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Illegal immigrants in America come from EVERYWHERE!!! Not just Mexico. My neighbor is an illegal Irish immigrant. She gets paid under the table and buys designer purses with it. She doesn't pay any taxes! I've met some Mexican people who have made half as much and feed their families with it.

How about the slew of Asian women who smuggles themselvs in here? Many, forcibly or not, go into sex work. You've seen the "Made in America" labels? American sweatshops are filled.

Why is it no one counts Canadian illegals? Where's their border plan? You know thousands of them exist.

Is it because Mexicans are darker skinned, that people notice them and turn a blind eye to everyone else?

If you want to play the blame game, blame the American economy. If employers can't or won't shell out to pay a minimum wage, would you work for them? How about if it was to pick strawberries or mop up vomit? If work has to get done, who would they hire?

2007-01-17 15:00:14 · 17 answers · asked by oh what a wonderful world... 2 in Politics & Government Immigration

17 answers

You are ABSOLUTELY right. Too many don't get it because they are naive, ignorant or just lack the ability to compute facts and see the big picture. It's fine if someone wants to have a certain view, but, my God, support it with facts and logic! Too many people are irrational, and I believe the dark skin and all is a factor.

As for economics, people do not understand the situation Mexicans are in. They do not understand that the human race has been immigrating all over the place for hundreds if not thousands of years. They do not see how horrible conditions are for some Mexicans. They also do not realize how much money this country saves from cheap labor. Not that it is right but cheap labor saves us a TON of money. Let us go pay everyone $7.50/hour and see what happens. For the record, illegal immigrants pay taxes. Some actually pay income tax and Social Security, money they will never see. And they pay sales tax any time they purchase something. There are other examples. We do need to curtail the flow in, but we should not abuse those who are already here.

2007-01-17 17:25:55 · answer #1 · answered by TCSO 5 · 0 0

You are right, it is the employers who are to blame. No matter how much money they make they can make a killing hiring illegals for a few dollars an hour. They are not American patriots. They are cyphers. The fact is that the destruction of our culture and economy (schools, hospitals, welfare, streets, gangs, murders) comes from South of the border: 92 per cent of the illegals are Latino/Hispanic. So, it is a matter of the numbers, not the color of skin. It is also a matter that we are taking in millions of uneducated, unskilled people who are mostly illiterate. The culture of the U.S. can't take it - we are being diluted because everything sinks to the lowest cultural level. And my neighbors are illegal but are wonderful people. I would hide them if immigration came there. But that is anecdotal and means nothing. You and I must address the destruction to the economy and culture that has already happened and will only get worse. Ask any close Mexican-American friend and you will see the conflict. They know what is happening. So don't be so naieve. And the sweatshops are owned by Asians. The sex workers are "owned" by asians. We do not have American "sweatshops." See, America is the best country with the best culture and the most generous people. That is why all peoples want to come here. You are acting on emotion only.

2007-01-17 23:14:54 · answer #2 · answered by ALWAYS GOTTA KNOW 5 · 1 0

If employers would follow the law and not hire illegal immigrants, the immigrants would have less reason to break the law to come to the US. I feel sorry for people who are willing to work hard to make a better life for their families, but are prevented from doing so just because of where they were born.
I imagine Mexicans are cited most often because there are SO many of them putting a strain on the system in many States. It's not that they're worse than anyone else who breaks the law to come to the US.

2007-01-17 23:10:49 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I find it pathetic.You can not " own " a piece of land. And who the hell are we to say oh that person dosn't belong in our area and they need to go by our customs and register.After all,we dont really belong in america at all,remember the native americans ? we just came here one day and decided, " ya know what, i want this land.fu** the natives " pretty selfish. Personaly i think having a government of any sort is kinda sh*tty,it would be better if we were like the other animals. And this isnt a color thing,most canadians dont bother comming to the US because they are fine where they are and have decent living conditions.You wont find many asian/europe illeagles because of this big thing called THE FREAKIN OCEAN between US and them.Then you have mexico,where the living conditions are pretty sh*tty and theres virtualy nothing in the way of residents of mexico from crossing the border " illeagaly ". Nobody said that canadian/eastern immigrants didn't exist,they just aren't as common.American sweatshops hardly exist,and althoug there have been reports of employees getting paid well below minimum wage,its hardly considered a sweatshop.In alot of countries,some people workin in the sweatshops make around .17 cents an hour so dont even begin to b*tch.

2007-01-17 23:21:49 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

"Is it because Mexicans are darker skinned, that people notice them and turn a blind eye to everyone else? "

NO it's because you don't see irish, asian, or canadian immigrants waving their home country's flag in our faces nor do you hear them boasting how america will be their's and they will drive out all the LIGHT skinned people from it. ever hear of "reconquista"??

they also don't form hate gangs against average americans, litter our streets with graffiti, trash, drugs, and crime, and expect hand outs that the average hard working american {whom they despise} has to pay for through taxes nor are they bankrupting our hospitals and raising the cost of health care that average americans can no longer afford due to them not paying their bills.

yes i do blame companies that hire illegals and they should be arrested, but that is no excuse for the illegals.

america is country, not a public park. there is no other country on earth that just allows anyone to walk right in and make themselves at home.

you can call me all the names you want, but you can't say i'm wrong.

2007-01-17 23:34:49 · answer #5 · answered by locksmithite 5 · 2 2

Lysa , many people DO get it,..its because the vast majority of Illegals come from mexico. Do you know what vast majority means?

Where do you live Lysa... look at the most wanted list in your state... do you see mostly asians on that list? mostly caucasions? or is it mostly hispanics maybe?

Look at organized groups who are pro illegal immigration and pro amnesty... what is the ethnic origin of the people forming and running such groups? is it asian?? or again is it hispanic??

Because someone hires and illegal ( and is to blame for that definitely ) does 'not' excuse the illegal activity of the illegal alien.

2007-01-17 23:19:14 · answer #6 · answered by sociald 7 · 2 0

i dont agree with anybody coming to the US illegally,no matter where they are from.mexican,haitian,japanese,russian,african it does not matter.
everyone says they come here to make a better life for themselves and their families.well what about me and my family?with more and more illegal immigrants coming here it is getting harder and harder for me to support my family.for every illegal that comes here and goes to work it puts an american citizen out of work.granted i will not work as cheap as an illegal does,but that is not the point.but i would be willing to say that is a major problem that people focus on.

2007-01-17 23:32:35 · answer #7 · answered by 'HUMVEE' 5 · 0 0

You are totally right they are only focused on Mexicans and illegals with the excuse of terrorism. When in fact terrorist can be here already without them even knowing. Why because they are waisting their time being racist that is why.

2007-01-18 18:24:12 · answer #8 · answered by stupid lol 3 · 0 0

I think they get it just fine. Nobody is suggesting any part of illegal immigration be ignored. It seems logical that the largest part of the problem get the most attention. And Mexican illegal immigration is by far the largest part of the problem.

So chill and pass the nachos and salsa would ya.

2007-01-18 01:26:35 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

oh my god illegal Canadians in the us geez ya know we will trade for all the American illegals in Canada but you pay transport there a huge pile of them.we'll put those Canadians in jail for embarrassing our country so to think we cross the border with our neighbour and find work oh the shame the shame my god its a catastrophe we probably make the beer naa even a illegal wouldn't make that beer.

2007-01-18 00:38:38 · answer #10 · answered by warr31 4 · 1 0

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