it there (no more than 15-20 mins but usually it doesn't take that long to help me calm down)

physical exercise is really good too, just go out push yourself physically. it will release the same endorphines that cutting does but you're actually doing something good for your body (that's why they have recreation therapy)

write, sometimes i just sit down and write out what's bothering me. either in the form a letter or just a regular journal type thing. other times i sit down and try to let my creative juices flow and write something ''creative'' (like poetry or short story)

do something artistic. sometimes i just sit down and draw out what i'm feeling at the time. when i was 16 i was hospitalized (the first time) and they had art therapy. we would draw,paint, play with play-doe to either express what we were feeling or just to get our minds thinking about something else. (summer of 2005 when i was in the hospital they had art therapy too, it's been proven to help)

talk to someone. sometimes just getting away from what's bothering you can help. i know personally i wouldn't cut in front of anyone (with a few exceptions toward the end) and so if i was around other people i knew i was safe. if you don't want to talk to anyone and you have the money go catch a movie (preferably a comedy)

some people say that snapping a rubber band againist your wrist helps, but i never found that it did.

the most important thing is when you find yourself having the urge to do it, find something else to do and get away from anything that triggers you or provides you with the means to do it.

it's not easy but it can be done.

2007-01-17 23:54:58 · answer #4 · answered by Mutly 5 · 0 0

My advice is not a substitute for professional help, but I'll give it anyway. I have no training. I have no claim to anything other than being a caring human being.

You are having anxious thoughts and feelings that cutting yourself is relieving. You need to learn to recognize those thoughts and feelings, and plan to do something other than cut yourself when you have them.

Write a diary, sqeeze a doll, do something *anything* other than cut yourself so long as it is not unhealthy. You can't just quit, you need to replace the behavior with something else.

2007-01-17 23:46:28 · answer #5 · answered by inkantra 4 · 2 0

ok for one thing, i do NOT agree with cutting 1) it is for attention unless your looking for pleasure in pain and 2) if it was a serious i hate myself you wouldnt be aware of it and would make sure you did it properly the first time but as a friend i will offer advice. Look at what you have around you, yuo have friends, im sure you have family and you cant be that unstable because you managed to afford the internet or had someone let you use it. Look at whats posotive and tell yourself to stop being such a coward about life. Pull yourself out of whatever slump your in because i know people who have had Horrible things happen to them and never have they made an attempt at a scar meant to show. Try to stop wanting the negativity, atleast no one will say you failed without putting up a fight.

2007-01-17 23:49:26 · answer #6 · answered by the_sky_is_my_sanctuary 2 · 2 2

In my opinion, the only way to stop is to replase the behavior with something else that is healthy or something that you want to do more than cut.

2007-01-18 01:53:40 · answer #7 · answered by msu_milk_chocolate 3 · 0 0

Next time you are on the verge of harming yourself, think of someone you love . . . . and then imagine how you would feel if they were hurting themselves in that way. You'd want them to stop, right?

2007-01-18 00:46:46 · answer #8 · answered by TPhi 5 · 0 0

replace cutting your self with drawing and coloring (i know it sounds very elementary) you could make some nice artwork. Talk to any of your friends or SOMEBODY

2007-01-18 15:28:56 · answer #9 · answered by hey whats up 1 · 0 0

"Pray" Lord heavenly Father, I come to you Lord, I am asking you Lord to bless this child of yours Lord, whom is under satanic attack Lord. Satan has strip Her of her dignity.Her self worth Lord I know just like you Lord that she is important to this world and her family Lord, if not Satan would not have her bind ed like this Lord.Lord in your precious Holy glorified name I am asking Lord that you unbind Her Lord and fill her Lord with a new spirit and new self worth and let her known in her heart Lord that she is Important to this world lord.And allow her to see that this is not of you Lord and that you Lord are waiting own her to cry out to you Lord for a peace. A peace that is deserving to her Lord. A peace she has never know.Give her Lord an eternal peace Fill her heart like you have filled mine Lord.Favor her Lord with a love like she has never know Lord.And cast out this demon that possesses her.And clear her mind Lord so she can her you Lord when you speak to her Lord,I thank you Lord and I give you praise and glory for all you have done for me and others.Amen Sweetie you have got to call own Jesus...Pray! talk to Him as if you were talking to any body ask the Lord to give you peace.Sweetie bless you and I am praying for you..God bless the U S A and Israel and all

2007-01-18 01:11:48 · answer #10 · answered by patricia 5 · 0 0

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